/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:



Windows = OS X > GNU/Linux

t. pajeet


Sup Forums is kill

should I install lfs

Anyone try alpine linux?

For the desktop

its like GNU/Linux without the gnu

It's actually a busybox cripple.

Any package manager for android?

What was the definitive GNU/Linux(es) of the '90s?

I'm getting bored installing NT4 on every new Pentium Pro box I get my hands on.



Slackware, of course.

Green Is My Pepper

Figured as much, now to find some archived images...

I don't want to use Windows 98 or its son ever again.

Thinking about installing Arch with cinnamon, thoughts?

if you need a hobby distro yes. I installed it. It takes you 3 - 7 days according how many time you spend on it.
The real problem comes after. I uninstalled it right after I realised what I started.
You'll have to download everything manually, compile everything manually, there is no package manager. You'll have to check manually for updates, and manage security yourself. Having a functional linux distribution takes some time.

Do it

using cinnamon on fedora.

bretty gud 2bh. but i'm really ok with most DEs

So that's a thinkpad right? How does ALSA audio and pulseaudio work with you? Whenever I would mute, and then unmute the audio would stay muted. Is cinnamon stable?

I never had any issues with ALSA actually. It's not really a thinkpad but the specs do resemble. It's my primary machine as well

If you are playing games in the windows guest, the server should be run in the guest. Otherwise the cursor is unusable in most fullscreen games. I did not really like this solution so I got a hardware KVM switch that I just use for my keyboard and mouse for games, and synergy for controlling my windows vm while not playing games. Are you doing a GPU passthrough?

Does anyone have a serial for Geekbench 3? I want to run the 64-bit version, but only registering.

For Windows and OS X it is easy to find registered versions, but for Linux I can not find.

1 #!/bin/bash
2 my_array=($(ls) $(echo "This is an array"))
3 for i in $my_array; do
4 echo $my_array[$i]
5 done

How do I fix this?

How stable is kubuntu 16.* at the moment?

wait for the first point release. later in the summer.

lfs is good for;
- learning about linux
- starting your own distribution
- building a one-off embedded system with strict requirements (gentoo is also good for this if it's not too strict)

kde sucks giant donkey balls now. there's so many problems and I keep getting told they'll be solved with the next Qt release or the next Plasma release or that it's because $distro doesn't do it right, etc, etc. For instance, multi-monitors are STILL broken. I was told this was much better with Qt 5.6 but it's not and now there's a blog post telling me it's going to be fixed soon.

FUCK SAKE. I'm tired of the excuses and half-assed everything with KDE

is there something like tunein but for linux?

I like listening to radio stations from all over the world

Come on over to the GNOME club. We have tons of stability and multi-monitor works just fine.

We also have GTK, which is clearly superior to Qt.

How do enable the greyed out options here?

except the damn file picker.

nevermind, figured it out

waiting on answer for


Stage 1 is a massive waste of time and is no longer officially supported. Stage 3 is the officially recommended installation method. Any marginal performance gains would be outweighed by the massive amount of time spent waiting. You'll recompile everything eventually in updates anyway.

The minimal cd is not a stage 3 tarball. The cd is something you can use to chroot and install gentoo with. The tarball is what you extract which contains files and directories needed for the install (/usr /bin etc). You can do the same thing with ubuntu live cd, makes little difference.

For somebody that wants to learn more about programming etc, what are the benefits of using a Linux?


Thanks for the quick reply. I am in love with minimal performance gains. I have screenshotted and saved your answer in a special folder called "Make gentoo the fastest possible".
Any extra information will be greatly, greatly, greatly appreciated.
Firstly, thanks for the quick response.
Second, I don't know what a stage X tarball is exactly. But I am assuming it contains the kernel, and GNU stuff, and I learn from you installation files.
Lastly, I am guessing Chroot means I am booted in the setup folders that require access to a root directory of which the setup files are located in.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Please.

you're like a man jumping into a volcano yelling "I UNDERSTAND NOTHING"

i love it, please continue

pic related: you


1 #!/bin/sh
2 l=$(ls /home/femo/Pictures/*.png)
3 p=$(ls /home/femo/Desktop/scripts/shell/)
4 x="$l $p"
5 for i in $x
6 do
7 echo $i
8 done

Just read up on these terms, stages and chroot are both very well documented.

What do you want to learn?

Anyone have any idea how to set up the late 2014 macbook pro's wireless in linux? currently struggling in manjaro.

everything that a l33t programmer needs to learn in order to call himself a l33t programmer.

What does it mean when it says that "In Linux, a ‘useradd‘ command is a low-level utility".
Are all commands utilities? What is a high level utility?

I suggest you start with shell. First get familiar with Linux before branching out.

what's "it"?

"it" is paragraph 2 sentence one at the link tecmint.com/add-users-in-linux/

i see, basically, a command is anything entered into a shell (which might involve multiple programs at once), a utility is a program which performs some kind of data-altering task (i don't think there's an absolute definition for it, but i wouldn't call something like "echo" a utility, for example)
a "low-level ultility" in this context presumably means that it's a prorgram which alters basic, system-wide settings, rather than user-specific settings. high and low level anything depends on the context

How well does kvm perform compared to native?

>using ls for bash scripting

thought you weren't supposed to do that.

you're not

Why not?


Thanks. God to know. I fairly new to to this kinda stuff

when moving from using the shell by hand to writing shell scripts, it's important to understand which programs are designed for /human/ IO and /machine/ IO
ls output is only meant for humans, it won't always work as intended when processed by machine

some programs support both kinds, generating human output automatically when it's outputting to a shell, and machine output when piped to something else or when instructed to with a switch

Why won't Debian live usb boot in UEFi systems and how can it be done?

/r/ing Torvalds' response to GNU/Linux towards Richard Stallman

I'm attempting to set up a dual boot using a win 7 iso burned to usb using dd, and it's not being recognized as a boot device. When I mount it in linux the files seem to have been copied properly but I'm not sure. I also need it to boot in UEFI mode which it does not seem to want to do even though I have enabled UEFI for storage devices in the settings.

Hmm I think it might be because its UDF instead of FAT32?

Using UUI on an old windows XP with a 32bit OS and gives me an error at the end of UUI using 7zip to put on the drive.
>Said ISO is 64 bit OS
It's not writing the kernal properly so do I need to use the 32 bit version since I'm using Windows XP 32 bit or should it not matter?

So the arch wiki says to simply run wipefs and then write the iso to the usb with dd. Then again, the instructions are meant for linux so I'm assuming there is no further info because linux will boot fine from the UDF partition, but windows refuses to. Do I need to just create the FAT32 filesystem with mkfs, or also set the partition type in fdisk?


Just stopped by to admire the pics on OP, a mirror of internet culture. Fine art m8.

>i want to learn to ride a bike
>i suggest you first learn about wheels, how they're round and how they roll

>Windows as good as OSX
>Implicitly implying implications

I've been testing a few wm for ricing. See the pic, this list is in resource usage order.

Twin: Is framebuffer wm, I mention it because might come in handy for some people or for a special occasion, but not great for ricing. Comes with his own "terminal emulator" and set of applications, for obvious reasons.
TinyWM: With 50 lines of code, this is minimal as ir can get. Not big on features, but useful if you need to use a sttacking wm inside a tiling wm like Ratpoison (by using nested X servers).
dwm (+ dwmstatus): Now we are getting to feature-rich wm. This dynamic wm doesn't have many features by default, but with "patches" you can extend it a lot.
Ratpoison: Not for the fain of heart, this is the Emacs of wm, almost an entire desktop environment funtionality via shortcuts. Strictly tiling wm means you need to adjust to a life without the mouse.
Vtwm: twm with virtual desktop, Motif-like theme, and other added functionality. Themeable through a .vtwm, is easy to use and very savvy for when all else fails.
i3: No longer a wm, is a full DE, is the easy tiling wm you can get your hand on. Taksbar Included.
Blackbox (or Opebox): The wm which of Openbox forked from, is more than enough to use as a lightweight template for ricing. If you want more features you can use the fork Openbox that has xml configs.
IceWM: Do you feel like using a windows clone? With this you can out of the box. Even the configuration has a GUI for you.
Window Maker: A clone of nextstep (ancestor of Mac OS), a lot of applications (.app) are made for this wm.
Amiwm: Clone of the Amiga OS, the best feature you can find here is the workbench style.
FVWM (+ FvwmTabs and 4dwm theme): Now this is heavily themeable, feature filled wm. So much has been done for FVWM that you can choose between making a CDE/4dwm lookalike, or windows-like. FvwmTabs add an extra feature, the chance to merge programs in different windows by using "tabs".
s3d (+ s3dfm): ITS A FUCKING 3D DESKTOP!!!


for i in /home/femo/Pictures/*.png /home/femo/Desktop/scripts/shell/; do
echo $i

I'm vaguely familiar with Linux from a few projects I've done, little servers and Raspberry Pi stuff, that type of thing. I want to dual boot and try to make Linux my main desktop/Steam game OS. I'm fine with needing to learn and setup some stuff to get it all properly configured, but not Arch/Gentoo levels of autism. Which distribution should I use, and why? I'm thinking openSUSE might be good, given how it's setup to be easily configurable and compatible, but I assume that also means slightly bloated, and that I'll constantly need to be fucking with it to do the same stuff that I could easily do on something like Debian or Ubuntu. Debian is another I'm considering, because Steam officially supports Ubuntu, which is Debian based, so I assume compatibility will be good. I could do Ubuntu or Mint, but those are bloated with stuff I don't need, and Ubuntu has had spyware in the past. If I go Debian stable, will I end up always having trouble with everything being out of date? Or if I go with the slightly more updated version(can't recall name), will I regret it because of bugs taking too long to fix?

is there a good dynamic WM that uses plaintext configs, has window snapping in stacking mode without ugly hacks, is minimal and makes sense? I kind of like dwm but reompiling just to change the config is not very appealing and in i3 i find the stacking mode to be a bit lacking.
i heard that some people use some kind of grid that you can align windows to in stacking mode(?), how is this done?

>torrent at 1.1 MB/s
>install Ubuntu
>use Deluge
>suddenly everything torrents at 150 - 250 kB/s with peaks of 500kB/s
All torrents do this, no matter how many seeds.
Whats wrong with it, how do I fix it?

if you messed with the Pi, you likely already used a Debian derivative, why not just go full Debian? ubuntu and steamOS are based on it for a reason.
Debian has 3(5 in reality but experimental and oldstable are not an option) releases, stable is great for servers and everything that doesn't need to be up to date all the time, testing is a the next debian release and the packages in it already had a few weeks of testing before making it into testing repos, the problem with testing is that it has a freeze every two years that will make updates during that time take a while, unstable is the true rolling release of Debian, the packages in it are usually just tested by a few devs but in exchange you get really fresh packages and fast updates in case you find and report a bug or someone else does. but you should read the corresponding debian wiki pages.

Where can I get a toolchain for MIPS Linux 2.6?

The fuck is wrong with you.

- mywiki.wooledge.org/ParsingLs
- don't use, echo; use printf instead
- quote your variables
- wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/arrays

Fake and gay.
- RMS doesn't have a Google+ account
- He wouldn't name any account "Richard Stallman"

> echo
> unquoted variable
But seeing ; and do on the same line makes me happy.

You can use a hotkey for recompiling and restarting. Search the web for dwm hacks; many people are posting their person patches.

Alternatively try AwesomeWM, the bloated version of dwm, with Lua configuration. Also here there are many scripts around.

Last but not least, you can use a xdotool or wmctrl script to provide snapping independent from your WM.


Why are you using a PPA? transmission is in the main repos.

how do i format an unrecognized partition table on linux i keep getting i/o error ,but i ran a badblocks and only 3 blocks out 32 gib are bad

ppa has newer versions than the outdated crap in Ubuntu repos.

Also, I got the exact same error before I added the transmissionbt ppa so the error has nothing to do with that.

Best linux distro for gaming?


"friendly gnu/linux thread"

What part of Linux handles the font rendering? IS it in the kernel, or handled by the DE, or some other third-party thing that varies from distro to distro?

If you mention Linux on Sup Forums you get directed to Just install Xubuntu. Lightweight, looks okay, not bloated with worthless packages and user friendly since it's a *buntu derivative.

What do you think about Surf as a browser? did you test it? It feels fast as hell.

I had a similar error when trying to install letsencrypt on debian. Turned out the package was removed. So maybe you need to install it with a different name, like transmission-gtk or something.

Or perhaps try the software center. Transmission works fine for me on regular Ubuntu.

Thank you for the answer

>i3: No longer a wm, is a full DE
You need to check your linux-experience privilege.

How do I install sfml libraries to my gpp compiler in fedora. I think there is a repository out there somewhere but I can't find it and I am too stupid to understand the tutorial on the sfml website.

Why do I see the Arch logo so often?
Is it the best distro?


because they think it was hard to install (it is not) and want to show it off. also the userbase is full of attention-whores.

Arch's bright side:
- the aur
- the wiki

Arch's dark side:
- the distro

that would make a good shirt design

Wine is using alsa and shit crackles.


Does anyone know why this is?

Not using Arch, but:

What is wrong with Arch?

The userbase isn't that bad. They contribute many lines of code to the community. The reason you see them sperging is because you're on Sup Forums. Also why drop something because the users are bad? What kind of retarded logic is that?

Next to this, what is wrong with being happy about steeping up from Noobuntu level and being able to configure a distro? They have the right to feel 1337, even if it's childish.