Who Manjaro here?

Who Manjaro here?

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In what way is AUR better than apt?

For really you are asking that.
Do you known what aur is?

Oops I meant AUR vs ubuntu repos

i run majaro on this machine and arch on the other

aur has (almost) everthing.
For eemple if i need to install anything i can just yaourt and it will search and install easy. You can also use makepkg but i find yaourt faster to build things.

aur is like having all buntu ppas in one spot

Go back to lebbit

I am.

With a lot of broken shit

I tried manjaro for a while, I wasnt a huge fan. If you really need a gui installer, just use architect or antergos.


I use manjaro

Good thing it's easy to fix right?


Ubuntu Medium.

Sooooo... You're basically saying AUR is just an extension of the normal package repo... So distributions that have bigger main package repos than arch are better than AUR.

Why use manjaro over vanilla arch? I've never understood it

AUR is more interesting because it gets things quickly than for sheer quantity

AUR is going to have that cool new project available day 1, every other repo is going to be 6 months to a year

They hold all packages non-security patches for a week and see if any arch users report serious issues and then push them out if they aren't broken

That's the difference

>holding back packages weeks because m-muh security testing
>implying they do that
I'll stick with Antergos.

They don't do testing and they don't hold back security packages

They literally just watch the arch bug reports for a week

use pacaur or sth instead you mong

For what purpose do you want to know?


it happened twice, pic related
you dumb monkey

Real question:
Why should I care if their SSL cert is expired?
What how does that impact me

You've been memed kiddo

The issue is not the expiration, it's the solution of it.

They're incompetent

Who /timetraveler/ here?

>That logo from the Nine Inch Nails ARG for promoting that series of thematically linked albums


How is sth better than yaourt?

Somehow in their incompetence they've made one of the most stable and comfy distros however. I've had even less problems with Manjaro than with Debian and the likes

Yeah, the logo that they totally didn't steal. That thread was fucking comedy gold, and the exact moment I decided to never even give this shit distro a chance.

Watching that pathetic pathological liar get completely blown the fuck out was comedy gold. But you just can't trust people like that with your computer.


Hold up, looking for the thread where someone demonstrates that the logo is not only stolen, but literally just a rotation, with the exact same proportions.

The original, direct link is now, OF COURSE, marked as "missing or private."

top kek