It is possible to have windows compatibility and linux privacy in the same OS?

It is possible to have windows compatibility and linux privacy in the same OS?

Yes you Sup Forumstard.
If you looked into it for 35 seconds you would know that it can be done with wine, you fucking video game playing autistic man child.

Linux mint already had a security outbreak according to the sticky.

lookup vga passthrough. kind of an expensive setup but this is literally what you want.

that or use two computers.

>calls OP a manchild
>posts childrens cartoon show characters

Pick fucking one. Anime had extremely deep meaning someone like you wouldn't understand.

If we're talking about a tablet, does linux can run better than w10?

The sticky really doesn't talk about this

>Anime had extremely deep meaning someone like you wouldn't understand.

>Pick fucking one. Anime had extremely deep meaning someone like you wouldn't understand.
You can't make this shit up.

We all know who the smarter one in this conversation is.

You all just think you are the smartest people on Sup Forums xdddd let me tell you faggots something, you do not know SHIT. This is going to be your face once you watch sophisticated anime such as K-ON!, SAO, Or umaru-chan. So go ahead and post your epic may may reaction pictures. I do not give a fuck.

Pick fucking none

I never implied they were not fiction. They are fiction, but good fiction. Comparable to moby dick or green mile.

And here's your you.


Thank you tripcuck I haven't laughed this hard in months, I'm in tears.

Good luck filtering me friend.
I have 37 tripcodes in a text file i roll around. They all have similar names as well.
Do not call me a cuck, it offends me.

Go on bro, I'm laughing hard.

Yes. ReactOS is an attempt to create exactly what you are describing, OP.

Arrow > hide. Easy.


It's a piece of fucking shit though.

Build a system with VT-d, put Linux on it, install Windows virtual machine, enable hardware pass-through for the GPU to the Windows VM, congrats you now have the best of both systems.
Putting Linux on Windows is also an option, but less secure.

Saved, best answer so far.

Sadly i dont know what the fuck are you talking about,

that's the goal

RektOS ?


Use this on my laptop. Actually a pretty satisfying experience although some of the security features like not (easily) being able to pass .jpg's to dom0 for a change of wallpaper is a bit of a pain in the arse.
Also for some reason I had a nightmare of a time trying to get audio working on standalone VM's I think this was due to the laptops hardware.

As a GNU/Windows user, I'm officially triggered.

i was starting to think nobody got the joke

Linux mint is shit.