"Zuckerberg's Social Media Accounts Hacked, Password Revealed as 'Dadada'"

>"Zuckerberg's Social Media Accounts Hacked, Password Revealed as 'Dadada'"


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(((Zuckerberg))) confirmed for retard

You'd think he would use something better, because he owns facebook.


fucking kike

>literally "yesyesyes" in russian


i smell insurance scam

that's fucking with my extension, you fucking fink

Whoops, here's the link:


wow, i always had this secret inkling that he was indeed a retarded normie, but i gave him the benefit of the doubt.

however, anyone who said they "made a website" and used cold fusion to do it, is pretty much zuckcuck tier.


and bigbigbig in chinese. probably what he makes his wife say about his weeweewee

his weewee is probably disfigured like his face
0/10 would not suck

my sekret super strong password is lolololol


How was it hacked?

>He just submitted it.
>I don't know why.
>He trust them
>Dumb fuck

I thought Jews were smart.

>implying it isn't part of his master plan

an extra (you) for a well-articulated jest

how can he use "dadada" when damn near every website requires a password with an uppercase, number and special character

>how can he use "dadada" when damn near every website requires a password with an uppercase, number and special character
If you signed up early on such services (mid-2000s) with weak passwords and they employed a password hash function (where the plaintext password is not stored in the DB, then password strength requirements typically only come into effect on a password reset, since the site software (if properly and securely coded) immediately transforms the password to a hashed value.

where to get extension now?

>not "would not zuck"

one fucking job

That dumb fuck.



>tfw my passwords are similar to:
Zuckerberg confirmed stupid kike?

kys tripfag


I see we got a leafy fan here


I was expecting


>Everything I don't like is the Jews
>A 16-year-old's guide to the internet

I'm sure he has a slightly below average penor but this still says a lot about him.

Where do you think you are, mr. cuck?

Reddit apparently


I'm a proud Zionist and supporter of the Israeli state



It's very smart actually.
The bad guys will ofcourse think that such a genius has a very difficult password so they'll be trying 20 character passwords.
They'd never think to try a 6 character password

>he actually writes his pw on 4chin

lel thx retard hacking your account as your read this

his interests or influences could include salvador dali, meaning he's likely secretly gay, and more likely has a gay taste in art

it's not smart at all, have you never considered brute force hacking?

do me next

my bank account password


>some western european or chinese guy is now trying all possible bank websites and all possible usernames with that password

What is BF

just tried it
doesn't work

You don't have to repeat yourself, sheesh! :^)

Why do Sup Forumstards think that the Jews false flag terror attacks but also hate Islam for said attacks?

>Everything I don't like is the Patriarchy
>A feminist's guide to the Internet

We don't hate Islam for the terrorism, we're just racist

>sand niggers

>leader in technical advise to Barack Obama
>confirmed retard



>Everyone I don't like is an SJW
>A hypocrite's guide to the internet


also, does anyone have the LinkedIn database?
why aren't these things posted here anymore?

>fuck have to use this friend's computer to log into my bank because all my shit was stolen
>fuck what's my password again?

I don't know fag lord, why are you asking me

There are millions of MidEast Christians being persecuted by violent Muslim savages every day

The fuckerberg shall fall

In any case I don't understand why just hate him because of jews. The man himself is an asshole. And he censors people who oppose islam. Which makes you think.

Are you implying that the average pol user isn't just a bitter racist? Except for the coal burners, and the Reddit shills, that's just a simple way to describe us. And I don't talk about "us" like we're some kind of organization, I do it just because I include myself in that shitposting group, what's so hard about it?

I'm proud to oppose islam

Props to him for speaking his mind up and not cowering in fear due to backlash. You can read his sentences as one of the crazies at it all sounds like "send them back there", I'm sure. I'd hate to be in that kind of mindset.

you do know pan-Islamism as a movement is financed and armed by the Jews, right?

Fuck you.

First to get dubs calls him kike on facebook



> no problem
> pull up my encrypted pw database on my phone
> do my banking
> get hacked anyway because my normie friend's computer is part of a botnet



PR publicity stunt

>Look guyse, he's a dumb normie like one of us
>he's vulnerable, let's like him


I thought you had to have a number

Honestly I think this.Reminds me about that Mr Robot scene where the villain purposefully made his account vulnerable.I heard his account was under threat this evening and today its revealed to be dadada.

Bad guys uses Brute force or social engineering faggot.Only movie hackkers assume passwords

Stop making retarded, broad assumptions you cancerous piece of shit.

>Outright Censorship
I never understood why SJWs and anti SJWs call each other harming free speech.Criticism over what you say is not a harm over free speech.

They actually just used the password from the LinkedIn breach.

Seriously who uses LinkedIn?

If that was his password the whole time, wouldn't someone have brute forced it by now? 6 characters is trivial to crack

not NEET's

really makes you think

>retarded normie
Who could wipe the shit off his ass cheeks with 100$ bills everyday if he felt like it


>all possible usernames
this might take awhile

I trusted them
dumb fuck

Is he an idiot? Even my most basic of passwords are more complex than that. He should have at least a 100 character password ffs, he's the owner of FB.

>Islam = race
Typical retarded Sup Forumsfag

U guys are just too easy to fuck with
Not even that guy

Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and Google have taken adopted EU laws on "hate speech".

>take this upvote, fellow redditor!

have you seen the bonets russians run?
oh wait.. hold on, Im on Sup Forums. Noone here has ever seen a real botnet.

tldr its automated faggot, you better change that password fast.


change the extension to use {{{ }}} instead


zuckerberg is a strafe god

SJWs constantly demand that products they don't like be taken down, and do in fact physically censor anything they don't like. See See also target removing GTAV from store shelves across Ausfalia, see anti-hate speech worldwide, see brendan eich's firing, see shirtgate. To a lesser extent, see TFYC.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Remember! Everyone here hates you and wished that you were dead! Giving them a name just makes it so much easier!

kek, underrated

underrated post

Illiterate here

Does it even matter? Is it even possible to brute force into a FB account? I would assume their servers would stop accepting login attempts after a small number of wrong attempts,

Facebook has always had abbysmal security against social engineering and brute force. It's way better now but I remember when I was in middle school I hacked my crush's facebook in like 5 minutes. Now I can still do it but they added a 24 hour wait time to let you access it.