How does Sup Forums manage their passwords? Use a password manager or remember all your passwords?

How does Sup Forums manage their passwords? Use a password manager or remember all your passwords?

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i'm covered

remember important ones
paper slip for less important ones


>not using the same password for everything

Why are you doing this?

>huge loss of detail


Look at the file size. That would Webp but instead we must be punished and have to hack webm to act as webp.

It's not really noticeable. This is pretty much what opera turbo does. You don't see the users complain about image quality.

how else do you expect an autist to spend his summer?

I use my last name and birth year+2 factor authentication for all my passwords.

I may be a neet but I'm certainly not autistic.

>This is pretty much what opera turbo does. You don't see the users complain about image quality.
Because only fucking retards use Opera Turbo. Everyone else tried it out and realized that it's shit.

>Because only fucking retards use Opera Turbo.
>What are mobile users and Australians

Obviously you are if you keep posting webms of still images.

I'm just trying to show how good Webp would be family. Beside I mostly target people who are shitposting. I'm your friend.

Password manager. Way too many clients with different service accounts (CloudFlare, New Relic, etc)

1password and Keepass.

My god like memory

I used notepads but switched to a usb stick when they became cheaper.
>also copy paste.

Fucking retarded if they accept the abomination that Opera Turbo turns the internet into.

I let firefox rember the ones that don't matter. Infrequent log-ins I keep on a usb stick.
Banking I memorized.
I leave chrome browser logged in for netflix or music, and that's all I use chrome for.

My brain and paper

My password is "password". It's brilliant. Who would ever think of "password" as a password?

kpcli on Linux and Keepass2Android on Android. same database synced with MEGA.

>It's not really noticeable

It's hugely noticable, you faggot. The entire left side of the image is one big blur. All memes aside, get your eyes checked if you can't see how shitty that looks.

>Beside I mostly target people who are shitposting
Target yourself faggot

>Target yourself faggot
That would create a paradox.

I have two passwords with 2-4 variations each. Reason for this is because I used to have one password until things started requiring capitals and not being similar to the last one.

Then I'd forget which variations I used for which accounts, get locked out and required to enter a new one which is followed by 'durr you password is similar to your old one' so another variation is added.

Yep this. I'm to the point now where I know what the base passwords are but there's so many variations with extra numbers, symbols, and capitals it's kind of a pita now. But I can get it normally in < 3 tries




can we please ban this cocksucking autist?
I live in constant fear. I can't even post an image anymore without this faggot turning it into a WebP™

I'ts not just one person doing it anymore. Everyone is doing it now.

For JPG, must have FFMpeg installed.
for %%f IN (*.jpg) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.jpg" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -quality best -threads 4 -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

for %%f IN (*.jpg) do (
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "%%~nf.jpg" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -quality best -threads 4 -t 2 -r 1 "%%~nf.webm"

Save the scripts with the extension .bat and place it in an image directory. Then run it and it will automatically convert images to static webms.

If I get banned pass the script on, don't let the flame die user. I believe in you.

>using the same password for everything
If someone figures out your password on one thing they've got it for everything. This is a stupid thing to do

i dont get the point of this though

Basically: autism. It's the same reason why we have dictionaries. One autistic sperglord wrote down words and they're meanings like some kind of mega nerd and that became the dictionary.

I write them down on a piece of notbook paper, roll it up and shove it in my computer's giant fluffy penis.

>not autistic
I have some bad news for you..

keepass 2 because it's basically my old trusty
not letting it go anytime soon nor do i plan to switch to another/different password manager