/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

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>Picture of Stallsham

i saw someone on Sup Forums insist that a handful of honorary doctorates equate to a real one, as if JK Rowling's 7 doctorates should earn her almost as much esteem as a real doctorate. except in this context of course they were arguing that RMS's 12 should have additive credibility somehow.

it was the most obvious case of appeal to bandwagon that one could imagine; it was such clearly horse shit-eating apologist logic; i loved it.

maybe you're special and above all that stupid shit, but the people in these threads defending stallman are 90% retards trying to scrape together credibility and prop up the bogus practice of honorary degrees against all reason.

and, as an aside, this is why it's healthy to take shots at your own camp when idiots show up making specious arguments that agree with you - because if they're allowed to persist then the whole camp gets weaker as they parrot that specious argument. my loyalty is to the free software movement, and i'm happy to cast out RMS if he's stopped being beneficial and has only become a liability to the cause. at this point i would argue that he has done more harm than good for FSF in the past 15 years:
- GPLv3 drove a wedge in the open source community that was neither necessary nor helpful (copyleft in general has alienated industry developers who might have otherwise been allowed to dabble with open source licenses except that now legal is worried about what they call "viral licensing" terms - a bogeyman made real by GPLv3)
- RMS has been a lightning rod of controversy involving outbursts, meltdowns, and inappropriate comments; his public perception has been more negative than positive by a wide margin.
- the general perception about honorary degrees is that they're not real, and even somewhat arrogant people know not to call themselves "doctor" because of it; it's self-aggrandizing on a shaky platform. and yet, RMS happily uses the title like he earned it the way PhDs have earned it.


BAIT, don't reply

What's the best DE?

I've used XFCE pretty much from the beginning, and while I quite like it, doesn't seem to be being actively developed (for instance, that bug where the applications menu icon disappears if you click and drag something on the taskbar has been around for years now), and I just have an itch to try something else.

gnome, kde, mate, trinity

Any way to set default permissions for files created in a directory, somehow autodl saves files as -rw-r--r-- and that makes rtorrent unable to open them for download..

What is your umask?

it's 0022

What default mode do you want for files?

770 read write execute for owner and group.

Set your umask tooo 002

changed it to 007 and added

umask = 007 in .bashrc file and logged off, now files and folders are created with 000 ie totally locked down when they should be 770.

No offence, but you could explain him how umask works instead of giving him the correct value.



Whelp, seems it should be umask 007 instead of umask = 007

I didn't eve give the correct value. is right, not me.

Linus writes beautiful code. He has published some side projects that he wrote all on his own and the code is just wonderful. He also lives in the real world while still maintaining his open source ideals and supporting himself through his work.

RMS is basically a homeless loser who hasn't made any real contributions in the last 20 years. He is still super butthurt that Linux beet HURD (but hey, HURD just got basic sound support in 2016!) and basically tries to claim Linux because Linus used GCC and the GNU coreutils. He survives on the charity of others and speaking engagements where he spouts his insane, paranoid, philosophy. Basically he won't be happy until all the programmers are homeless hackers like him and all the companies are shut down. How people are supposed to support themselves and their families in that scenario aren't things he has to deal with because he is basically a permanent grad student. He does make some good points about privacy, but for him, there is no middle ground. Anything that may reduce your privacy even the slightest bit (like movie recommendations on Netflix) is evil according to him, and must be destroyed. In a lot of ways he show classic signs of mental splitting, which is a classic symptom of mental illness. To top it off, when he does write code, he does so in the style of the awful GNU style guide which is a crime against humanity IMHO.

So, in a nutshell:
He's a bird-fucking, self-absorbed, power hungry, toe jam eating pedophile that thinks everything should be free and everyone should be forced to share, who looks like he hasn't showered in years so as to create a static shield around his body to protect from aliens. He also created an OS without a kernel because he's basically Steve Jobs gone communist. Oh, and he calls himself doctor though he holds no PhD.

BAIT, don't respond

Stallmanite on suicide watch

I've been using zsh for ages but I recently decided to try bash out. I know people defend it to the death and say it can do all that zsh can. So, how do you improve the completion? I can press tab and see the options but I cannot see a way to keep pressing tab and cycle through the options instead of tediously enough so it knows which one I want.
Also, how do I get options for commands? If I type cp - and then tab, nothing happens.

>Just got basic sound support.
This us why no one in the real world will ever know Hurd even exists.

>I cannot see a way to keep pressing tab and cycle
Of course, because zsh completion is retarded. Bash uses only working completion.

Hell, even if you make a product like an operating system that just doesn't have internet no one will take you seriously.

How is that "working"? It's a whole feature it lacks. Cycling through available options isn't "not working".

the one you like best. for me it's gnome.

>So, how do you improve the completion?
custom scripts, google them.

>I can press tab and see the options but I cannot see a way to keep pressing tab and cycle through the options instead of tediously enough so it knows which one I want.
Yeah, bash will complete only if it there's only one possible completion.

>Also, how do I get options for commands? If I type cp - and then tab, nothing happens.
try a better distro

zsh completion is stupid

>takes one option to be uncommented
>try a better distro
ok user

Good argument.

How does this look for a VPN killswitch? I didn't make this myself, but I have tested it and it works so far.

Anything missing? Also why and not -i lo?
# Allow all VPN tunneled traffic
iptables -A INPUT -i tap+ -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o tap+ -j ACCEPT

# Allow all localhost traffic
iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT

# Allow all traffic coming from the LAN
iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i ens33 -s -j ACCEPT

# Allow all traffic going out to the LAN
iptables -A OUTPUT -o ens33 -d -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o ens33 -d -j ACCEPT

# Allow all traffic going to VPN. IP has to match with appropriate server.
iptables -A INPUT -s IPoftheVPNserver-j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -d IPoftheVPNserver -j ACCEPT

# Drop everything else.
iptables -A OUTPUT -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -j DROP
iptables -A FORWARD -j DROP

>iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
Son't do that.
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

Care to explain why? Anything else wrong/missing?

if you want to enable local interface, enable local interface

I wanted to achieve the same, without messing with umasks. setfacl was a solution, but it didn't quite achieve what I wanted.
I wanted every file which gets copied into the directory to automatically have its permissions changed.

>linux has no games
while :; do w=$((COLUMNS-5)); g() { s=""; for i in $(seq 0 $1); do
s="$s "; done; printf "$s"; }; p() { m="$(g $x)"; f="$(g $((w-x)))";
printf "|${m}•${f}|\r"; }; for x in $(seq 0 $w); do p; sleep .01;
done; for x in $(seq $w -1 0); do p; sleep .01; done; done

bind '"ESC[Z": menu-complete

Then you can SHIFT+TAB to cycle through possible completitions. Good to know: man bash

bind '"ESC[Z": menu-complete'
Forgot a '



Reposting my question from last thread, hoping for some more insight.

I've installed Debain on my machine, no DE. Wifi drivers work fine, but can't connect to anything around it. I deiced to install Debian again, this time with gnome and this time, it works! What am I missing here when I was just running openbox with network manager I couldn't even connect to my own network.

What am I missing here? I really don't want to use gnome

Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”

the keyring possibly?

Sorry, I don't know why it's not working.

Doesn't Debian come with all sorts of desktop environments to choose from?

You didn't specify how you "can't connect". What did you do? How did you try to connect? What did you type or click? What did you install for network management?

Debian does come with a bunch of DEs, but I'll like to use Openbox.

When I try to connect to my own wifi I get this error:

nmcli d wifi connect (Name of SSID) password (Password)

Error: No Network with SSID (Name of SSID) found

I just used apt-get installl network-manager to install it

Try using the TUI version of Network Manager.


>Operation not permitted
Why? How? Just what the hell do I do now? Talk to me Ubuntu, tell me your secrets! Why do you hate me?

nmtui: command not found

s u d o

Which distribution are you on? Maybe it's not packaged with Network Manager, but a separate package.

Also, use the nm-applet which comes with it. It sits in your taskbar and you can easily use it to connect and edit connections.

This is not me (The one that asked the question) But I do have on of my own, should the wlan drivers be installed during Debian installation or after

after I cloned my drive, I encountered some issue I am not able to solve and consider to do a fresh install of Arch instead.

I modified a bunch of things, like the trackpoint speed and sensitivity, some network stuff I don't understand to get internet working, disabling the speaker *beep*, and a bunch of other stuff I forgot.

how to keep track of your changes / dotfiles?

Do you use a git repository in /etc/ , another in ~/.config and so on?

is there an easy way to modify all the tabs of a file for spaces ?


emacs untabify

expand -t 4 input >output

fluxbox is compfy

For what purpose?



Ok, i changed the umask but it still saved em with wrong permission after logout/in, now the screen sessions for rtorrent and autodlirssi are restared so im hoping that it will work. Else i will have to look up setfacl.

>I'm to retarded to ride a bike
>Fuck bikes!!!

some web dev made with notepad++ on windows. each tabulation was 8 spaces. It was impossible to read.
worked very well.

I also think adding umask 007 at the top of the init script which autostart autodl and rtorrent will make them use umask 007, while the user and other services will use something else.

You can force the tab width with every editor.

But your're right, tabs are evil.

why are you posting cringe material?

has anyone done music recording on GNU/Linux? It looks like Audacity, KXStudio and Ardour are the three big options from my research. Any opinions to share on these?

I'm still reading up trying to figure out what this JACK and ALSA stuff is all about but I'm kind of retarded.

Why do you think everything is cringe?
Is your vocabulary that diminished?

well this shit didint work either, still cant get autodl to use the correct umask.

>I'm still reading up trying to figure out what this JACK and ALSA stuff is all about but I'm kind of retarded.
alsa is the hardware backend that communicates with the hardware.
Jack/pulseaudio are servers that work on top of alsa and handle more advanced features that alsa doesn't by itself

>I'm too stupid to change my own editor settings
>Let me go ahead and use a script to modify an entire code base, I sure feel competent enough to do this and not break something

If you're gonna force an indentation method, the only sane option is smart tabs.


How do I get chromium to work properly with gtk? The UI is really unresponsive an sluggish when I don't run it in KDE.

rewrite it to use GTK instead of Qt?

chromium doesn't use qt either you dumbass.

Hey Linux friends I came to ask a question. I recently managed to acquire a dell inspiron mini 1012 for free. I want to try using a Linux distro on it, since I haven't really tried one before. The issue is that there is a ton of them and I don't really know what to pick. I stumbled upon a forum called My Dell Mini that talks about this and several different recommendations, but, a lot of the posts talking about it are kind of out of date. The latest are from the beginning of this year though and there's a ton on his list and doesn't really give a clear answer.

The Dell Inspiron Mini I'm planning to use has an Intel Atom at 1.6ghz with a gig of ram in it. I can upgrade to two gigs, and I probably will in the near future. I was just curious what do you guys think would be the best for it? I plan on mostly using it to play low end games (with linux releases), retroarch, and surfing the web on it. Maybe use it as a controller for a media center if possible. Doesn't have to be one distro exactly either. I'll most likely try a few regardless, but, I'd like an idea is all. Thanks in advance friends.

oh fug

How difficult would it be to connect my laptop to my CRT television so I can get genuine CRT quality while doing stuff from my laptop? Watching pre-00s anime and /vr/ games is better on a CRT than a modern television.


NAME="-name win7"

CPU="-cpu host"
SMP="-smp sockets=1,cores=2,threads=1"

MEM="-m 8192M"

DRIVE="-drive file=win7.raw,format=raw"
CDROM="-cdrom en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677332.iso"
BOOT="-boot order=d"

DISPLAY="-vga std"

qemu-system-x86_64 \
-nodefaults \
-nodefconfig \
-enable-kvm \
$CPU \
$SMP \

Why does it say 'Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting' when I run this shell script, but not when I run qemu-system-x86-64 from the command line with the same options?

Do you have a cable?
Does it fit on each side?

I have a shelf full of mini 910's

Lubuntu 14.04 LTS on all of them. You can try 16.04 if you like, but it's usually best to wait for the first point release (in a few months)

How to compile on tmpfs?

I'll take a look into it friend. Thank you for the response, to be honest I actually had that open and was thinking of using it since I saw it recommended a lot when I did some more digging.

Does the wireless card work natively with it though, that was the one thing I read was an issue a lot with some distributions, if not, it should be fairly easy to enable it right?

this could help

Many thanks, user!

I have an old TV that you can only connect to it with an F connector. How would I be able to get what's on my computer screen onto the TV?

how do I add the catalyst unofficial repo to arch linux

which GPU? you probably don't need it.

I dont want to live with this tearing anymore
R7 260X

or instead of ati should I have amdgpu

There is not repo to add.Check the main ones, then if it isnt there check aur

>Warning: If you install the Catalyst package from the AUR, you will have to rebuild Catalyst every time the kernel is updated. Otherwise X will fail to start.
I think I will forget this

I want to learn Linux by dual booting Ubuntu

However what are the chances my HDD will get fucked? Can I mess something up during the process that could potentially harm my original windows instalation?

How is that a problem? Every driver is like this.

>proprietaryfags actually believe this

His eyes have the same color as his beard.

>only an F connector
well you can throw "genuine CRT quality" out the window

Explain. It's an old TV from 1994. Only way to play my NES is to use the RF adapter, I have to use a special adapter for my N64.