Bought a fortress

how much did I get memed Sup Forums?

>case opens on the wrong side



b-b-but muh airflow, m-m-muh positive pressure

No it doesn't.

Speaking of getting shilled on a case.
Should've gone with a Fractal R5 or S

FT02 is still a good case. There are two problems with it though. It is cramped to work in and to take full advantage of the design you need to buy GPUs with blowers and very few OEMs make GPUs with blowers.

>to take full advantage of the design you need to buy GPUs with blowers
No man. That shit fits gigantic radiators

The FT02 is shit for water-cooling.

>very few OEMs make GPUs with blowers.
What you mean like every reference card ever?

>reference card
Pick one.


Had to go back a couple of generations to find one, huh?

Without modding it's a little clunky I'll give you that
Luckily it mods like a dream and handily fits a 480 in push pull
The only problem with that is what to do with the three giant fans you payed for


I see some blowers but I don't see any reference cards. You do realize there is a difference between, say a 970SC EVGA with a blower and a reference card?


>ya dummy

Current gen OEM with a blower. #rekt

Look again shitdick
There are clearly two "Founder's Edition" reference coolers on two of those cards
That image has everything was on about

I stand corrected.


but it does.

dumb nigger