Talk to this guy over business related shit

>talk to this guy over business related shit
>meet with him pretty often but only business stuff
>one day i tinker with my phone
>I open up suggested friends on facebook
>he's on top of that list
>we don't have any mutual friends
>I have never EVER before looked him up outside of calling his number on my phone
>what the fuck

Redpill me on how bad Android botnet really is.

Other urls found in this thread:


>using google play

It's a requirement at literally every job and university to have it. I don't fucking use it outside of it, but in the case of this guy I never looked him up nor added him or anything like that. I didn't even think he had a fb because he's an old dude, probably a requirement at his firm too.


Perhaps he looked up you.

So why would it appear on my fb? And on the top of my list?

Is there a way to get new pipe to dl 60fps videos?

Not yet but I think the developer is working on it:

>Redpill me on how bad Android botnet really is

I don't even think Android is to blame for this. To install the facebook app you basically give them permission to probe your anus. So I'm pretty sure they get permission to access all the contact info on your phone as well. I guess they just browse through your contacts' info and see if anything matches to their data.

I noticed linkedin did the same shit after I installed their app.

Kind of discomforting actually.

Because you installed the Facebook app and gave it permission to read your contacts (including recent calls) and most other data on your phone. You fucking dumbass.

Ah, that's a shame. I guess it's not happening, since it'd require a large rewrite.

you do realize that facebook can access pretty much alll of your data right?
It has his phone number and matched it to the one in your phone and it has access to your location and probably his so it just figured out you guys know each other.
>using facebook
>complaining about botnet
you're a retard

>It's a requirement at literally every job and university to have it.
Wait what? I'm NEET, so I don't know, but why the hell would that ever even need to be a requirement? Do they some how conduct business over facebook? Use a company email server, or fucking gmail or something, jeez.

>I have never EVER before looked him up outside of calling his number on my phone
You gave permission to your contacts.
His number and your number are tied to your facebook accounts.


no dude is just retarded
The only requirement I can think of is that you have an email address and a phone number

>I have never EVER before looked him up outside of calling his number on my phone

protip: the fagbook app can access your contacts

This. Either remove it's permissions or install Facebook slim.

>facebook wants permission to read your contacts and calls
>sure lol why not
>facebook reads your contacts and calls
>wow wtf how did they know????? lol

this sums up the average facebook user pretty well

>I gave it permission

My phone came with the Facebook app already installed. it didn't ask me to do jack shit. All I did was login. The app was already there, not something I installed.

>t. NEET

So you bought a phone with facebook preinstalled as a system app and didn't immediately wipe it and install a custom rom? Are you retarded?

yep, also GPS is tracked, whether they use it or not when you don't check in i don't know, but they have all the permissions to do it.

I never even used my phone outside of calling people. I gradually started using facebook when I needed to quickly message people because it's been a steady year.

Literally everyone knows facebook does this.
By simply creating a facebook account and using it on your phone you consented to them gathering any and all data they can get their hands on, it's all in their ToS (I'd link it but apparently it's spam filtered for some reason)
Stop complaining, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

if you've got his number, and his number is linked to his facebook, then it will suggest it for you.

>at work
>coworker telling me i need to add some guy on facebook
>can't find him on facebook search, must have high privacy settings
>second coworker drops in and says "i got his number, let me try"
>his first facebook result is the guy we're looking for

If I uninstalled it and then reinstalled, would it fix it?

It's not literally a requirement, but it's becoming very convenient as everyone, and their parents and grandparents have Facebook. Your university group of 50 people needs a way to communicate, Facebook is simply convenient medium that everybody is already using.
Not having Facebook is like not having a phone. It's weird and it limits your communication opportunities.