I created a programming exercise thread yesterday, where you would roll for your coding project...

I created a programming exercise thread yesterday, where you would roll for your coding project. Seeing as this is technically a get thread, I was banned for a short while. I still want to continue with the thread, so I'll try to find a workaround that'll keep the core of the exercise the same. Let's make Sup Forums great again.

Pic related.

second image

>BMI calculator
if (webpage.url == "boards.Sup Forums.org/g/") {
return "Overweight";

check em


Are you seriously not able to do FizzBuzz, Mr. Codemonkey?

Post it as challenges that anyone can claim. If it is a big project, have others collaberate it. Mark off completed ones, and document the code on a Sup Forums database.

i wanted to do both, senpai

You can also do what /ic/ does and tell people to use random.org

This. Rolling is for VERY fast boards, such as Sup Forums.

Combine these two. Use random.org AND keep the code documented on a Sup Forums db


OP here. Isn't that just a matter of semantics? Would I word this a certain way?

>I created a programming exercise thread
>I was banned
>I still want to continue

The absolute madman

I found it fun, and many a few learned from it. Stupid would be letting a one day ban stop me from doing what I find fun, and a learning experience.

Rolling because I need a project for fun


>Stupid would be letting a one day ban stop me from doing what I find fun
No stupid is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result.

You got banned. You know exactly why you got banned. And you are going to continue to post the very thing that got you banned because it was "fun".

This isn't Sup Forums or /s4s/. But by all means, don't let things like rules get in your way user.



>He literally put quotations around fun

You can use this thread I got, hot off the presses from /ic/ as an example. It might be NSFW btw.


rerolling for this

That Assembly like language + VM thing sounds badass. Anyone ever do it? How would you go about it?

Never made one myself but I did work through the Elements of Computer Systems (except for the compiler, still need to work on that) and I even made an emulator for it.


welp, someone did it for me