Just got the Moto x play

Just got the Moto x play
Did I make the right choice Sup Forums


Just got the your mom
Did I make the right choice op

>has a microsd slot
good job OP

Great job user SD card, and not bloated with carrier shit

No. Why would you not get a Nexus? It's the only logical Android choice and there's three options right now.

its made by lenovo now
enjoy not getting updates ever

my turbo will never get marshmallow now

> 2015 moto E won't even get Android M update

Nope you fucked up OP



I have the same phone it gets hot as fuck but overall it's good. Be sure to flash root

>it gets hot as fuck but overall it's good
never had this

My mom has a Moto E and it has MM.

decent, has sd card, great battery and you can buy the dual sim sim tray and flash a dual sim rom on it and have a dual sim phone

All i know is i had a moto g 2nd gen for about a month and it was the biggest piece of shit i ever owned. Slow. Buggy. Battery kept overheating. Poor batery life.

Im not ever buying their products again they lost me as a customer for good.

I have Moto E 2nd gen and I got the MM update a couple months ago

It did for me, but the battery is godlike

Moto g 1st gen and the original moto x were the best phones lenorola has ever made, rest, like the moto x 2014 was a good phone with a fuckin shitty battery life, or the moto e, pure cancer.

My turbo has Marshmallow wym

>or the moto e, pure cancer.
How so? Mine has given me nothing but good times. God-tier battery life, and surprisingly snappy for 1GB RAM

The OG Moto X and G was made while still under Google.

Wich of them have you got, personally i think that the 1st was a little bit unfinished, i mean in terms of construction. They're strong phones but, i miss something about them.

2nd gen
Yeah it's sturdy as shit, though it's rather heavy, and big relative to the screen size.

I got two updates on my Play already. I am running 6.0.1. What do you mean?

>6 1 5
Enjoy your lag and lack of gyroscope senpai

Make me feel good about my purchase.

Went from fucked up Nokia 1320 to LG G5. Good choice? (thought about HTC10, Xperia Z/X)

Fingerprint scanner is really fucking nice, and that bend glass at the top of the phone looks so sleeeeeek. But I still find Android very clunku, WP seems kind of better.

I've never really gotten the point of fingerprint scanners. Why are they a thing on smartphones when nobody cared about them in laptops?

I don't really now, I've never used pin code or those shapes to unlock my phone, but I was curious about that fingerprint scanner since it is a feature, so I checked it out.

In the g5 the power button/fingerprint scanner is on the back, so every time you grab your phone, your index finger naturally rests on the scanner so it gets unlocked every time you use it.

I don't really now what's really the point of it, because I can't imagine a situation where that would be useful to me, but it feels nice I guess. Well I linked few of my email accounts, my steam etc so maybe it's better to have it secure ???

Should have got a LG G4 off Swappa

I got the g4. Better than my old samsung s4.

>anything other than android
