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/bsd/ - *BSD General Thread
Discuss FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD, FreeNAS...
IRC -- #baot @ irc.rizon.net
News: dragonflydigest.com - undeadly.org - freebsdnews.com
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My first ever post from FreeBSD, right here. Thought I'd give it a try and see what's up.
how are you liking it?
I'm running it in a VM, admittedly. It's pretty neat stuff. I use Void Linux as my daily driver, so I'm looking to see how stuff differs and what's the same. I don't know much about the *BSDs, to be honest.
oh, i'm surprised it runs well at all, BSDs don't really like VMs in general, especially if you use virtualbox
i'm pretty sure one of the first things Absolute OpenBSD tells you is to not run it in a VM and find a spare machine instead
>oh, i'm surprised it runs well at all
Quite well, actually, considering I only gave it a gig of memory. I haven't found anything yet that doesn't work. If I had a spare machine, I'd install it outright.
anyone else tried mg here?
it's a pretty neat tiny emacs clone that comes with openbsd, i just wish i knew C so i could fix the marking behavior
I just did! But why is this better than regular old emacs? The fact that it's tiny?
yeah, it emacs but not as bloated
makes it WAY better if you're using it over the internet, but the marking behavior is seriously retarded, you can't tell what you're marking because it doesn't invert colors like emacs
maybe that's just because you'd need more advanced terminal handling in the program and it would bloat it up
their dired is also a bit fucked because it doesn't ask for confirmation when you press X so it's easy to accidentally delete something
Yeah, they had to sacrifice somewhere. I did a doubletake when I saw the download size. It'll come in handy though... I'm the guy running FreeBSD in a VM. It didn't like it when I tried to run full-blown emacs at all.
I tried mg in order to learn how to use emacs-style keybindings. I decided that at some point I'd have to learn how to use the other editor, and decided to do it a few weeks ago. I think I definitely prefer modeful editors, much easier on the hands.
I know C: what happened with the marking? May as well try to figure out what happened and try to make the solution to your problem.
Though, just a warning, mg isn't intended to behave exactly like GNU Emacs, just close enough.
Also, C is really easy to learn if you ever decide to some day.
>what happened with the marking?
Compare the behavior with emacs. In emacs, when you mark a block of text, the editor actually inverts the color (so the background becomes black and the character white for example) so it's easy to know what's been selected. Mg doesn't do that at all.
Though I noticed that if you use a virtual console it doesn't do that, it only does that in xterm, hence what I meant by terminal handling. A patch for this would probably be too big for the OpenBSD dev's tastes, but that's just an estimate.
>Also, C is really easy to learn if you ever decide to some day.
Yeah, I've been trying that since 2006 and I can't do it. I'm not made for that.
I use it for quick edits, it's lacking too much for me to switch full time
By playing around with mg in xterm, I see that it would not take much bloat at all to allow marked text to be inverted.
When I use mg in xterm, I see that
"--**-Mg: filename (fundamental)--L1---------------------"
is inverted. Therefore, it should be able to invert other text with minimal additional bloat.
If you desire, send your idea to bugs at openbsd. You really should, the worst thing that could happen is someone saying "bad idea, no thanks"
Heh, well they always struck me as the kind of guys who would tell you to do it yourself. And besides, I think mailing lists are unwieldy as shit.
Oh well, it's not THAT big of a deal.
Comic according to actual reality:
>You could be riiiich
replace with
>Nobody fucking caaaaaaareeeees about you
>Nobody has cared for 25 yeaaaaaaars
>Do nooooot reproduuuuuuuce
the part about the bsd fish not listening to anything is still accurate
>BSD ship purposefully sails to turd island which is collapsing in on itself
still true
>puffy fights a dragon
Replace this with ricing desktops and butt diddling for 20+ years
>puffy returns to society and is surprised
replace with them all saying a text bubble of "yeah it isn't the 80s anymore we actually have this thing called VGA now" and have him saying "muh ncurses?"
>GNU fish
replace with the actual GPL instead of your retarded hippie way that you've interpreted it, there are tons of rich linux companies that have sold GPL code and BSD "companies" tend to be run out of one's basement
also nice strawman with the fucking flies and how he's fat
>rule zero
replace with puffy saying "I kinda think I'm better than you"
>puffy gets accolades from other fish
replace with them all jerking each other off and them being inside a glowing box labeled "BSD HUGBOX"
Linux doesn't have any of these shitty comics or art I always see of BSD with puffy acting all cool because it actually is a viable solution that works on its own and doesn't need circlejerk deviantart art
i wish i could be this autistic
You don't even need to subscribe to the list, though. Any replies relevant to you go both directly to you, and the list.
And they really do fix things if you're polite and descriptive. They're not meanies at all.
t. person who has submitted bug reports
Nothing bad can happen from sending off a little report.
Wow, I came in here to take the piss out of you all but it appears you're busy wanking each other off so I guess you're doing just fine without me.
>cuck license
why can't you be as funny as
It's like that for a reason and in fact that used to be the default in Emacs too. It's because many people don't just use C-space just for marking, they use it for push and popping the mark and the point.
This is supremely annoying to do with text being constantly highlighted. I fail to see how it's difficult to keep track of what you've marked, when you're just using it for that - I mean you're moving the cursor afterall!