NVIDIA official 24/7 suicide watch

>Several testers reporting thermal throttling issues
>1080 running at well above 80c
>card losing its boost

There is absolutely no excuse for a six hundred -fucking-dollar card to have these kind of thermal issues in 2016. Literally none.

Other urls found in this thread:

ashesofthesingularity.com/metaverse#/ladders/benchmark/overall/Crazy_1080p?viewType=myself&filters={"gpu":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980","api":"DirectX 12"}

>reference card
Again, a buttblasted poor AMDshill

This card shows it's a piece shit. Have to run fans at at least 90% to get decent temps. OC is out the window.

Nvidia is kill

The people who fell for the Founders Edition meme deserve it desu.

>mfw over promised and under delivered yet again
>mfw AMD's software/driver team doesn't have half the talent of Nvidia's driver gimping team and they try to give a better experience than Nvidia and fail, while Nvidia acts like a monopoly and stuff just works better than AMD

And no 2.1Ghz overclock, let's NOT forget this.

AMD literally outshilled the shills

>displays Polaris
>"top-notch performance, matches 980"
>only in dx12
>AMD literally forcing users to install win10

Fucking AMD

>above 80c
That's not ideal, but let's be real. Nvidia said 105c was Fermi's normal operating temperature. We're still 20 degrees from being Fermi tier.

Not to mention
>two 480's in AotS scale at 51% (what they meant is that that their two cards get 151% the performance of a single card), but lol real really it's 83% (meaning that they effectively said their single card performance was much higher, a 7 fps difference between the single card numbers).

Nvidia reclaims the Housefire throne
will AMD take it back?

>Nvidia said 105c was Fermi's normal operating temperatur

pretty much this. The 1080 is STILL a phenomenal card and all the AMDcucks got going on for them is that miserable pipe dream based on a shoddy benchmark of a game nobody gives a shit about (aots).

This year is going to be glorious for Nvidia. First their 1060 will destroy the 470/480, than the 490 will turn out to be housefire-tier, finally the 1080ti will sweep everything off the ground and AMD will be left lying in ashes of singularity.

Nvidia are liars and AMD doesn't have any drivers. What the fuck do I choose?

install gentoo

Intel(r) Iris Pro (tm).


Wait till the sales figures start rolling in.
>thinks polaris 10 is the top of the line card
>not realizing Vega might drop q4


1060 can't match 480 performance wise.

Everyone knows it's half a 1080, ie 1280 shader cores. Considering the 970 is 55% the performance of a 1080 on average, unless they clock the 1060 to the moon it'll struggle to exceed a 970, let alone a 980, which we already know the 480 is above.

It'll be another 380X scenario where AMD has a card in a performance and price slot that Nvidia can't match directly.

And remember, the 480 is a cut Polaris 10

Please, tell us more about these cards no one owns or knows anything about.

>which we already know the 480 is above.
Based on AMD's only benchmark they've put out, which shows two 480s getting ~62 fps. The AotS benchmarks show that the 980 single card can get up to 70 fps (allegedly, that one is above most multi GPU 980 set ups so IDK what's happening) and most are around the 40-50 fps range. ashesofthesingularity.com/metaverse#/ladders/benchmark/overall/Crazy_1080p?viewType=myself&filters={"gpu":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980","api":"DirectX 12"}
A single 480 would get ~32 fps at the same settings because AMD clarified that the second GPU was actually being used at 83% in that benchmark (so two cards perform as well as 183% of one card). And this is in dx12, where AMD and Polaris shines. The 480 will come close to the 980 in a few, specific settings, but that's it.

When the reference spec of a card has thermal issues, THAT IS NOT GOOD OR ACCEPTABLE. The ref should be the benchmark, not the minimum viable product.

I specifically remember every heat stroke you cunts have yelled about in GPU's being bullshit anyway.

the HD4850 wasn't that fucking hot (ok bad example. Single-slot)
Fermi wasn't that fucking hot
the 2**-3**x series weren't that fucking hot

>not the minimum viable product
But that's what reference has always been. Nvidia is trying to see if they can get away with charging the Apple tax, but that doesn't mean their other cards are shit.

>There is absolutely no excuse for a six hundred -fucking-dollar card to have these kind of thermal issues in 2016. Literally none.
You're right, buying the reference card is retarded since it really seems to be pretty damn shit this time around, for a fucking $100 premium too.

Custom coolers should keep temps in check and prevent thermal throttling.

NVIDIA wants to assrape you and AMD is incompetent. Welcome to the dedicated graphics card market, enjoy your stay.

>six hundred -fucking-dollar card

Completely unrelated but
>GTX 1080 is 700 USD on newegg
>almost 1000 USD to buy one in NZ

>buy $600 card
>use stock cooling

Come on, it's obviously an enthusiast card.

That's a hell of a "should". This tells me that the card runs too goddamn hot and a sane cooler (i.e. something that doesn't look like gamer trash or sound like a dust buster) can't keep it under control.

Didn't he say in this exact video he can take off thermal throttling by changing some settings?

The temp went up by a few C but everything stayed perfectly boosted the entire time at 80% fanspeed 83-85c right? Which is hot, but the card worked as it intended.

There's obviously something wrong with some software/driver setting if your temps are maxing out but your fan speed is low..

I'm a little bit more on the casual side, I just set my R9 290 to 4xEQ AA and 16x AF and call it a day.

It handles the games I play well enough. I don't plan on upgrading anytime soon with what I have.

It's most likely a multiGPU setup and AOTS didn't pick it up mainly because a single R9 390 got similar results.


give em those press exclusive drivers

that'll clear it right up

>People are trying to compare cards that no one owns and doesn't have any proper benchmarks

Do you people have Downs syndrome?

Get this.
>ordered 1080
>out for delivery
>delivered and signed by ROBERT
>what the hell? my name is adam and I dont have the package
>call shipping company
>"Were sorry, please call the seller"
>wait, you delivered to the wrong place and let someone who HAS A DIFFERENT FUCKING NAME sign and it's the seller's fault?

Im switching to amd

Robert probably would've stolen your 480X too tbf.

It's Sup Forums. You tell me.

I don't know why anyone buys reference anymore. When AMD does it, people cry poorfag. When NVidia does it, people cry suicide watch.
reference is shit to save money, don't buy reference unless you're water cooling.

>>delivered and signed by ROBERT
I know that's bullshit because nobody makes their signature legible on that little device the delivery guy hands you.

That's what it says. Online tracking says "Signed by: ROBERT" in all caps like that

>founders edition
>$100 premium

>reference card
>JUST rip me off
>hahahaha stupid goym

only buthurt novidia fags can make this shit up


>$100 premium
wait, you have to pay MORE for the reference version of these cards?

yes. That's why they're a complete waste of money.

that is advanced stupidity beyond what I've ever imagined for people who've actually bought that

and a fucking genius business move from nvidia for exploiting these retards

yes,and the milked idiots even ""defend"" this online with
>early adopters
>easier to water cooling block
like ek and other havent put out enough variants for past non reference cards
>overclocks better, muh 2.1ghz on air
hhahaha no, classic bait and switch on novidia presentations


>Nvidia can now milk the "whales" of the consumer GPU market with bullshit like this so they always have more money for R&D than AMD

only the reference cards from NVidia
we should see reference designs from other vendors soon for cheaper, but not "FOUNDERS EDITION!!!!"

I fail to see why I should care what a component that goes inside a closed box looks like

There are no reference cards that aren't from NVIDIA. That's the point, a reference card is the one built by the manufacturer.

The real question is how loud is it at 100% fan speed?

Some reviews say 41db at 100% maxed out gaming and 46 under 100% maxed out torture test, during both it doesn't thermal throttle

I doubt you'll even be able to hear that inside a case with headset on, right? In which case - No thermal throttling and everything is fine?

they'll make blower fan copies, it might take a while though. might not have vapor chamber though

Another one to the pile, boys!

Google showed up nothing for "gtx 1070 memory usage 6gb". What's the sauce on this? I'm a bit skeptical because only reviewers have the card so far, Nvidia was already sued and lost over lying about memory once, and benchmark tools for new cards often make mistakes with recognizing things like memory and other components. Also any troll can upload an image of a test of their 6gb card and say it's the 1070.

>1080ti will sweep everything off the ground
It's absolutely not possible. Fucking Fury X beats 1080 at 4k thanks to HBM.

Pascal is obsolete at launch.

who is robert??

>100w power draw
>between 970 and 980 performance for possibly as low as $230 (the article was written before the Polaris announcement, Nvidia probably reacted by keeping the price on the 1060/ti not as high as they were going to before)

>>mfw AMD's software/driver team doesn't have half the talent of Nvidia's driver gimping team and they try to give a better experience than Nvidia and fail, while Nvidia acts like a monopoly and stuff just works better than AMD


>nobody makes their signature legible on that little device the delivery guy hands you
>mfw always thought i was the only one who couldn't sign on the device properly and felt bad about it

>using poo jokes when that article was written by a pooinloo

There's literally nothing wrong with thermal throttling.

The issue is why the fuck is a $600 card running at such shitty temps for basic rendering.

Fuck off Roy

>worse than a 980
>same price as a 480, which is better than a 980
>buying an objectively worse card because it has your teams name on it

running at well above 80c
What temperature do you expect a GPU maxing 2160P run? Fucking christ with you faggs

>RX 480 is worse than R9 390
>RX 480 is between R9 390 and R9 390X
>RX 480 is the same as GTX 980
>RX 480 is between GTX 980 and GTX 980Ti
Why do I keep hearing all of these?

because no one really knows and speculate about it. All we knows is that 2x 480 have the same performance of one 1080.
my bet is between 390X and 980

I'm hoping 980-tier with overclocking to near-980Ti.

I'm gonna hold off for a fair while though, I think. Vega is around the corner, and people might start selling Polaris off EVEN CHEAPER if they upgrade that quickly.

> tfw snag a RX 480 for sub-$250AUD

I can only dream

in one game. that AMD keeps shilling.

The reason they wanted you to contact the seller is because that's their client, not you.
If there's a problem with the shipment, they're answerable to the seller, not you.

>All these butthurt shills that preordered 1080

I thought the cuckolds user meeting was being held tomorrow.

Brb, gotta drop off my wife's son at ballet and take a fresh picture of my SLI 970's


So it's pretty much exactly a 480, except higher real tdp because
>reporting accurate tdp
and 480 is all but confirmed somewhere right around 980/fury performance, and costs $30 less for the 4gb version, and the same for 8gb?

[Citation Needed]

Im getting the asus version of the 1080

>not getting evga

Asus is better than evga

In what way?

every one

Nah senpai.

Asus has inferior power circuitry and locked voltage control. Evga FTW has two more phases and non-reference vbios

ok shill

let other people get cucked
buy used cards

That picture demonstrates what, exactly?


That you're the kind of idiot that gets scammed by evga

Theres nothing wrong in that picture. Its just a heatsink.

>Theres nothing wrong in that picture.

keep digging

>chip isn't even contacting the third useless heatpipe

The pipe is cut, which means there is no coolant inside.

This happened to me once. Turned out it was just the guy at the post office.
Did you call your local post office to check?

Of course it thermally throttles.

Better than setting an artificial clock cap and not utilizing it fully.

At least it doesn't get to +100°c like the RX series !


You're all tremendous faggots, massive great shill faggots.
Nvidia fanboys, AMD fanboys, you're literally as bad as each other.


>faster than a 980
>implying AMD won't over promise and under deliver yet again

So why is it that the 290/290X run hot and thermal throttle on reference cooling and need partner board designs to keep them in check, everyone says AMD runs too hot 3 years later, even when talking about AMD's new 150w TDP, single-6-pin midrange card. Yet the 1080 runs hot and thermal throttles on reference cooling and needs partner board designs to keep it in check, but since it doesn't hit Fermi's housefire levels, it's still a phenomenal card and AMD is finished?

>Fucking Fury X beats 1080 at 4k thanks to HBM
Find one single benchmark where this is true. Fury X closes the gap at 4k compared to lower resolutions, yes, but I've seen not one example where the 1080 doesn't rightly kick the Fury X's balls up its ass.

Are we back to spreading lies Nvidia shills?
The only GPU that has done 100+ °C in normal conditions is the GTX 480, there's literally no other GPU able to do that
Oh, temperature as in the chip temperature, not VRM's, Titan X does 100+ on the VRM's

>Nvidia Pascal reference design
>Can't properly cool the GPUs, leading to thermal throttling after 10 minutes of use

>AMD Fury cards reference design
>Fucking based, keeping both Nano and FuryX cool no matter how long you run at them at 100%

Fury reference coolers >>>>>>>>>> housefire >>>>>>>>>> microwave oven >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pascal reference coolers

I can't believe people are paying Nvidia money.

"I'll just get a fucking playstation and build that gaming pc next year" - Me, 2009-2016

not even one

Not them, but even if it didn't contact it still would get some heat transfer being so close to a pipe with direct contact. Not really sure why they would design a heat pipe into the thing then not use the pipe itself.