This guy hacked my Twitter, my youtube, and my email. I've done all I can do, talking to youtube and twitter ASAP. any thoughts on this guy? am I in danger or is he just being edgy?
Hacked to shit
You probably use the same password everywhere like a retard. Change them from a non compromised computer and reformat.
no, they are all different passwords. I used seemingly random strings of numbers for each of my accounts, and have them handwritten in my wallet. a used my laptop to change my passwords already, and I completely nuked my hard drive.
You're doing this for attention aren't you
Not him but you should of had secondary verification on all of your accounts
I'm learning that lesson the hard way 0.o
giv me all of de attenchen!!
no but seriously, this is freaking me out. I might have to buy an entirely different hard drive.
I genuinely feel bad for you.
even in my most uncomfortable moments, some people can still make me laugh. the internet is both a terrifying and hilarious place.
This is how i know you're fucking bullshiting and you need to fuck off this board.
1)You're namefagging with your channel name
2)You're suggesting that you _NEED_ to buy a new hard drive, while anyone with common sense would know all you needed to do was re-install your OS to remove any malware from your PC.
If the guy knows your name as suggested in the video, he probably doxed you rather then hacked you. Removing your personal information from the interbutts is a good place to start. If you've been doxed you should ask the pastebin sites admin to take that shit down. Also, Lrn2Technolo/g/y/.
By "hack" i mean your computer has not been hacked, unlike your accounts.
Your PC is probably fine as long as you didn't download any random memegame.exe's
>what is hardcoded
edgy as hell. still, I'll take all advice, as I really am helpless at this stuff. thats why i posted in technology. cuz i needed a second opinion on how to.... technology. seems pretty obvious to me.
that actually makes me feel much better.
>I'm seriously freaking out! xD
Redditumblr meme always tips me off.
Since you changed your password already, post the hacked one here so we can laugh at you.
nice advertsising
sure, laugh at my incredibly easy password. literally was a string of random letters and numbers though.
i don't make videos like this...
The question is rather or not you've used that string of numbers before, though.
no, i used different passwords for all accounts, handwritten in my wallet.
So this entire thread is just you advertising some retarded /x/ shit then.
no, its not monetized and i'm taking it down in a week
very spoopy
[spoiler]if this is a shitty ARG, I swear I'll be so disappointed[/spoiler]
>nuked my hard drive
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4M m8
doubt he modified the firmware but the malware could be hidden on the drive past the partitions or in the mbr/gpt. if he owned the firmware you're pretty much fucked though.
Am I looking for something here?
Hillbilly's shameless channel promotion.