>Think that win 10 is pretty ok
>First few days everything works smoothly
>After a month it takes 3 minutes to start it up
>Ragequit one day and reinstall windows without any backup
>Windows works OK again
>W H A T T H E F U C K
Looks like I'm not the only one that's fucking done with this turd os
We'll Imma sorry ta hear dat.
First month, the OS was great, way faster than windows 8.1.
Then this piece of shit started fucking my HDD night and day, eating my RAM faster than chrome and fucked almost everything I had.
Now, I'm running a cracked windows 7 and it is way better than this spyware-shit.
aside from spying on you its not that bad
>well thats what you get from using windows, better use li-
nah I'm kidding, linux is going the same downward spiral of not giving a fuck about their users and imposing shit. It's called systemd. Even though there is no single vendor behind linux, systemd is slowly absorbing everythinglinux related
>he uses an OS from 2009
C'mon, at least use 8.1
But tell me, after win 10 developers can use bash (ofc atm I can't because my system is corrupted and every time I try to update it it says that fatal error occurred). Can I make win 10 to work like Linux in a matter of customization? Btw. can I run openbox on Windows? I just love it because it's so minimal yet powerfull
Right after installing it I've turned off every shit that logged my geolocation, typings, gestures, personal data, advertising profile etc
Sorry I have some self-respect
>Can I make win 10 to work like Linux in a matter of customization?
You can make windows look like linux a long time ago. And no you can't run openbox, plus the kernel remains unchanged it's still NT.
Vista Home Premium master race. My laptop is from 2007 and still works fine, starts up in 1 minute or 2 and does not give any problems at all.
After it everything went to shit, 7 is horrible, 8 is shit. Tried 10 on the pc of a girl that comes to my house to learn shit about informatics and it is a shit OS.
I've had some occasional random boot failures, but nothing close to what OP describes.
Are you on a traditional hard drive or SSD? Did you upgrade or did you install clean? Did you try the "reset my PC" option to keep your files but reset windows/applications?
Judging by the filename, you probably don't know the answer to this question but I'll ask anyway.
Can you provide me some details?
Well clean win 10 runs in 10 seconds haha
Did you try the "reset my PC" option to keep your files but reset windows/applications?
Yeah I used it before hard reinstall (with formatting all partitions) and my win was upgraded from 8
Nah but you are a faggot. Not sure what that has to do with the topic at hand but... there it is.
>windows 7
Into the trash it goes.
fuck yourself faggot
I'm not having any issues at all with Windows 10. Learn how to use it or enjoy your absolute shit tier MAC OS.
Metro sucks dick
What's systemd. Or rather - since Wikipedia is telling me it's the process used to boot Linux or something - what exactly is bad about systemd?
I'm windows 10 power user yet still I can't find and repair corrupted files. Tell me more.
>> power user
Anyone who uses that to describe their knowledge ought to die.
Kek I've got a certificate from Mc saying that
The ricing methods on nanami-tan also work on windows 10.
Nothing. :^)
Can an user link me to that one Windows 7 .iso with the botnet removed and with all the good updates installed (without the botnet ones)?
That girl has antlers! :o
Besides the shitty looks in which ways is 8.1 worse than 7?
It doesn't book the system. It is what we call an 'init system' which basically means that it is the first thing that runs once the kernel (the very core of the OS) loads into memory.
A traditional init system merely defines how the system is going to be run and delegates jobs to other programs that do the tasks you expect at boot (rather than doing them manually): connect to the internet, sync the time with the internet, and start other system stuff that you usually don't care about.
Init systems originally were scripts and stored as plain text files that the user or administrator could open and read, and he would know exactly what they did. Also the init script didn't do much more than know which services to start and start them when appropiate.
systemd is a binary file, meaning that you cannot just open it with a text editor and read it, and the source code is written in a language that is everything but intuitive (C) so you can't expect to just read it either.
It also keeps its log files in a binary format so you need systemd to read them.
And it does everything itself. Okay not everything. It still delegates some tasks to other programs, but it has absorbed way too many tasks that are not to be done by the init system itself.
It may not sound so bad, but in unix everything is meant to be kept separate, so that you can replace a part of the system that you might not like with another one that performs better, or write your own. With systemd you can no longer replace certain services because they're built into the system.
And it's well known among developers that complexity and spaghetti are not good things in software. If a part of the system fails, you could usually just replace it, with systemd, you have a mass of complexity that can conceal bugs very easily, and if a part of it fails, the whole system has to be replaced.
But the thing I dislike the most is exactly the same issue you guys have with windows: it is being forced upon the users.
tl;dr it's spaghetti software, doing way more than it should do and obscuring the way it works.
And its being force on the users. Of course in linux we supposedly have more choice, but most major distributions are adopting it because the power of money (the company that made it is strong in the server industry). And those that do not adopt it require an amount of technical skill. (see Gentoo)
to make it simple enough for non technical guys
Imagine unix is a box of legos and systemd is a single lego the size of a box
> Hating on a optional product
Nobody, including Microsoft, gives a shit.
its okay but i switched back to windows 7 because it lacked a lot of support for the things i used to do. and i had the home version so i couldnt change the theme for shit
>Literally can't get away from windows for decades because of lack of support in third party software.
I mean, what can I do when my toaster finally hit the bucket 10 years from now and new hardware doesn't have old windows drivers anymore.
>Using windows at all.
>modified windows iso
>botnet removed
There is no reason to run windows outside a VM
My Chinese erotica visual novels, friend. Also, after 5 minutes of searching on amazon I didn't see any decent USB WiFi adapters.
> optional
It's only a matter of time until it's not. MS don't give a fuck. They'll force you to take their gribbly Win10 Wangdong and you'll LIKE it
Your chink fap material can't run in a VM? I don't believe you.
but how am i supposed to play games without windows 10, user
>not optional
Bitch, it's my computer, I can make it do or not do anything I want.
I need it only for muh autism simulators and mongolian interactive books. VMs are shit for performance
>USB WiFi adaptor
Is op running it off a 5200 RPM dinosaur drive? Bootups don't ever take that long.
>Don't use Edge
>Don't use Windows Store
>Don't use a Microsoft account
It's not hard user to stop the spying MS wants to do.
That's what MS wants you to think.
I mean, it'd be illegal, but they could lock you down so hard you wouldn't be able to shit without their permission. Sure, people would crack it, but if MS went full tyrant, they'd hire people - probably the same people that cracked it - to find ways around the cracks.
>but they could lock you down so hard you wouldn't be able to shit without their permission.
Uh huh. Run along now, Richard. Your toes need cleaning and the adults are speaking.
Nigga I use Windows myself. Hell, I used Win10 for a bit, but I'm going back to 8.1.
If they didn't give a shit about getting sued, they could just pack a squillion different ways to spy on you and simply never tell you about them. Businesses, especially big ones, on the whole, are not that ethical.
Shut up pajeet
With Windows 10 you can't play pirated games or install pirates software. It can't even run old games made for DOS and older versions of Windows like 3.1, 95, 98 etc.
> they could just pack a squillion different ways to spy on you and simply never tell you about them.
In Windows 7. Really. And how are they going to do that without me accepting an update, pray tell?
And meanwhile, some autist with too much time on their hands dumps the traffic, raises the alarm, and Microsoft gets turned into the legal equivalent of a smoking crater in the ground.
I prefer to deal with reality, not absurd hypotheticals.
Is that an honest-to-goodness tiling WM? Well, I hope it is for your sake.
anyone know a torrent with Win7 SP1 + wireless drivers? I would dl one but all of them don't have wireless drivers with them and i don't have a way to get them without a connection.
Well, they probably COULD in Win7, but fuck knows why they would.
As to how, I dunno, I'm not into that sort of stuff. I assume they could simply push an update that bypasses the normal Windows Update route and silently installs itself. Just looks for a valid Windows installation and pushes itself through, regardless of permissions.
Hence why I was saying 'If MS didn't care about being sued'. They're happy to toe the line, but yeah, I don't see them actually DOING any of this. Absurd hypotheticals are fun! Why do you think there are so many NVIDIA IS FINISHED, AMD BANKRUPT, INTEL ON SUICIDE WATCH threads all the time?
Exactly why I jumped to FreeBSD. Plus I haven't had to worry and chew my nails on updating a year old basesystem to see if it will break in stupid ways.
Download 3DPN.
It will install the wireless and ethernet drivers you need.
No, you dont need internet to use it.
I've been wondering what I'm doing wrong because my win 10 install really doesn't have any problems. Granted, I first did a clean W7 install and slapped W10 straight on top of it so there wasn't any extra shit in the way, but still, I've had no problems with it so far.
Your computer just has good hardware compatibility with W10 or you dont use programs that dont are compatible with W10.
Give it a month
I run an old as fuck piece of shit, actually. I7 920, 6gb ram, 760ti.
My main use is in gaming and video, guess I've been fortunate enough to have been saved from all the problems most people have with win10, even premiere and after effects work quite well.
I've been running this install since last August, actually. I guess I'm just lucky or something.
Just use an openRC or runit distro, there's a decent amount of them to pick from.
Fuck doors, then