rx480 is slower than a 280x and maybe even slower than a 390
Rx480 is slower than a 280x and maybe even slower than a 390
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that's kinda what I expected for 200USD and under 150 watts. you expected more on one card?
Faster than 970 at $200 is pretty sweet man.
is this a bot or just autism?
I've seen people doing it on Sup Forums so it's probably autism.
Autism+memes+extra memery
Different test systems, CPU scaling has a big impact.
4th gen GCN brings an IPC uplift over its predecessors.
The RX 480 has 36CU, and its clocked higher than any other stock GCN card to date.
Its not slower than a 40CU Hawaii/Grenada clocked at 1000mhz~
I doubt AMD would use anything than a high-end CPU like 6700K. The score with the 290x was made with a 4790k
>Der Nachteil der einzigen von
Stopped reading, looked at the pictures though
rx 480 isn't on sale though?
I just want to know if it's faster than a 390 non-x
>Nvidia's new midrange card beats the Titan X
>Meanwhile AMD's can't even succeed their high end cards from years ago
holy fucking kek
In what world?
1070 doesn't come close to the raw performance of a Titan X. Don't play yourself.
>Don't play yourself.
Okay, how's it supposed to be able to run VR then?
you buy 2 of them just like raja told you to
Yeah, fuck that. I'm going to poo on his face.
290 is the min spec so it kinda fits
Looks like shit.
I take 7KB extra and make it look like this instead.
>beta unreleased drivers vs highly polished drivers
I dunno, looks like the 480 is going to end up being twice as powerful at this rate...
>RxPooinLoo 8GB
>$250 aftermarket cooler most likely
>faster than a $300 GTX 970 3.5GB
Good enough for me to run most game at 60fps 1080p
See, it works both ways
I'd say 250$ for the 8GB aftermarket, probably.
230$ for the 4GB aftermarket.
You mean a $200 GTX 970
Nvidia don't make them anymore. Retailers will discount accordingly.
They won't. As stock goes down, prices go up.
The GTX 1080 is midrange because there will be the GTX 1080 Ti and the new Titan above it.
How'd they get an RX 480?
The embargos aren't out on it yet, so the only people publishing benchmarks are going to be borderline retards
>stock goes down, prices go up
Nobody is going to buy a 970 for $300 if they can get a 480 for $230 dumb dumbb
>pre-release hardware tested with pre-release driver
>can't verify it is actually 480
fuck off
and 120% more ram
nvidiafags are just stress panicking because the GTX970s they paid $350 for are going to be worth less than $150 on craigslist in three weeks.
That's just wrong, most are just having clearance sales so they can properly adjust the price of 1070 within a few months
Market share and Brand Loyalty factor
Nobody is going to buy the 970 @ $300 when the 1070 is only $80 extra dumb dum.
Nvidiots really are that dumb.
He's right though. The 1060/ti is rumored to launch in q3 2016 and would be one pirce bracket below the 1070 (I'm guessing the 1060ti will be $270-$300, while the regular 1060 will be around $230-$250, and then the 1050 will be $190-$210 if it even exists). That would completely eliminate any reason to buy a 970 even if you're an Nvidia fanboy.
>slower than a 280x
>and maybe a 390
>maybe a 390 is slower than a 280x
Please tell me more about these unreleased cards that nobody knows anything about
I have a 280x and I was going to sell it quick to some dumb person so I could get a 480 without spending much being poor and all
I'm not sure anymore but not because of OP posting this picture
if someone reputable breaks embargo, everyone else follows suit, so till you see everyone else post their shit, assume the person is no name retard, or its fake for views.
i'm only really looking at a 480 for an 8gb card (few games i have can go over 4gb if i let them) and so i don't have to close shit because it uses around 1gb of vram.
Is that an IKEA Förvaring?
If I did that it'd be a recycled bin.
Cracked open a hole on my table when I lifted my case in one end to bleed some bubbles from the WC and the edge of the case with it's weight was too much for the table to handle.
>new 199$ shit tier gpu no dvi slot 4gb
slower than old gen cards
1080 is the top of the line flagship for the rest of the year and its price reflects that.
Exactly, it's just made up crap just like everything else that happens pre-embargo.
Listen, to those here who this is their first new GPU generation with Sup Forums, take this thread and remember how ridiculously wrong it was.
Take it and remember that everything released about a card before it's actually out should be disregarded.
Except if it conforms with your own fanboy beliefs of course
wrong 1080 ti and new Titan GP102 already spotted
whatever you think about the price range is your problem
>this is what the greens believe.
>this is what delusional AMDrone has to say
What they should learn is not to spend a lot of money on their fucking hobbies
And the 480 seems adequate for the market of non-elitists who just want to use PC as a gaming platform instead of showing off like some fat faggot
>1440p has more fps than 1080p
Gotta try harder than that op
GP104 is midrange. literally 1/2 of the whole chip.
Sorry I mean 1/3, (20SM out of 60SM)
The extreme preset is one tier below crazy in AotS.
The gtx 780ti used prices are higher than gtx 970 retsilbprices last i checked, yet they are worse. Gpus keep their value for a while
In Mexico the GTX970 is right no more expensive than it was 1 year ago, I could sell mine and make a profit even listed as used.
Thinking of doing it but I reckon the 1070 is going to be even more expensive and lets not talk about AMD being more expensive than Nvidia in Mexico for some reason.
>...and until this day, no source was provided.
but it is funny how many threads of this kind pop up lately.
Nvidiafags seem to be very mad and also seem to have to much time to shitpost
rofl. Being this delusional. RX480 is a bigger meme than the 970 ever could be.
>calling a card a meme that isn't even released yet, without any impartial revies or benchmarks
>calling others delusional
kek. Enjoy your gimped cuck cards
thing is there are likely real leaks mixed in with fake ones, but now that we have more info, people can really clamp down the range of what the fake shit they make looks like.
this is in the range of believable, especially if drivers aren't there yet.
This is my first new Guy generation with Sup Forums, and honestly this is shit. Rampant shilling everywhere, on both sides, and about cards nobody fucking owns yet.
I think I'm just going to keep my 980ti for now.
this is honestly worse then all prior gens, and its been ramping up this way for a while.
Is this shit the result of two armies of paid shills d'you think?
I just want normal Sup Forums back, I don't care about the retarded brand war, I just like computers, and talking about computers.
>released benchmarks will outperform anything after barely managed to show off a CF setup with AMD own prefered game
>my cards are expensive and I'm upset.
>nvidiots calling the 1080 a midrange card when it costs $700
>dude cuck card cuck cuck cuck cuck lmao
>oy vey Nvidia are such Jews (despite having an Asian CEO...), Nvidiots = good goyim
Are all AMD fanboys just underage alt righters?
It wasn't even CF. dx 12 supports multiple GPUs without CF/SLI. CF performance will be worse than the demo for the 480.
Sorry, you're still a cuck. No memes can change that.
That's what nvidia want to happen. They want us to get used the the idea of $700 being a midrange price point to make up for their drop in sales (not unique to nvidia, applies across the whole components industry).
Obvious business is obvious.
AMD on the other hand are likely going to try to undercut them regardless of the cost because they win either way.
Graphics war only exists on the Internet. You're all retarded.
wew lad grade A reversal right there
>actually paying for AMD shit when Intel graphics get the job done and cost infintely less
Whose the real cuck here? I think its you, my price/performance is infinitely better than anything AMD shits out.
Are you stupid user, AMD did the same with the 7000 series, in fact it has been like this since the 8800 days.
You're going to have to explain how what either company did in the past makes me stupid.
why do all of the cards perform better at 1440p than 1080p?
You're just born stupid.
I'm not shaming you, its natural for some people to be stupid.
Because no driver. It took a year for the 290X to mature driver wise.
They used a lower graphical setting for 1440p. Extreme is below crazy.
I'm not sure you understand me. How are AMD's previous business decisions in any way relevant to what I was talking about?
And why the name calling?
>mfw my 390x OC w/ case fans still kicking ass
Meh ill wait for a while
lower settings and resolutions scaling
AMD tried atleast
nice try...
I've noticed. While back the x80 was their top tier card and only cost 500
Example can be the gtx 480 that cost 500.
Now the x8-/xx80's line is gimped for the ti line and costs 600? Get the fuck out of here with that shit
This is how it went
Entry-level GT 430
Mid-range GT 440, GTS 450, GTX 460
High-end GTX 465, GTX 470
Enthusiast GTX 480
>price/performance is infinitely better than anything AMD shits out
if you need CPU power and not much GPU power then yes.
if you need both but not that much then AMD APU.
if you need a lot of GPU power you always need a dedicated GPU
I need a good CPU and I can run almost any game at 60fps by turning down the settings far enough. How can Polaris even hope to compete with this price/performance ratio? I spent 0 additional dollars on my rig while they want to charge me $200? They can fuck right off.
That guy is not me.
No, its largely more and more normal people coming over to pc gaming, then you get a spill over into people who use Sup Forums, and even then, you have a spill over into kids.
Fucking children who get mommies and daddies to buy their fucking gpu, and then need to have that gpu be the best on the planet.
Nvidia shills are fucking the worst, amd ones somewhat parrot what nvidia shills do, and then when amd is better, nvidia shills can't shut the fuck up, when its worse, they can't shut the fuck up, its always rag on amd no matter what.
Fact is, amd is the lesser of 2/3 evils here, but amd is neither a cpu powerhouse or a gpu powerhouse, they make very competitive gpus, and cpus can get you by.
Now with the new architecture, they very well could be the gpu powerhouse, and next cpu they put out (zen) may be VERY competitive.
But amd is fighting an uphill battle with 2 people who have no issue being anti competitive, when this gets pointed out, time and time again, the shills for the other side become even more unbearable.
there are kids on this board who are retarded and there are faggy adults who still act like kids or antagonize people as a hobby.
this is only going to get worse and worse till the market balances itself out again.
Who the fuck needs a DVI connector with 2 DP and HDMI connectors. Make that room for less restrictive ventilation for the blower(and less noise as a result).
>calling a connector a slot
>defending a 199$ toilet assembled gpu
suicidal AMDrone
NO DVI SLOT shove your adapter in the ass they don't work as intented DVI and you are limited to 60hz
Do nvidiots like clinging to old dying standards?
>poorfags own a monitor with hdmi or dp
medium kek
>dvi old dying standard
come back again when you finished elementary school
Yeah because the greens won't just keep buying 970s amirite
Its not 2003 anymore amd droped it from their gpus and i wouldn't be surprised if nvidia will do the same next generation.
DVI is inferior to HDMI 2 and DP
come back again when you finished elementary school
Do you by any chance think that vga being taken out of modern gpus is a bad thing too?