What if he open sourced his algorithm?

What if he open sourced his algorithm?

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>tfw no silicon valley tech startup founder bf

Why aren't people at Hooli able to reverse engineer their code?

Does it not work like that?

Can only code java.

he would die penniless and a giant corporation would have used it under the fair use argument.

I thought they did do that, but then the guy made the algorithm even better because he's just some prodigal genius I guess

They have an outdated version of the code.

What neural nets could do for compression though?
Is this just name dropping?

iirc correctly, they did...but then he decided to get the porn industry to buy his code/service and bankroll the bastards out of the market

>Why aren't people at Hooli able to reverse engineer their code?
Legal issues?


In the finale of season one, he rewrites the algo from scratch because of the "how many dicks can you jerk off" idea.

Namedropping (mostly), like the compression algorithm score thing (which isn't really used in evaluating how good compression algorithms are).

The W[something] score is a fake metric by made by some phd student or something that is helping the scenarists.

But they keep mentioning NN this season (in casual conversation, on whiteboards, on the github whitespace chick, about the beta...) that I wondered if there was something that I missed.

But then he could grow a beard and give talks

Haven't watched this season yet, so don't know.

Alright. It's likely another reddit/github meme anyway.

this convinced me to never use gpl
always use proprietary, or else ur code will be stolen
even in gpl, just rename the variables and functions, and voila, u have free code to sell
also, since the now stolen code is proprietary, the gpl cucks can't know whether you ripped them off

>the gpl cucks can't know whether you ripped them off

Enjoy being sued

I think founders are jerks with rich parents though.

Best currently existing compression algo (paq8) uses neural networks

I had no idea about paq8, thank based user.

how many companies got sued already???

my estimate: 0 (0 cases won)

I can already tell that you're not a professional estimator.

Wait... So this whole thread is about some fictitious bullshit? Fuck off back to

The reason why you can install DD-WRT or Linux or whatever on your D-Link WiFi access point/router combo is because the GPL Violations project sued the hell out of D-Link and won.

wow, I'm gonna install d-link drivers on my remote linux based server.

thank you gnu. thank you gpl.

I'm talking about running Linux on your D-Link router (you know, like 90% of Sup Forums does), not installing drivers wtf?

If you're not samefaggit, you're retarded for not noticing the fucking bait.

is there such a thing as middle out compression? Like jerking off 4 guys at the same time and hot swapping guys that are finished so you're not wasting strokes?

No, it's a made up meme in order to have something really fancy to wow the tech literate audience.

who is

So Sup Forums...

Tabs or spaces?

4 spaces


>implying 4 spaces don't = a tab

4 tabs

follow company's style guide

HOLY SHIT! D-LINK SHIT IS SO CHEAP BUT THEIR SOFTWARE FUCKING SUCKS. I wonder if I can find one with DD-WRT support. Thanks for the info user

Doesn't this belong on Sup Forums?

No. It's fiction.

Well, context modelling isn't quite... it's not neural networks, but it's kind of similar. I guess you could say it's closer to the way Markov chains work.

The writers probably heard about deep learning and want to seem relevant.

pythonistas prefer spaces whereas C nerds like tabs, amirite?