Wants to move entire PayPal infrastructure from UNIX to Windows

>wants to move entire PayPal infrastructure from UNIX to Windows
>everyone thinks he's a retard and they remove him as CEO

ITT we laugh at Elon Musk:

>Musk was later ousted from his role as CEO due to disagreements with other company leadership, notably over his desire to move PayPal's Unix-based infrastructure to Microsoft Windows.

Why is this guy suddenly a "tech genius"? He's a living meme.

Other urls found in this thread:


spaceX and tesla, maybe?

>big stupid touchscreen controls in the car, can't drive it for hours while its doing a software update for non-engine related issues (new ui or some shit)

>lets build rockets that are reusable and shit but make them run on fucking kerosene instead of hydrogen or something that we can synthesize

he is a gliebe

He's a tech industry genius. That doesn't mean he knows dick about technology itself.

>married and divorced the same woman three (3) times
seems like a proper genius to me

When you say unix do you mean to say BSD?

Don't forget Solar City going down under with millions of tax dollars embezzled but the media shills obviously won't say a word about it as long as they get paid.


Most important person in the 21st century
The reason we'll be able to go to Mars
The reason electric vehicles will take off
Inventor of what will be the new form of super fast transportation

Ha... Ha... F-faggot

>Tesla is the only manufacturer of electric cars
>Implying he's stupid enough to waste billions on a Mars mission just so some idiot can walk over red chalk dust and it's not just a PR stunt

It doesn't matter that Tesla isn't the only one. They're the pioneers and it's all because of him.

Didn't even read that other nonsense you typed

>They're the pioneers
yeah in marketing kek, fuck off nigger

Hope that bitch takes all his money, fag likes playing savior of the world/sect leader way too much.

Are you proud of low quality posts kid?

At least i'm not a fanboi/shill so yeah.


yeah, you are definitely smarter than him. Keep up the good work.

Excuse me? This is Sup Forums. I run Arch Linux. I seriously doubt Elon Musk has ever even so much as configured, in plaintext, a minimalist tiling window manager like the kind we run. Get btfo.

This is really suspicious tbqh. Is he trying to secure his assets in case of audit or criminal investigation?

Is this actually true?

Well, it was 2001, windows was better at the time.


They don't have any good plan against that and even want colonize Mars. We have to dealt with our only Earth.




Windows would have made a lot more sense back then as Unix support for web servers was still very very early in development. His idea was solid, his board idiots.

nice circus trick

these are so beautiful
the precision required for these must be insane

Don't get too triggered

>Circus trick
>Saves literally hundreds of millions of dollars

Yeah go tell that to somebody who isn't a fucking idiot.

>Unix support for web servers was still very very early in development.

10-15 years of development (IBM, HP).

This is one of the hardest problems, but there are ways to solve it.

To shield astronauts en route to mars one can sprad water and cargo around them.

On mars astronauts will have to work either via telepresence or from inside the rovers. People will live underground.

>To shield astronauts en route to mars one can sprad water and cargo around them.
Great idea. Only their food, water and everything they'll need to live on Mars will be irradiated.

the only people who think radiation is a serious problem are moon landing conspiracists who think it would have been impossible for humans to get to the moon without dying from radiation

Well no, it's a serious problem in the eyes of people who aren't tinfoil hat-wearing neckbeards.

A solar flare could've killed the Apollo 11 crew.

The guy put $100M of his own cash into Tesla because investors didn't believe in it. We need crazy people like Elon or we'll all have to live with the innovation cycle of a European country.


>CTO of SpaceX
>implying you're smarter because you use a meme OS

you're a fat neckbeard thats either a NEET or barely makes any money in comparison to Musk. He's also not a virgin who faps to 2D waifus

>they remove him as CEO

He founded X.com which became PayPal and he sold his company. He didn't get kicked out you fucking dumbass

Fucking this, he's like Steve Jobs. They're great at what they do but what they do is business, not tech.

He is no tech genius that normies takie him for.
He is entrepreneur who invests in technology that is risky(investment wise), but can bring great profit.

He is the guy who would fund Nikola Tesla projects.

Train? Fuck that 19th country tech - go with near vacuum tube system - which could be faster and cheaper to.operate.

Cars? Fuck gasoline - go with electricity.

Banks? Let's do it over Internet.

Of course all projects cut corners - they need to bring in a profit.
So vacuum is replaced by low density air.
Cheaper fuel in rockets etc.

>Steve Jobs
>made consumer shit
>Elon Musk
>literally pioneering electric vehicles
>has his own space program

well memed

You work for ULA, don't you? kek

>falling for blatantly obvious fucking trollbait

>Most important person in the 21st century

>Inventor of what will be the new form of super fast transportation
I wrote a college admission letter on intercontinental maglev trains when I was 17. Please.

You're not doing it right, look at the fucking quality. DIsgusting.

Yeah, whatever. Most experts outside SpaceX say the plan is ridiculous. Musk has a long history of making grandiose claims with no ability to back them up. It's entirely in character for Musk to claim he'll get to Mars by 2025 without having a plan for dealing with radiation.

>He is the guy who would fund Nikola Tesla projects.

Are you honestly comparing someone well-versed in physics, engineering, programming, etc. to J. Pierpont Morgan?

Also, I'm fairly certain that Elon and Kimbal Musk did a LOT of the programming work for Zip2 themselves.

>It's entirely in character for Musk to claim he'll get to Mars by 2025 without having a plan for dealing with radiation.

Wait until September.

What happens in September?

Have you read the scientific literature related to spacex he's written himself?

>tptally not paid for by microsoft to shill windows on his company
Its like you don't know how the world works

>Yeah, whatever

Palpable mad.

Its like hes a real life Bachman
Or Bachman was inspired in him most likely

why would you make it land on the water? clearly that isn't the best place to land something

Elon lays out the full plans for Mars colonization, including details on the Mars Colonial Transporter launch system.

Because the rocket can't hold enough fuel to get back to where it came from so they had to put a landing surface a few hundred miles out for it to land on.

For GTO missions, landing on a ship is the only way to recover the entire first stage.

On staging, the first stage is in vacuum, and is traveling nearly horizontally at around 6,000mph. It's physically impossible for it to zero out its velocity and then boost back all the way to the launch site. It's just moving too fast, and doesn't have enough fuel.

It's easier to just use the nitrogen gas maneuvering thrusters to flip the stage, then re-light the main engines briefly to slow down enough for re-entry, then literally fall to the drone ship guided by the grid fins before lighting the engines for the landing burn just above the drone ship. For GTO mission landings, the landing burn is done with three engines initially, then dropping to one for precision. It's pretty dynamic, and goes from 300mph to nothing in just a few seconds.

>C_O of any company
>knowing anything other than just being a public figure
no need to suck daddy musk's musty balls that hard

>only way to recover the entire first stage.

That said, if you don't care about recovering the entire stage, simply recovering the engines would work. ULA is planning this for their Vulkan rocket, although I'm not sure catching the engines in mid-air with a helicopter is the smartest idea in the world.

ULA has shelved these plans for now.

They are in literal freak out mode and can no longer hide their panic , after spending like 10 years saying SpaceX was not a threat and that reusability was a meme.

The disruption of the orbital launch market in the US by SpaceX is one of the most amazing things in capitalism in recent memory.

ULA didnt even bid for the most recent USAF contract.

> Downplaying the success and accomplishments of people who have actually done something for the world meanwhile being a leech on society.

I mean y-you can totally do what he's done. I mean it's easy. It's totally not (you), but the world holding you down. If only you weren't socially awkward.


> (^:

>man with lots of money forces his way into industry advances
>the real masterminds behind his work that actually do the work are left unsaid
>some useless front person gets all the fame because he has all the money to fund it

That's what they get for sitting on their asses for literally decades, getting fat on huge government subsidies. Boeing and Lockheed deserve a huge ass kicking. It'll be good for them.

the advances would happen slower or not at all if he didn't
it's also kind of hard to thank the possibly hundreds of engineers and technicians that actually do the things than the figurehead with the cash in charge

That's kinda how it always is and has. Somebody has to cough up the dough. Unless you want to use Kickstarter.


NASA literally looks like schoolchildren now, lol

they are stuck 50 years in the past

That's not entirely true. You do know Elon was responsible for most of the early design requirements for SpaceX, right? For example, he laid out the original design for the heat shield of Dragon, and also made the decision to build out a world-class PICA factory rather than buying PICA from a supplier. He oversaw the build-out and initial designs of MOST of the stuff they've built.

Today however, they've grown so big that like any other big company, they have management layers, and more formal design processes. Only a few teams at SpaceX and Tesla still report directly to Elon. For example, autopilot engineers are directly under Elon. Must be odd having him as your direct boss.

BSD is Unix

>posting cgi

Fucking lmao sheeple man


didn't the apollo 11 crew all get killed by some space monster or something?



I'm thinking Florida rednecks might disagree with you.

Stop it.

"when you say car, do you mean to say Toyota?"

He's a good business man but not a tech savvy or. Genius, he's a more productive Steve jobs

stop comparing him to steve jobs,

jobs is literally a fucking meme compared to musk,

you can't compare a complete faggot who makes overpriced shitty products,

to a pioneer of space travel and other future transportation technology

Sure is Reddit in here

He's right though, comparing a marketer to an engineer is asinine.

>being this new to basic physics
do you even speak Newtonian physics?

When spacex didn't have NASA contracts Musk was in court and speak about ULA monopoly and a lack of competitiveness. And then Russia thing happens. And at that time Musk was bragging about patriotism and other stuff to cut off russian engines to shut down ULA, his only one rival. Isn't it hypocrisy?!

There are also some telsa engineering decisions that are just petty tricks for the sake of PR. like camera instead rearview mirror, touchscreens and doors of model x.

There is no way that they will conduct manned mission on mars in 2025. There are reason to be suspicious about Musk. Let's see how they reuse first stage.

Also, musk fanboys are horrible. At least applefans is not poorfags.

Wow what a constructive reply! You surely disproved every single one of his arguments.

Food irradiation is a thing. It's a good thing.


Can somebody explain tesla to me?

There were electric cars before, before they were killed by George Bush that is. So why do we praise Musk for doing something so braindead and non-innovative?

Watch "Who killed the electric car"

NYC had a fleet of electric taxis in the late 1800s, electric cares aren't even a remotely new idea.

Right, so why does musk get so much credit for it? I really don't get.

Fine, it's a company that's valued high, but they're losing money each period. And it's not like toyota or any other of the big car companies aren't also making electric cars

Read waitbutwhy.com/2015/06/how-tesla-will-change-your-life.html

The success of gasoline cars over electric ones is not due to technological reasons, but financial, social, and economic ones.
If you've got 1 Billion $ in your pockets, you've got lots of possibilities.

> And it's not like toyota or any other of the big car companies aren't also making electric cars
Yes, they really aren't. The big car producers have no reason to go electric except the now upcoming competition. They are way richer than Tesla/Musk have ever been, yet he is beating them by a huge margin. Tesla Model S is considered to be one of the safest cars ever made and one of the fastest cars in its price range (compared to gas cars that is, the electric ones aren't even competing).

It's because he came in "out of nowhere" and started beating up the establishment in markets that aren't that competitive

End of the Maya calendar.