Do I really have to cuck myself with a CS degree just to become a sysadmin?

Do I really have to cuck myself with a CS degree just to become a sysadmin?

Other urls found in this thread: system administrator&q=&where=

Well now in days it's really about certs. Is being a sysadmin really all you want to do? I'm working up the later. I might not ever actually get there but the pay will be generally the same.

Yeah, I'd like a position as a sysadmin but looking through job listings they all appear to ask for a minimum bachelors degree + experience. And I would really rather not suffer and pay through 4 years at a university CS program just for that

No, those two things have nothing to do with each other. IT is all about certifications. Go suck dick for an A+, N+, and vendor-specific cert of your choosing and start spreading your ass to companies. Find an internship that'll pay $14/hour.

Why the fuck do I need a 4 year degree in bullshit just to maintain a server?

Because it proves you're a good bluepilled cunt who blindly obeys authority and won't quit for 5 years because you're on the hook for student loans.

This. Just be a good goy and get a degree like you're supposed to.

I have a degree, in biology
But I don't want to go to grad school just to be a stupid fucking wage slave peddling whatever the insurance/pharm companies pay me to peddle.
I think being a sysadmin is my ideal job

Sysadmin is the wage-slaviest job of them all. You get shit on by every department in the company 24/7. If anything ever breaks for any reason, people rape you with shovels. If you do your job perfectly and nothing breaks, people forget you exist. Management either will think you're a ghost that eats money or an incompetent ape, and will constantly deny you raises (which thanks to inflation means they cut your pay). You will have to work stupid as fuck hours, coming in at the crack of dawn on a Saturday or SSHing into the server at 2am on a Wednesday to fix some shit broken by one of the pajeets the CTO hired.


I see...
What would be a good job for a Sup Forums tier person whos depressed with no friends then?
All I want is a job that pays ok and won't have me want to kill myself. Also free time to indulge in escapist hobbies.


Full time autism seems to fit all the criterias
Don't change a thing

Can't get paid for that sadly

>Sup Forums tier
>no friends
>pays okay
>escapist hobbies
Sysadmin it up. The weird hours won't mean anything since you don't have friends to schedule things with. Vidya and anime play the same at 3am as they do at 6pm. The omnipresent loathing you get from the rest of the company won't bother you since you're already depressed. The jaw dropping stupidity you'll witness from the people whose messes you clean up won't phase you, since you already despise humanity. The mediocre pay is more than you need, since you're never going to have kids.

It's the perfect Sup Forums-job.

Can I ask what you do?

>wanting to become sysadmin

You're an idiot. One has nothing to do with the other.

Tell that to the hiring cunts who list "BS in Computer Science or related field" as a qualification in every fucking sysadmin job listing.

These days you need a degree for literally every job. It's an interview ticket, nothing more.

Show me an example of one of these listings. It should be easy given that it's a required in every job listing.

This is hilarious

how much would it cost to get all "job tier" certified? system administrator&q=&where=

They all require a degree.

No they don't. 3 out of the first 4 options don't require it.