Post stupid shit you have heard people say
>Wow I can't believe how much that little bit of toner powder ruined my document
Post stupid shit you have heard people say
>Wow I can't believe how much that little bit of toner powder ruined my document
windows 10 is good
It's a doggy dog world.
"I'm going to buy two 980ti's so I can run a dual monitor setup"
i only buy nvidia and intel
Lad said he was going to upgrade his 680 because overwatch was stuttering even though I told him it was Blizzards fault for not optimizing
"My computer's slow, could you add some more RAM to speed it up?" - from a lady with a laptop with 8GB of RAM and a failing 5400RPM HDD
"I want to have a gaming rig. Can I get an i7 and GTX 980? I'll be playing mostly League of Legends and things like that." - a 14-year-old kid who had a budget of around $450AUD
"I think I caught a virus through those games my son plays! Minecraft or something! Can you get a virus through those?" - from a middle-aged mother who's browser had about a gajillion add-ons and a cat as the cursor.
Working in a repair shop is hell.
"As of now you can't build a PC that is as good as my Xbox One"
"Linux is a free operating system that will allow you to code better"
"64 bit processors are a gimmick, people are going to keep using 32 bit"
>Be me
>be at best buy with friend
>need him to help me recommend goot laptops
>need a video card......
"Do you sell laptop video cards?
> cat as the cursor
Thats adorable :3
Come on, man. If you are making money by fixing shit like this, you can't complain. I hope you are not a dick to your customers.
egpus are normal desktop gpus.
"OMG, Iphone is so good. Steve Jobs was a genius!! Thumbs up if you agreeee!!!! :))))" - Most voted comment on a YouTube video.
I've always been suspicious of this application ,but it is very useful
What is your opinion, should I keep it?
Fuck I assumed this to be /sqt/ without reading the OP
Requesting answers anyway?
>you can play games with AMD
>and it's cheaper
most bullshit I ever hear
"yes, I received the documentation but didn't read it. I think our staff would prefer a webinar so the users aren't scared."
That is actually the worst quality bait i've ever seen. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I once walked into an apple store and browsed phones.
My bro says to me "dude look even iPhone SE only has 2gig ram"
>the apple store pajeet hears this and comes over
>sir apple phones don't have ram sir, only android phones have ram apple phones have CHIPSET.
>bro is a comp sci PhD and seriously pissed off, he tries to explain the guy about con numane machines etc
>sir that nothing to do with apple, apple phones have CHIPSET.
>bro explained that he is a comp sci PhD
>sir who knows more about cars? Mechanic or engineer? Just like that I know more about these phones I sell all day.
At this point I just abandoned bro and walked out.
It uploads all your contacts to truecaller.
It is included in Cyanogen OS (the commercial version of Cyanogenmod. Or C-APPs if you flash them yourself.)
I heard somewhere that it exposed your contacts to pajeets.
ugh, people like you are a diamond dozen