Why are all haxorz movies so cringey?
Why are all haxorz movies so cringey?
CSI Cyber and Mr Robot are meh; I mean they sorta got the correct terminologies, but remember the actors and script writers are not hackers themselves, they are actors and script writers.
That was a good movie, Thor makes a good hacker man.
bc normies don't get tech
Because they are trying to make hacking, an activity comprised of some neckbeard staring at a screen for four hours (which is fundamentally unengaging), into a normie-friendly engaging experience.
>The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy are meh; I mean they sorta got the Marvel universe right, but remember the actors and script writers are not superheroes themselves, they are actors and script writers.
list seven hacker movies that you watched.
Exactly, finally an user that's not retarded.
I really liked Mr robot. It was accurate enough that the technology didn't distract me from the plot at all, it was just part of the story. I hope it becomes this generations "hackers", I loved that movie when i was a kid. I found a copy on VHS at fye and got my dad to buy it for me, used to watch it every night.
Im worried. Tech has no mystery now, there are thousands of engineers paid billions of dollars to make everything as easy to use as possible. I don't think many kids are going to get drawn into it careers from the how-do-i-hack curiosity bug that got me at 12 or 13. We're going to be the last generation with this level of computer expertise, the next generation is going to be the same as our parents in this regard. Interesting thought
OP is so cringey
triggered haxorer spotted.
I liked how Limitless addressed that and didn't even try to make it make sense to viewers. It was a nice touch to hide the fact that they didn't know anything.
Mr robot wasn't terrible with it, it had its moments, but it was more grounded in reality than your average 'hacker' feature.
die hard 4
zero theorem (not hacker but cs related)
blackhat (pic related)
the core
there are a few more I don't remember, but its all cringe general
it's easier for normies to read comics than it is for them to slog through documentation
Because if they were too accurate, they'd be too boring.
I really enjoyed Sneakers and Hackers: all time classics. Cheesy as fuck yes, inaccurate it at least several important elements of course - but I guess they hit a certain chord of not what hackers are, but kind of how we want to be. We can laugh at the cheese, and enjoy the escapism.
Who the fuck really wants to watch a dry hacker documentary lasting a couple of hours? At best, only a few other geeks. That's no way to pitch a Hollywood movie.
>tfw Sup Forums and /k/ ruined most modern movies for me
Thanks a lot 4chen.
>grounded in reality
>20 something drug addict
>works for cyber security company
>Evil corporation that is above the government
something drug addict
Seems perfectly reasonable so far.
>>works for cyber security company
Ever so slightly out there.
>>Evil corporation that is above the government
And right back within the realm of reason.
>he hasn't seen hackers
Heh, mess with the best, get burned like the rest, kid
>Heh, mess with the best, get burned like the rest, kid
Uh, it was "mess with the best, die like the rest"
Because hacking is really uninteresting and usually just a dude searching the net and conversing with friends over IRC about potential vunrabilities in a piece of software or similar, then writing some low level code and pushing it somewhere through a very normal method and letting it execute so they gain arbitrary code execution on whatever.
The only times it's fun is pentesting stupid embedded systems that can't be edgy or cool to show on movies. So instead they make up a bunch of cringeworthy video-game mazes or whatever and call it a day.
>tfw even Netoge long name got hacking more grounded in reality than Hollywood movies
because there not written by computer people, to a normy even something as simple running pacman -Syu looks like god class hacksaur magic. thus when a normy wrights a script for anything hacker related they end up making any """"""""hackers"""""""" into wizards.
csi cyber wasnt even bad, i watched all of the episodes and it was a lot of fun(in sort of a cringy but nice way)
> CSI Cyber on the same level as Mr. Robot
Mr. Robot does have its problems, but it's nowhere near as tragic as CSI Cyber. Everything in Mr. Robot is at least plausible while in CSI Cyber you get 2 1337 haxors typing in one keyboard to contain a hack... Please tell me this was bait...
this is pretty comfy desu senpai
To be fair that guy was just your normal script kiddie not a hackerhacker
Yeah, it's so plausible to brute-force an online webmail with hydra!
Or that gimmick of hundreds of infested pendrives in the parking lot... WTF?
That pendrive thing is a legitimate technique people use though