Jacob Applebaum quits Tor amid sexual assault allegations


First Julian Assange, and now this. Coincidence?

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't he into all sorts of child porn though?

How long before any cryptographer who doesn't do NSA's bidding somehow gets entangled in sex crime allegations?

He is super qt


He is really cute would love his cock up my boipucci.

My thoughts exactly. Who do you think will be next?

That's why these fags need to stop being attention whores and work anonymously. It would also serve as a proof of concept that the project worked of they were able to work on it completely user and even get paid/raise money user.

So is Tor kill or not?
Should I move to I2P?

sjws have taken over now its going to shit

He's bi, dude.
Bi people are fucking sex monsters who'll fuck anything that won't bite their cock off.


Feminists SJW liars framing males, what else is new?

>implying pic related would make shit up

He's an SJW himself.

not sure how I linked that post

Just look at her face. You can easily tell she is an honest and rational human being.

Stop making shit up op.

>implying it wouldn't

Waahhhh...The FBI searched my package because the tracking showed it stopped somewhere.

>judging people by their looks

oh, so you're 12?

The only people who don't judge based on looks are retarded.
Guys with dreadlocks tend to be stoners.
Niggers tend to steal.
People with purple hair tend to be rabid leftists/SJWs who scream rape.
Millions of years of evolution gave us the ability to generalise, and it's served us well

Stallman is a huge pedo enabler as well

Daily reminder Jacob Appelbaum is CIA. Well, probably ex-CIA. That's why his character is being trashed to discredit anything he says from hear on out.

Nice, so now they are destroying them from the inside?

That pressure on this girl that moved to Berlin, now a month later "accidentaly" leaks about sexual misbehviour..

Shit, two more years and the Tor project will be down.

Hooray for the NSA asshats.

>Millions of years of evolution gave us the ability to generalise, and it's served us well




>conspiracy theory

What if it was also opened and resealed?

>move to
nothing interesting there anyway

let's face it - not a single good site except Sup Forums came to mind today when I was thinking about which sites I will miss when the EU finally gives in to the leftists.
They did it for 24 hours now on big social media sites because of "hate speech" (aka silencing the dissidence)

One more time and I'm moving over to the US. Fuck it. The EU is cucked

Are you sure you don't have some mental issues?


People on Tor IRC channel said that she is not a SJW but an anarho capitalist.

People on Tor IRC channel said that she is not a SJW but an anarho capitalist.

No, lack of empathy for others.

Coincidences don't rape, people do.

>that face
>anything but crazy

Pretty much this. Pedonet coders should go to prison imho

>muh ancap!@!
That's the Sup Forums version of an SJW, and also a codeword for [sp]a lolbertarian[/sp]

This whole shitshow is obviously orchestrated, and have some help from the inside of the tor project... so yeah

I love it when SJWs eat their own.
I'll feel a bit bad if next they try to ruin the not-so-giant-faggots like Nick Mathewson

what is going on in this picture

>In September 2013, he testified before the European Parliament, mentioning that his partner had been spied on by men in night-vision goggles as she slept.[28]
>In December 2013, Appelbaum said he suspected the U.S. government of breaking into his Berlin apartment.[8]
>"On March 4th, 2015, we found a tracking device inside of the wheel well of a car belonging to an attendee of the Circumvention Tech Festival ... If you have information about this device — please send information to jacob at appelbaum dot net using gpg.
Is this guy the John McAffee of anonymity?
By which I mean a massive attention whore that makes shit up to get publicity, and despite working in anonymity does his best to stand out in the crowd.

He was the best public figure at Tor, did many talks and tried to get everybody to use it and Jacob has been working on the Assange case.
Roger Dingledine is another good speaker at Tor.

>Roger Dingledine
Guess who will be next...

But what is this about? Do they want control over the project?

this, I'm thinking truecrypt.

TOR is way too insecure anyway, the NoScript implementation is utter shit, referrals aren't disabled and you even have to move the window size.

They even allowed flash in it. Apple is fighting flash since nearly a decade but these idiots still didn't hear.

I'm talking about the TOR Browser bundle, because it's what most people interpret as TOR nowadays.

I miss vidalya thb


Imagine everybody looks at you, without you wanting that. And them some fool comes around the corner calling you an attention whore. Is bad feel.

You're doing it wrong.


>faggot attention whore gets caught doing something perverse

Who could see that coming?

Instead of, you know, working on Tor he does stuff that would make a good anecdote so he can give a talk at non-academic conferences and post on Twitter.

Fuck off all immature FUD niggers ITT

>"Some republicans read that"
>"Right before they wage illegal imperialist wars"
What a faggot.
I bet he's mail voting for Hillary

are you a teenager?

He may or may not be a fucking scumbag but I always hate sweden for having a shit system were they want people to come answer questions without filling any kind of actual charges that might let the public know any kind of hard meaningful details about what is going on.

They need to never set foot in Sweden.

what makes you think so?

How is Tor or I2P related to Europe or leftists and how exactly would moving to USA improve that situation?

I don't know some internal drama

Maybe its the same group that went after Based
Eric S. Raymon.

Terry kill take care of these fuckers.

>The guy who thinks he's an absolute wanker for complaining about "illegal imperialist wars" is the teenager, not the complaining guy
It's almost as retarded as calling your parents fascists.

he is a tor developer so he supports child porn

Based Terry. He will be the last bastion.

So the SJW own TOR now?

>supports privacy
>"omg you pedo!"

He worked a time for the Kink.com in mid 2000's however after noticing discrimination in the industry he left.

Pretty much.
>One of the main main Tor guys
>"I do Tor full-time, and other fun stuff. My tweets don't speak for my employer. Parent. Social Justice Artificer."
>"Social Justice Artificer."

> Feminists accuse stallman of rape
> He doesn't know how to react
> Spills his spaghetti and goes batshit like he did in brazil
> Jailed forever
> FOSS is effectively dead
If only you had listened when Sup Forums and Sup Forums fell to the feminists

>actual leaked nsa documents

Well, at least you got the "conspiracy" part right. That's something.

on tor there is only pedo circlejerks, buttcoin mining and drug dealers, why should we support them? What can tor do that a basic vpn can't?
>inb4 muh anonimuz my country is lid by baddies
Just leave already ffs.

I can't trust a security project when the leader is mentally instable.

Is there any alternative to tor?

Sup Forums was right again.

is this legit?

>Sup Forums 2006: The government is applying false charges against a potential whistleblower
>Sup Forums 2016: it's da sjws and da jooooosss and da leftisss!!!

Thanks Sup Forums for lowering the IQ of Sup Forums even more.

no but why? the real developers are still there working hard

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Remember! The world is a better place without you!

Except stallman supports feminism.

vpn isn't onion routing
vpn browser bundle doesn't minimize identifiable traits of the browser and system
vpn doesn't prevent determining physical location
vpn doesn't allow services and their users to remain entirely within an anonymizing network
vpn doesn't
vpn doesn't
vpn doesn't

No but 3 VPN's and some browser plugins would come close (and then you could route out to some free proxy if you wanted to come out in some 3rd world country.

You'd have to use tor or something to buy the 2 of the VPN's though otherwise they would trace right back to you.

Beside for pedophilia you don't need that...

>sexual assault allegations
it's what the kikes/government do when they want to silence men
>bribe some whore
>ruin image

>poorly emulating tor as an alternative to tor

>I've never been able to come up with a better argument than delusionally skewed ad hominem

>poorly emulating
It wouldn't be poor, it would do exactly what tor does, it just wouldn't be free and would be under your control

>tfw freedom

>except for Tor's #1 use case, there's no reason to use Tor

Whenever I see someone with Tor browser installed, I assume they're a pedophile. Saves time.

Why do you want to hide your sikrit klub? You have nothing to hide, right user?

you don't know how Tor works

>I either think I'm a funny troll or I'm actually this retarded

Same shit different boogeyman.
Quit being an elitist faggot, your boogeyman is as stupid as everybody else's

A good VPN provider will not significantly slow down your browsing, while Tor is always going to be slow as shit. The only reason to put up with Tor is if you're engaging in serious criminal activity.

How normal people use Tor:
>install vidalia to be like cool kids
>go to some random site
>takes 5 minutes to load with broken images everywhere
>go to Sup Forums
>IP is already banned
>realize they're not doing anything illegal enough to put up with this shit

Shit nigga, I bet you use dialup too

VPNs and Tor do different things and solve different problems
You can try a different rout if it's too slow
The internet is more than Sup Forums

This user nailed it.

Yes TOR will be used for illegal activity, but if a little illegal activity is necessary to allow whistle blowers and journalist to tell the truth and give the ignorant a chance to fight injustice I will gladly enable the few criminals smart enough to set this up properly.

TOR is vital to keep governments and large corporations in check. Without it we can kiss our freedom goodbye, because anything posted without this is traceable to you, and they can already edit 99% of the data out there and shutdown countries to shut people up if they want to.

Why can't you see that they are trying to use the most significant tools in this century to control us?

It's important to note that even if this is a government operation to discredit Jacob Appelbaum, the allegations aren't necessarily false. One of the main purposes of bulk surveillance is to pre-spy on dissidents so they can be blackmailed into compliance or publicly shamed into obscurity.

>the world is a better place without you

No way someone with that body composition is CIA. CIA recruits from military (specops) and federal law enforcement. Idiot. Kill yourself actually if you believe your shit.

>female's opinion
Disregarded based on gender

Got news for you. When the government wants to silence men, they fucking well silence men. Whether they vanish, or they're found dead in a closet with a belt around their neck and a dress on is up for debate.

But if the US government doesn't like you, they'd just as soon kill you as smear you. Killing's actually easier and cheaper because, as anyone who's worked for the government knows, getting a new Website online as a government entity takes 6 months and 2000 pages of paperwork.


>bribing 1 whore is not easiest.
you are delusional

>mysterious disappearance
>easier than bribing 1 whore

>just leave

>Jacob Appelbaum is CIA