Other urls found in this thread:


Assuming that's real, it's pretty sad. Openly mocking free software activism doesn't mean you need to pick a fight with GNU. What's the big deal with its existence? I'm using it, in some way or another, to make this reply. The world is not ending as a result.

How sad. He was doing so well against the SJWs. He's obviously a bit biased; in a world with only Free Software, he probably wouldn't be filthy rich.

Now that he switched from mocking a three letter acronym that I don't like to mocking a three letter acronym that I do like, I think notch can go fuck himself.

>made a nonfree java game
>supports the botnet
>Sup Forums is surprised

didn't he say he was eventually going to make minecraft open source?

oh right that was before he sold out

>Requiring a tool to only be used to build things that fit your own political views is not being free or open.

pretty reasonable opinion

What the fuck is with this cunt? Why can't he jsut 'retire' to being an angel invest and get startups he likes off the ground.

All he seems to do is bitch and cry about being rich and lonely and argue with people who don't share his world view.

No, I do not what? Is he hating on open source or just GNU?

>@unquietwiki Open source is fine and a great way to share knowledge and collaborate on important tools. It's GNU I don't like.

The license mostly and FSF for that matter.

That is perfectly reasonable then. GNU can be very militant in their views and Richard Stallman, while a brilliant man, has autism.

I literally just unfollowed him and came here to moan because of that tweet.

Right? I thought after he sold out he'd at least have the decency to quietly die in a ditch.

What FOSS tools require you to build things that fit their own political views?

notch is a Sup Forums-tier memester who hates SJWs in order to get points with reddit. he should be ignored at all costs

>and Richard Stallman, while a brilliant man, has autism
and notch doesnt?

But the GNU Project != GNU. Especially using the word "virus" it sounds like he's calling out the software and that's plain odd. It would have made sense if he talked about the people, not the software.

Why exactly doesn't he like GNU? Is it because of Stallman's toe jam diet? Does he consider the FSF's views too extreme?
This unfortunately, used to respect Notch more, but since the whole cunt thing and now this, it looks like he's bored out of his mind and trying way too hard to troll.

Good point. Notch created Autism The Game. I guess they were either going to see eye to eye or hate each other with the power of 1000 suns.

Notch is a has-been and a hack.
People praise his skills at hackathons even tho he's just regurgitating 3d graphics boilerplate he's written 1000 times before.

He can't even initiate a new game because all his money has made him complacent as fuck.

>He can't even initiate a new game because all his money has made him complacent as fuck.
If I had 2.5 billion in the bank, I would buy a private home on the beach and shitpost from it between baby making sessions with 18 18 year old girlfriends. He never needs to work again.

GNU is literally communism

that's fine and all, but he still likes to pretend he's a legitimate software developer.

>not liking communism
>hating the next step of social evolution

Fuck off monkey.

>If I had 2.5 billion in the bank, I would
No one cares Billy.

>supports the botnet
He's said that he doesn't like Microsoft's shady shit plenty of times

What you guys don't realize is that free software activists are as annoying as vegans or SJWs

I wish this retarded, ignorant meme would die, along with the moronic redditors that spew it. Free software != communism idiot.

Notch opposes free software because free software isn't lining his pockets with gold.

he still might, we dont know.
maybe he'll buy it back from ms once it's worthless
eventually is a relative term

Then why are most free software developers poor and rapists?


Itt: retards taking this seriously

Sup Forums's asphyxiation on washy internet celebrities is annoying

communist freetards BTFO

>conservatard is retarded
>being surprised

His MRA shit gave it away.

numale betacuck detected

kys leftard :^)

He's referring to the license

>He's said that he doesn't like Microsoft's shady shit plenty of times
>sold Minecraft IP to Microsoft for 2.5B$
Get your shit straight, he obviously likes their money.

>another beehive to kick


I can imagine his pain finding a great Java library to use in his proprietary project, but the library is GPL licensed and he can't use it unless he opens up his proprietary project.
>how am I going to hide my spyware now?
>how am I going to make billions now?
>GPL is a virus!

I'm sorry, young man/miss, but Minecraft is an underaged topic on this forum, and therefore disallowed.

As Sup Forums is an 18+ website, we have to report you to the moderators. It's okay! Yes, I know, but don't worry! You can come back once you're old enough to participate on the boards.

We appreciate your interest, and look forward to the day you can join us on this website! Take care, and good luck!

>free software activism

So free software activism=thinking proprietary is evil?


[email protected]

>Minecraft is an underaged topic on this forum

>trying this hard

It's only natural to think that.
Vegans claim that eating meat is absolutely horrible and that no one should be doing it.
Same goes for free software activists.

And of course this is the same retard which made his shitty game in Java.

He's an absolute retard and people should not be listening to him.

Notch for sticky

Fuck Stallsham

Absolutely nothing wrong with hating SJWs and showing it.

Man I fucking love Notch.
He is so right about GNU.
Opensource is great but GNU is cancer.

Literally who?

so Sup Forums just went full 360 + moonwalk on Notch in the span of two days

you just can't make this shit up

Someone that's worth 1.5 billion dollars more than you. All thanks to non free software.

Boy did he irritate you fuckers. He seems to have hit the nail in the head.

For those of you unaware, GNU is the same sort of cancer. The same sort of people who passively try to impose their world views. People who disrespect you for not choosing to make your own software. People who disrespect you for not choosing to take gender studies.

Both are cults. Both have people who are very aggressive about different opinions. "All proprietary software is bad". "All white males are evil". Put these two groups in an island and there won't be anyone alive in a week.

GNU and Stallmanists in general at just fanatics.

Notch hit the nail on the head.



He had guts to mouth off at the SJWs; I don't care about his software preferences.

He's okay in my eyes.


You can't call software free if it comes with a little text file that tells what you can or CAN'T do with it. Truly free software comes with no strings attached. GNU and FSF advocate anti-proprietary software, not free software.

I don't get it

Not him, but here's how I understood it.

>OSS cults are virtually harmless
>FLOSS cults attack anything which doesn't conform to them

I like this new meme where people pretend to be retarded.
"all murder is bad" is a statement about murder, which you think is bad. When the consensus is that murder is bad, it can be used as a law.
You can look at examples of murder and see if there is any good situations and come to the conclusion that it is a true or false statement.

When you do the same with software, the list of proprietary software which doesn't do terrible things to the user is fairly small.
There is valid reasons to keep software proprietary, but not software which is targeted to personal use.

uh I think you mean fixation bro

are you retarded?

Man, if it wasn't for the literal billions in his pocket I would feel sorry for him. Minecraft was just a fluke and now he's reduced to being just a twitter shitposter.
Of course the person on the good side of proprietary software (that is, the person that gets to mistreat its users) and made billions with it would be afraid of freedom.

>get bought out by microsoft, proceed to shit on free software

gee, it's like there's a clause in his contract

a good friend of mine is vegan and doesn't give a flying shit about the meat and other shit I eat

some people are just not some self entitled x-activism police force

Including other free software, as they see free software that is not GNU as traitors


>p-pls no bully ;_;

What are freetards so pathetic

Top kek! The jealousy is real!

what a surprise, the guy who made a billion on a fluke of an idea that took a ton of inspiration from previous games, and received so many contributions from the community (music, game ideas, smooth lighting code, efficient chunk code to name a few) while making promises he never delivered on (future releases of the game for free, modding api) thinks that giving back to the community you take from is cancer

I mean, all props to notch, just goes to show that with mediocre skills but a great idea can net anyone a huge sum of money so they can fulfil their dream of becoming the greatest internet troll

>if it comes with a little text file that tells what you can or CAN'T do with it.

the freedoms the gpl and other similar licences convey is that the software that uses or chooses to use gpl code will always be able to be freely distributed, modified, and changed -- by anybody

if you're trying to argue that the bsd licence conveys more freedom because corporations and private individuals can gobble the code up and never have to pay it forward then you're either delusional or a false flagging faggot

He actually said that he wanted to release it into the public domain because he didn't like restrictive open source licenses.


The guy has a billion dollars and is bored out of his mind and unhappy, he seems to have moved to online trolling to piss people off and make himself happy.

Either that or some people just don't like GNU. Some prefer the DWTFYWPL or MIT, and some prefer having tighter control of their code.

I understand the motivation behind the GNU GPL but not every software is a fit for it. I also feel that the Tivoization clause in the GPLv3 created a divide over a relatively small issue. I know *why* they did it but it fractured the community and a lot of people chose to stick to GPLv2.

>H-he's a troll

The cry of every low iq cretin


I'm not sure what anyone would have expected considering Minecraft isn't open-source.

>Either that or some people just don't like GNU.

you said it yourself, the gpl isn't a good fit for some projects, but the idea that the gpl is cancerous and infects software (and this isn't directed to you but to the subject of OP) is purely a result of lazy ignorant developers that suddenly realise they can't just take any open source code and put it in their projects while ignoring the licence, the gpl is 100% *opt-in*, if you don't like the gpl then don't use gpl licenced code

or maybe he said that notch is a troll not because he's bashing on the gpl but because he also purposely engages in shit shows with SJWs on twitter and is a mod of /r/drama on reddit?

tripfags ladies and gentlement, 4 posts and not a single post that a child couldn't make

open source and the fsf/gpl licence (referred to as gnu in OP) aren't the same thing, see:

Wanting others to not take without giving is cult mentality in this guys eyes.

I think he's finally realized that he lost an opportunity to make one of the most played games Free Software, and is regretting it.

GPL minecraft would have been amazing

And it's not like it would make a difference. Minecraft is already pirated a lot multiplayer is verified server side.

>open source and the fsf/gpl licence (referred to as gnu in OP) aren't the same thing,
Yeah, no shit. I'm aware. I wasn't talking about FOSS. I was saying that Minecraft is not open-source (let alone FOSS) so Notch obviously doesn't think proprietary software is evil.

It's like you GNU faggots have some sort of Tourette's where you just blurt out the shit from the gnu.org/philosophy page regardless of whether it's relevant or not. It's one of the reasons nobody takes you seriously.

GNU is true freedom. BSD is giving fat talentless fucks a license to make money directly from your hard work and give nothing back to you.

I don't give a fuck. Copyright shouldn't exist, so I don't burden my work with it. The GPL is fundamentally reliant upon copyright to exist, so I don't use it.

GPL should be fucking purged. Your shit 50 line library does not need that additional fucking cancer attached to it.

The only time I see GPL as acceptable is when the licensed "package" is a complete system in itself i.e. releasing something like Sublime Text under the GPL.

>Free software != communism idiot
It's the same kind of childishness

>Notch opposes free software

Anything with a GNU (read: non-free) license

>hates SJWs in order to get points on a SJW website


>a little text file that tells what you can or CAN'T do with it.
This is why the MIT license is the best license.

The license only says that you can't blame the creator for any malfunctions, and that no particular purpose or functionality is guaranteed.

GPL is anti-freedom.

Whenever I see this, I simply copy/paste their code and re-write it as my own.

Fuck the GPL.

>He can't even initiate a new game because all his money has made him complacent as fuck.
Pic related
He could be making it up, but it's his word vs user's anus

do you always move the goalposts when you get called out for making a post not relevant to anything?

>I was saying that Minecraft is not open-source (let alone FOSS) so Notch obviously doesn't think proprietary software is evil.

which is why I referred you to a post () that demonstrated notch showed a sentiment to releasing minecraft to the public domain which obviously has a *lot* of relevance to the stance notch has(/had) towards proprietary software and negates the point you make about minecraft not being open source, so whatever opinion notch has(/had) on proprietary software is clearly *not* obvious

here, you can confirm it for yourself: web.archive.org/web/20100301103851/http://www.minecraft.net/about.jsp

>It's like you GNU faggots have [bla bla bla]

and it's like you fucking mongoloids that think they're fighting communism reincarnate have a moral duty to take any mention of the fsf out of context just for an opportunity to spout off your anti-stallman propaganda

seriously, what gave you the impression I'm a freetard? here, I even advocated *AGAINST* using the GPL in the post you quoted:

>you said it yourself, the gpl isn't a good fit for some projects

but herp derp I mentioned the fsf and know a little about open source licenses, I must be a GNU/Faggot!

>It's one of the reasons nobody takes you seriously.

oh boo hoo I couldn't care less what some faggot with an agenda has to think about me

I'm not the user you're arguing with, but you're pretty bad at reading.

The other user simply said that Minecraft was never open-source, and you went off about FSF/GPL.

He's got a point; you responded with irrelevant information to a post that mentioned nothing about the differences between terminology.

tl;dr: ur a faget

>GPL should be fucking purged. Your shit 50 line library does not need that additional fucking cancer attached to it.

and how much of an incompetent lazy fuckstick are you that you can't write or reimplement a 50 line library?

let me guess, you were late on a deadline for your frontend webdev work because you were too busy shitposting on Sup Forums that you grabbed the nearest ruby/javascript/nodejs whatever plugin or library you found off of github and used it in your project, only to be called out weeks or months later when your company is getting into legal trouble because you couldn't do your job

hurr guys glibc shouldn't be gpl because it's not a complete ill-defined term :^)
