ITT: Software tier lists

ITT: Software tier lists.

>God Tier: Qutebrowser, Firefox Nightly, Icecat, Palememe
>Okay: Firefox ESR, Chromium,

>Botnet: Chrome , Edge, IE

>I have no life: links, lynx, elinks

Operating System:
>God Tier: Manjaro GNU/Linux, Debian >GNU/Linux, Gentoo GNU/Linux,

>Okay Tier: *buntu, Windows 7, *BSD's

>Shit: Arch (instable, eufi fucking piece of shit).


>God Tier: zsh (with oh-my-zsh), mksh (extremely light)

>Okay Tier: Bash (NO POSIX), Fish (weird syntax and no POSIX)

sh is only useful for scripting and is horrible to use a actual shell, it doesn't even have tab completeion.

Other urls found in this thread:

God tier:

I've heard there exists other software as well.

ex-iphone user here. iOS is dogshit.

Leave it to a tripfag to have shit opinions.

Why isn't your trip banned yet? Cmon mods!

What do you look like IRL. Are you attractive at all?

what about Opera?

[spoiler]it's god tier on mobile but i never used it on windows[/spoiler]

>god tier manjaro
this is clearly bait

Lists are pretty biased imho, but here I go:

Web Browsers:
>God Tier: GNU Icecat, dwb, elinks
>Okay: Firefox, Chromium
>Botnet: Chrome , Edge, IE

Operating System:
>God Tier: Devuan, Manjaro, Gentoo
>Okay Tier: *buntu, Debian, Arch
>Shit: Windows, *BSD's, Fedora

>God Tier: Bash
>Okay Tier: Fish
>Shit: zsh (with oh-my-zsh)

disgusting. when you're ready to be a serious programmer, use vim.


Is tf2 on Linux

Why is Firefox Nightly better than Firefox?

its not

anything else I don't know

>operating systems
>shit arch
arch is pretty stable, has a million packages
and is light

>God Tier: Manjaro GNU/Linux
something is wrong with this picture

>manjaro on godtier but arch on shit-tier
is that a normie I see?

if you like your men to look like women. cute tomato keeps trying to post on fit about how he exercises. Its great humor

*Its great because he is serious, but fucking retarded
Forgot to add that

Yes, actually.

>BSDs below Debian

because e10s (multi processes). its better than chrome because freedoms

>God Tier
>Everything I use

>Shit Tier
>Everything else

arch has smaller repos than debian, the aur is necessary because the official repos barely have anything.

no distro is 'light', its what de / wm your running. It's pretty obvious ubuntu GNOME will be less light than arch with 2bwm installed.

it just works, gives you the choice of using systemd, more stable and doesn't cater to retards who like broken, bleeding edge shit.

bad hardware support, other than that there actually good.

sleep tight, pupper

Iceweasel should be up there at the top senpai

Ublock Origin, SpyBlock (Icecat), Adblock Edge Stevenblack/hosts

Adblock, Adblock Plus, Adblock for *Normie Website Adblocker Ultimate

Operating System
Debian Jessie
Debian Testing
Debian Sid

Shell: Bash and only bash.

Text Editors:
Everything else.

Arch is better than Debian any days.
Also Ubuntu makes Debian irrelevant

>instable, eufi fucking piece of shit
Ready for school tomorrow? Fucking Debian babby

What the fuck did you just say?

Without Debian Ubuntu would be nothing. Debian is the foundation for Ubuntu, Therefore Debian is superior to Ubuntu.

>Using arch
>Mom.... Arch fucked up my xorg.conf again...
>No package signing
>AUR isn't even moderated.
Shit for security, senpai.

Yeah if only it had a good text editor

>Debian Babby
I'm pretty sure doing rm -rf / on arch deletes efivars

We Debian Users don't have this problem :^)

>Without Debian Ubuntu would be nothing
Agreed. Ubuntu is the evolved, superior debian

Not the freshest of memes but I am assuming you really do not know what you are talking about

>AUR not moderated
Read the PKGBuilds, this is not windows. Debian doesn't even have PPAs. Also, atleast Arch is not a freetard wannabe distro

>Shit for security
Arch is a DIY distro, you implement security measures yourself. Get the Grsecurity kernel and use mitigation.

> rm -rf / on arch deletes efivars
You just confirmed you don't know what you are talking about. The eifvars in MSI laptops are re-writable and thus the retard did this got what he asked for. SystemD mounted the ESP as re-writable as well you fucking clueless shitposter. Why don't you get an MSI laptop and do it yourself, newfag?

>rm -rf / on arch deletes efivars
>We Debian Users don't have this problem :^)
You do realise you just implied Debian is a babby distro, don't you

Is Chromium better than Firefox?

I think firefox gives you more privacy from google

media players:
>God Tier: mpv. free, open source, high quality code, customizable, active development. Cross-platform

>Okay Tier: MPC-HC+madVR+ReClock+xySubFilter. MPDN+extensions. Still try to achieve reasonable video quality but are closed source or use low quality, platform-specific code

>Shit Tier: VLC media player, the comic relief of the video player world. Its main purpose seems to be exemplifying everything not to do. Still can't figure out fundamental issues like seeking after decades of being in development. Browser's built in media players.

That settles it then.

Nigger VLC is free, open source, has high quality code, active dev and cross platform

>has high quality code

>listing Manjaro above Arch when it's just a shit attempt at "improving" Arch, ie making it easier for plebs and more bloated

thanks mr shark




I think your video is broken, it doesn't play for me

>Arch is better than Debian any days.


Your computer must be broken, senpai.

You could just build it how you want, or be a lazy cuck. Your call

thanks mr shark

he's one of the cucks who is making single image webms to cut back on file size.

That's stupid. I'd rather have larger images in exchange for them being displayed correctly

What are Operafags up to these days?
Did they finally kill themselves?

Last time I asked this, this pointed me towards the Vivaldi browser as their last great hope.
But then it turned out that shit is based on Google Chrome engine as well.

>no surf
>and he can't use elinks

>no lfs
>bsd not up the top

How can you suck this hard op?

>weird syntax

>! $ {} { !!!} $$$$$

What about plain zsh?

Does that shit even have adblock?

Isn't Opera chink maintained now? Presto got 2 chink updates

It is? I thought it was finally dead.

Why would google give it to some chinese people?

Is Iridium even worth checking out or is it just a meme?

Niqqa opera is a company

whats Sup Forums opinion on Waterfox?

Everything is a meme user. We’re all memes here. I’m a meme. You’re a meme.

yeah its built in

I use it and think it's great for x64 windows 7.