Sup Forums, when you buy a new video game system at launch do you get the core system or the super duper riced out package?
Sup Forums...
>when you buy a new video game system
>at launch
no one can be this fucking retarded, right?
Sup Forums's for video games not necessarily systems.
you dont have to buy a new system at launch though
when you buy a videoconsole, you're subscribing to a proprietary ecosystem
get the fuck off back to Sup Forums, you sack of shit
I don't even know what you mean by "super riced out package"
You mean special editions that come bundled with games? Usually the peripherals aren't even out at initial launch.
Well to answer your question, I usually just get the cheapest launch system and shove it in the back of my closet until the hacks start rolling in. It's the safest way to ensure you have a hackable system.
PS4 was the most powerful $400 gaymen machine when it came out.
PCfats desperately tried to build something as cheap and powerful but failed miserably.
I expect the PS 4k to be no different.
Sup Forums get's the riced out linux computer, nothing else.
>mfw the New Xbone, Ps4 and NX will come with a built in RX 480
Games are for faggots
lol your joking right.
No, why?
Everything is proprietary. It just depends to what degree
your mom is opensource by your definition
>buying video game systems
>talk about game hardware on v
>referred to g
>talk about game hardware on g
>sent to v
Take the hint, nobody wants to talk about console hardware.
No I wait for 2 years for the actual console to be released.
>mfw Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all decided their consoles are garbage and will replace them ahead of schedule
It's what you get for being console peasants.
I don't. That's why I spend 2 grand on my PC.
I don't buy either because I'm not an early adopting faggot