Lets laugh at the idiots who bought the 1080!

Lets laugh at the idiots who bought the 1080!

Let's laugh at the idiots who bought 300W AYYMD HOUSEFIRES



>Ashes of the Singularity
So they still use this one single game for their marketing? I know there aren't much DX12 games out there yet, but to constantly quote this one benchmark seems silly. Aren't there other benchmarks or other ways to compare performance apart from this one game?

> 300w
Are you so poor that you fret over GPU power consumption?

> housefires
It's called don't buy reference

Tested on the game that nobody plays. That's also the only game where it performs better.

>2 vs 1

are you seriosu?

>2 cards vs 1

AMD, you've officially hit rock bottom

>ashes of the singularity
>using FPS instead of frame times

Enjoy your stuttering and poor scaling and compatibility I guess


I think they're pointing out the two cards are still cheaper than one 1080.

Two cards that, combined, cost $200USD LESS than one 1080.


>2 vs 1
b-b- but they are cheaper!

>have to deal with crossfire shit drivers, stuttering
b-b-but you save money!

AYYMADs confirmed dirt poor and desperate

>No one Uses DX12
>AYYMD fags on Suicide watch

It means $500 per card, dickheads

I'm all about that AMD desu. Really I am. I'm not stupid enough to fall for this though. Crossfire/SLI is a shit meme for shit dudes. Get one stronger card.
Vega soon™.

The problem is that stutterfire is garbo. Same with SLI.

Multi-GPU will always be garbage and if you're bragging about it, you've already lost.

Confirmed retard.

Pricing for the RX 480 has already been released. It's not $500 per card. Sit on a dick.

Nigga it's not even $500 for both. Why am I taking this bait?

>980ti performance for price of 200$
>480x, 490, 490x yet to come out

The 1080 is yet another overpriced glorified memecard.

> 980Ti for $200
I'm looking forward to the 480, but the 480 equals a 980, not a 980Ti.

>more expensive power supply
>more strain on my UPS
>more cost in electricity (which can be expensive if you don't live in bumfuck; in the New York area a killowatt hour is about 30 cents, meaning a card that uses 300w costs about $16/mo more to use vs. a card that uses 150w)
>this totally ignores that the card uses more power so it puts out more heat, which is then something that you actively have to cool (with air conditioning, incurring even greater electrical cost) or put up with a room that reaches horrible temperatures
>more heat around the other components in your case.

I'm not a nutter who upgrades a component to save 10w and spends $300 to do so annually but power consumption is something I consider when buying components

>two separate cards
>two separate memory PHY
>two separate power phases
>actual power draw per card is 100w
>Crossfire scaling at 183% for the two cards in AoTS

The RX 480 demo wasn't bad, clearly aimed at the Chinese market though. AMD's best selling systems in the region were AM1, and they sold like hotcakes there. A $80 CPU+mobo with a discrete GPU like The RX 480 would be pretty high end for most people there. Showcasing what two value oriented mid range cards can do is basically a realistic sale for the Chinese enthusiasts.

The Vega replacement for Fury is going to be a 200-225w card. Shitpost more, shills.

3DM11 puts it smack dab in between the two cards. If it overclocks well it could easily be 980Ti performance. It is a bit presumptuous, however.

>GTX 1080 180W

Pretty much irrelevant, uncompetitive company

3 bites

I'm eating well tonight

you're not him

It's largely up to the person.

I live in Australia, I'm not worried about power consumption or heat, and my power supply is fine. I can understand why power draw is taken into account by some people, but completely discounting a part purely BECAUSE of its power draw seems a bit...I dunno...like it's a small thing to draw the line on.

Huh, really? That's pretty cool. I've only heard that it's 980-tier, which is still perfect for me, since I play 1080p@60FPS.

Have you seen the (I think) 480X specs, that have 16GB of HBM2 VRAM?

I'm an AMD fan but there is no way that I even believe that the RX480 is a true match against the 1080.

Keep in mind that the slide shows two RX480's vs just one 1080. I know the cost is less but you're not going to get that performance across all games.

>I live in Australia, I'm not worried about power consumption or heat, and my power supply is fine. I can understand why power draw is taken into account by some people, but completely discounting a part purely BECAUSE of its power draw seems a bit...I dunno...like it's a small thing to draw the line on.

For me in a desktop power draw is not be-all, end-all but in a laptop it would be (the heat is harder to dissipate, meaning higher power draw is really hard on both battery and health of the system).

We've been saying exactly that this whole thread.

For a laptop, sure, but we can't easily swap out the chips in those. Most laptop parts have been picked out for a reason, regarding their heat dissipation capabilities.

Common high end mobile dGPUs hover in the 50-100w range, a binned 480 might even be capable of 75w if the 100w average draw speculation is true

I'm completely unbiased and will buy which ever card is best for my needs. But, not ALL games utilize Ali/crossfire well. This doesn't necessarily mean that having two cards beats one powerhouse card.

>muh gaymes

Fuck off v

> Video games not mentioned

You're my favorite deputy

Why else would you care about Direct X performance?


Just doin my job partner

Hallo mr Maki-fag

>implying a dumb Maki pleb

As a simple measure of how well the card performs?

see this

HBM2 is Vega, so that's a 490(X) or whatever succeeds the Fury.

Those are both me, hahah. I was also relating just to the OP when I said Ah, there we go then.

I kind of want a 480, but I'm interested to see Vega and their prices. It's unlikely that Polaris will get a price drop when Vega releases hey? Considering how low it already is.

I agree, it's still marketing. But AMD has always marketed themselves as bang for buck so what can you expect.

They could quote Total War: Warhammer but seeing an R9 Fury X beat the 1080 would be a bit too much boasting even for AMD.

I seriously can't tell if this is bait or not
>thinking GFX cards run at TDP 100% of the time
lets do the math son

16$/0.30 cents thats an increase of approx 53 kWh (assuming the cards run at TDP 100%of the time)
1(kWh)/0.15(Watt) = 6,67 hrs
6,67*53=355,5 HOURS PER MONTH
thats 12 hours per day - again assuming that the card always runs at TDP.


I literally know no one who purposefully use an AMD card if they can afford the nVidia equivalent.

Then you most only know idiotic people.
amd has had the price/performance crown for ages now.
(eg.390 vs 970, 380/380x vs 960)

Why are nvidia shills so aggressive in their craft?

I read plenty of shit spewed from AMD shills, too, but there is a certain edge to the nvidia fanboys that borders on desperation

Then you don't belong here. Why your Windows, Nvidia, Microsoft Office, Skype, Discord, Gmail, Adobe*, etc. using ilk hang around here I swear I do not know.

Suppressed rage that only comes from realising they paid 50% more for the similar performance.

GPU utilization %1%
Yet they need two cards

Lmao Ncucks on suicide watch

Just tired of being right all the time.

>hehe guys it's bait, i was just pretending to be retarded

>2X RadeonTM RX 480
every time

still you prefer to pay 200$ in single one right?
typical nvidiot.

On that one fucking game nobody wants

You sure got me op


>1x costs 200$ more
bravo Nvidia

>having to buy 2 cards
No thanks.

To be fair, thats an extremely CPU-dependant game, and an unoptimized one at that.

But without mGPU issues. Also only retards buy the 1080. I'll buy the 1080Ti or Vega if it can compete. Deliver me some sweet shaders with HBM2 and I get the AMD this time.

one 480 will run literally everything at ultra settings at 1080p and only has one 6 pin connector

1080 has an 8 pin connector.


Let me know if AMDGPU-PRO turns out to be worth half a shit

Power connectors literally mean nothing.

In games dipshit, you could test rendering times instead.

They're edgy teens more than likely. Edgy teens tend to go with what is more popular, regardless of what is better. (even though in this case it's Nvidia)

Please god let it be amazing. Take me away from this windows bullshit.

>Only retards buy the 1080, I'll buy the 1080Ti
>Only retards buy the 1080Ti, I'll buy the 1180
>Only retards buy the 1180, I'll buy the 1280
>Only retards buy the 1280, I'll buy the 1290

Do you see the issue here? 1080 isn't a shit card because something slightly better than it will come out later this year in the same way the 980 wasn't shit just because the 980 Ti came out. Also HBM is a meme. Until there is a card that proves it's worth the premium, it's not worth investing in, kind of like how SSDs were insanely expensive and kind of shitty at first. It's not a mature technology.

>Card is not even out so no real benchmarks to back of Pajeets bullshit
>Benchmark used of a game no one even plays
>People on Sup Forums will blindly believe anything that a marketer tells them

It costs 800 €. The 1080Ti might cost 900 but with 50 % performance increase.

I might give AMD a chance when they deliver equal performance than the 1080Ti. Otherwise I stick with the Nvidia.

top kek, amd cucks even can't even put the correct price of the 1080 on their chart (600$) . Also, keep in mind that the 200$ version of 480 is only 4GB and SLI wont fix that. The 1080 overclocks havent been released yet either.

I'd rather get one working card rather than two fire hazards requiring me to get a bigger PSU and more cooling for the case (furthermore increasing the cost).

Also, when have AMD cards actually worked flawlessly with new games? And then you add the SLI config problems... Nvidia actually disabled more than two way SLI with the new lineup because it was too unstable to work with.

Steam statistics clearly show that 75% of users have Nvidia cards, why would game developers wait with their release for only 1/4th of their possible playerbase.

shit bait

>using facebook memes on Sup Forums



What is it user? Please enlighten me.

It's AMD's hybrid open-source/proprietary driver for Linux. Its my hope that this will start the move from windows to linux for AMD. Before this their drivers were shit.

Supposedly the actual working Linux drivers that AMD has been promising for a decade.


So, normal people?

Aren't the open source ones better than the proprietary ones right now anyways?

exactly, are you new?

Better? Some games. Actually good? Fuck no.

I would argue that Mesa is better

Nvidia Pros:

Nvidia's card won't burn my house down.
Nvidia's card is a single GPU solution.
Nvidia's card isn't built for poorfags.
Nvidia's card willfully obsoleted it's previous gen cards.
Nvidia's card won't make my multi monitor setup look like shit anymore.
Nvidia's card has proven it's benchmarks through numerous third party verifiers.
Nvidia's card won't cough and die on 4k.

AMD Pros:

AMD's card is for poorfags and kids looking to cash in their good boy points for a better Minecraft experience.
That's all I got.

Master, are you saying soon we can be, will be free? Oh how I will weep.

>Pro: Nvidia's card willfully obsoleted it's previous gen cards.

I know this is bait, but how the fuck is that a pro?

sounds like he works for nvidia.

a huge portion of games don't have good crossfire support though

>Nvidia's card won't burn my house down.

Vulkan & DX12 games will and if you say their are not a lot of those games. Well of course not. They are new api's.

or at all :c

>crossfire microstuttering

Nah, I'mma not.

>Nvidia actually disabled more than two way SLI with the new lineup because it was too unstable to work with.
They always limit SLI with their budget cards

>people ACTUALLY fall for the AMD meme

You're taking it too far lads, people are getting hurt

getting game devs to develop their game around your GPU is probably too expensive.


>Are you so poor that you fret over a bit of money?

You didn't think this through

hooooooooly shit


>literally one game tested