22 text fields

>22 text fields
>only 3 buttons

This is not ok


It could be simplified so easily.

How much did you pay for that piece of software?

>It would be better if instead of a GUI it was a command line application with zero prompts and you simply know every single command beforehand by magic like all Linux users

t. Freetards

>mv [pattern] [new pattern] is too hard to understand
>This requires arcane knowledge
Absolutely triggered

>I like to browse the web trying to find shitty non-free software with a terrible GUI straight from the 90s, no documentation and a shady installer that installs countless of toolbars and malware
t. Microcucks

>I like to pay for shitty non-free, featureless software downloaded from the cuckstore, created by a shitty, unexperienced hipster dev, programmed on some shitty fagbook while sitting at starbucks
t. Applecucks

What the fuck is this "t." meme I've been seeing lately

finnish abbreviation for "source"

>not using based qmv for renaming

>not using rename for renaming

It's terveiset, meaning "regards."

>3 buttons
>only 22 text fields

> third-party software for renaming things
The fuck?

windows doesnt really have any basic utilities, so you need such software for a lot of things.

t. Lincuck

you can just use

ren *.source *.whatever

to bulk rename thing in windows

Typically the kind of task for which the command line is just better.

How exactly could something like this be simplified? Its meant for ADVANCED renamimg and it is really simple once you learn how to use it

It's at least 17 buttons.

I downloaded this same program yesterday, Opened it and then uninstalled with prejudice


If you can't write your own python script to rename files, you don't belong on this board.

Id love to see how much you BITCH over the cli version.

Ever seen the uis for GECK or Skyrim Creation Kit?

If you can't write your own kernel, you don't belong on this board.

What exactly do you need more than 3 buttons for?

>proprietary software
Oh ok, so it only cost your freedom