if(bool == 'true')

> if(bool == 'true')
> if(array.length > 0)

PRO-TIP: Kill yourself if you're doing this.

Other urls found in this thread:



>int main(int argc, char** argv)

Don't forget this travesty OP


you're already dead

>if(array.length > 0)
What's wrong with this?

My mom said I'm not allowed to kill myself :(

Damn, how many good boy points did she take?

can't tell if serious or troll

do you always do what mommy says?

No tendies tonight :(

It's a C meme because they don't believe in negative length arrays.

the jit/compiler will deal with it, choose whatever is readable, sperg

Keep it for human readability but make the compiler optimize it out.

It's just redundant. You can't have negative length, and if there is anything in the array, if(array.length) will evaluate to true.

if(bool) isn't readable enough for you...?

makes it more readable for other people though

How is that bad?

I've had a lecturer that insists on this, it would drive me mad!

>extra meaningless characters
>more readable

user pls.

btfo nigger


fuckYouFaggots = []


yields False

mfw java forces that shit


if(OP == "massive faggot")

sage is always called...ooooh icwutudidthur

what if one tries to check whether an array is empty?

>char** argv
char **argv master race.

double nigger

> if(bool == 'true')

haha, i remember my old 8th grade teacher used to deduct points for people who didn't do this. Cool as hell otherwise, wonder what she's doing now.
