Literally the best browser ever

Literally the best browser ever

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree.

It's a browser

Try opening this with it without any 3rd party software.

and it's not shit like firefox

The best one.

Try opening it with a browser thats not third party compared to your OS.

omfg why doesn't it work

>tfw can't webm

>Apple logic
>condemn flash and other 3rd party apps
> html5/webms? Who dat?

>can't use 3rd party software
>chrome and firefox is literally 3rd party software

that's pretty retarded

you sure got him there, yeah safari has aspergers

Works in Chrome OS and Android :^)

> watch youtube while browsing Sup Forums
> close youtube tab
> whole Mac freezes
> force shutdown required
> happens every week
> "best browser"

That's not Opera 12.16

.webm support when? It's not fair that the best browser doesn't support it

Works on my machine.™


Just use the VLC plugin. Safari's only the best on a MacBook.

Next task, have a good browser.

Is there any way to fix that?

yes there is


fuck tim cook

Edge is good, at least for me, it runs better than Chrome and Firefox combined, if only it didn't have those shit animations.

I've been using Safari on my rMBP because it doesn't rape my battery life as much as Chrome.

Here's a quick performance test between Safari/Chrome/Firefox. Make sure that each browser has a warm cache too:

>go to boards.Sup
>see how long it takes for page to load and to be able to start scrolling down
>after the page is loaded, try scrolling down quickly
>go back to the top and click the 'Replies' field
>see how long it takes to sort

Safari is a nice browser and all, but it is sluggish on that shit. Firefox and especially Chrome seem to perform nicely.

it's good because of the content blocker feature

I didn't expect such good feedback here. so not all apples are shit?
I always ditched it in my hackintosh

qt cat desu

If I buy a Mac I can't view fucking webms on Safari?

Yep, and sometimes opening/closing/switching tabs is a bit laggy (especially HTTPS Sup Forums tabs have a noticeable delay). There's also a delay on HTML5 audio (try clicking the SANIC on Safari and compare to Chrome/Firefox

It requires os x, a shitty operating system. Even windows 10 is better.

I wonder why Safari gets so much better battery life though. Is it because they use magical, special APIs that only Apple knows of (or only Apple knows how to leverage best), or is it because performance is kinda ass sometimes?

Software designed for specific hardware

I hear this meme a lot: "Apple software works great with Apple hardware because they're designed in-tandem."

Okay, I buy that. But in what ways? Nobody has ever specified how or why in detail.

Don't really know about the performance, but I think the audio delay is a result of not preloading audio from tags.

Because it's not public information.

VLC plug in. Pretty buggy, but better than chrome/firefox.

Because what isn't public information?

If you mean private APIs, then where's the proof it even uses private APIs at all?

Hello user, I'm not the guy you're responding to, but I have an inkling on why it's the case.

The problem with designing a software system is backwards compatibility. The comfy app that you're writing on Android & iOS has to work on everything from an iPhone 3 to a Galaxy s7, so you're targetting a lot of different hardware configurations, and you spend a lot of time in Xamarin/Java/C++/whatever just definign different scenarios for different platforms.

Do you know what happens when your app doesn't work on a blackberry? Some douchelord makes a post somewhere going "REASONS WHY COMPANY XYZ CANT ENGINEER SOFTWARE!!! LOOK!! THIS SHIZ DOESNT EVEN WORK"

This is why it's easier to target a game to xbox One than PC. This is why PC ports often suck.

By limiting scope, you can focus on delivering quality customer experience on a single platform, rather than providing an even experience on multiple platforms at once.

user you were replying to here..

... wat? Your reply doesn't address the *specific ways* in which Apple designs their software to be more performant/better on battery, and is more-or-less just reiterating "Apple makes their software and hardware work well together since they control both".

I don't think I'll ever get any specifics to this myth.

You'll never get specifics without becoming a software engineer at apple tbqh, I'm just trying to give insight on how the software process is.

Imagine this. You're an engineer, and you can do three tasks in a sprint (unit of time before you have to demo a feature). This is what your tasks can be:

Cross platform:
Implement feature on Android
Implement feature on iOS
Test feature on both

Apple exclusive:
Implement feature on iOS
Test feature on iOS
Optimize feature on iOS

You simply spend MORE man hours on the one ecosystem, you become an expert with that ecosystem, and you can learn ways to use the APIs in more performant ways by sticking to one ecosystem.

It's like doing
while ((*a)++ = (*b)++);[\code]
to do memcpy instead of an explicit loop.

Same user here (and sorry if I may have seemed harsh in my last reply).

I think the concept of Apple's software only having to target one piece of hardware -- and thus being more-performant, etc. -- was implicitly understood and encoded in the statement "Apple controls both their software and hardware".

I don't know what to say aside from, again, there's no details and you're just repeating what everyone already knows. And it kinda feels like you're just saying fluff to show-off the fact you're a mobile developer.

Sure I'm showing off anonymously. Yay me.

If you don't like my answers, you might be able to find some blogs from ex apple devs that can help more. Then post them here and we'll both know more :)

At the end of the day, true optimizations come at the instruction level. Less instructions to the CPU for the same work = less heat, less energy and more battery. Because they don't HAVE to expose their inner guts, they can just write in-house kernel drivers to help them out on hard stuff.

I heard that Nintendo systems are built to demonstrate Mario games, the same that mario games are built to demonstrate Nintendo hardware. It's probably the same deal.

Dev team : "We need this Api all the time"
Kernel team : "Okay, we'll optimise it"

Kernel team : "We can't optimise this because there isn't an opcode for (insert random thing)"
HW team : "That's either physically impossible or we'll put extra money into more nand gates."

I'm actually an embedded dev btw

Same user here, yet again.

Also an embedded dev here, so maybe that's why your comments were unsatisfactory, because it's kinda telling me basic stuff I already know very well. Though maybe I underestimate their value for others who might not know as much.

Anyhow, cheers, friend. Was nice chatting.

webm is only used on Sup Forums

same to you

I find it confusing and annoying as hell. first you have to turn off all the keyloggers, then turn off msn. When you open a new tab, the bar is in the middle of the screen, so confusing.

I would also lack the ability to share the bookmarks, tabs, etc. with my phone and other devices. Same would go for hand-off.

>what is imgur and gfycat

They also encode H.264 so it doesn't matter

Anyone miss Safari back when it used to be on Windows?

Enjoy hard refreshing everything

The fact that Apple software runs better on Apple devices proves that

nope, just get an addon

yeah Im sad it's not on windows. It's a bit conflicting since I use my macbook for work when I'm not at home with my desktop

Safari 4 worl on Windows

opera next might be a lot like chrome + the battery power savings of safari, so i heard on Sup Forums yesterday.

this is not firefox nor nakedbrowser.
just kys appleshill.

nah, apple is just bad at software development, even at their own devices, and it seems like it's keep getting worse at it lately.
so how to you expect them to deliver proper software on stuff that isn't applel.

-OS updates (both iOS/OSX) that fuck up the whole system and make the devices unusable
-funny bugs like the file:/// one, or the one with the calendar
-big Security flaws - CVEdetail report (and they take a fuck huge of time to fi them, if they even fix them)

Best browser coming through.

>posting the botnet

look up the definition of botnet first.

>os x and ios
el capitan was a bit of a step down in some aspects, but still added a bunch of useful features. ios has never been any better, unless you mean the "planned obsolescence", which just is older hardware trying to keep up with all the additions.
what bug? i am intrigued?
you mean the one on ios that breaks the os?
>big security flaws
every major os has them
what? it works perfectly.
the software is known to be high end for movie production, go check it out in hollywood. literally nothing wrong with it.

>-OS updates (both iOS/OSX) that fuck up the whole system and make the devices unusable
Never had that happen. Have had it happen with my Samsung and HTC phones.

>VLC plug in. Pretty buggy, but better than chrome/firefox.
>VLC plug in
>better than chrome/firefox

hahah fuck no.

If you were an embedded dev you would understand exactly why single target optimization works. Fucking NEET

I'm not gonna lie, I love Safari. It has really grown on me the past couple of years. If it weren't for muh webms I'd switch to using it full-time. Firefox is a shitshow in comparison.

playing the webm in a seperate tab will prevent the main one from getting too resource heavy.

check power/resource consumption of safari vs chrome

>el capitan was a bit of a step down in some aspects, but still added a bunch of useful features. ios has never been any better, unless you mean the "planned obsolescence", which just is older hardware trying to keep up with all the additions.

their stuff only really works on the newest products, but sometimes not even then. see Wi-Fi issues.
all the others are fucked, no wifi at all, ethernet does not work, performance slow down (especially on iphones), battery drain... etc.
Also it seems like they don't do any testing lately.

>what bug? i am intrigued?

>you mean the one on ios that breaks the os?

>every major os has them
yeah but apple is leading. and also leading in not fixing them, or not fixing them fully.

>what? it works perfectly.
what? itunes is literally the worst software apple ever produced.

>the software is known to be high end for movie production, go check it out in hollywood. literally nothing wrong with it.

is that why most hollywood production companies switched to avid or lightworks, since apple fucked it up with the updates.

there is your problem. BE thankful that you even got an update with these shitty OEMS. HTC and Samsung both bloat the shit out of Android, it isn't even android anymore. more like some fucking abortion of it.
if you don't get their flagship you are fucked even more.

>running two program instead of one for one and the same thing will magically make it less resource heavy for one of the two.

wow you are some special kind of retard

How did you fixed the webm format on Edge?
This thing doesn't work for me:

>wifi issues
i have an early 2013 rmbp and a 2010 mbp i use for server stuff from now and then, neither have ever had wifi issues, i guess its just some devices?

>itunes bug
thats only one bug, had to do with apple music, didn't experience myself, was very rare. the bug is already fixed. yes its annoying as hell, but if you dont keep backups then that's your own fault. time machine got my back.

they are both in safari, no second program. its a plugin to run it in a seperate tab, only loads in when prompted or needed.

Please explain for those of us not in-the-know user

>their stuff only really works on the newest products
Bullshit. They're still supporting the iPhone 4S in iOS9.
>Also it seems like they don't do any testing lately.
The yearly release cycle is retarded, yea. It's all been half baked ever since.


>Safari 4

>Bullshit. They're still supporting the iPhone 4S in iOS9.

True, but it runs like total shit and is literally unusable as daily driver.
The Performance and battery life went better with every update on my nexus.
and i can support myself with updates if google stops to officialy support my phone.

>check power/resource consumption of safari vs chrome
why? I'm not running this in a celeron made in 2005 with 1gb of ram, honestly don't give a fuck about the amount of ram that a cat/porn webm could take.
hell, even in my shittiest laptop I don't get more than 2.5gbs of ram used in general while shitposting.

You have a 5 year old Nexus?


>on my 16GB ram rmbp
>takes 3 secs to close a tab

How do I reproduce this?

>True, but it runs like total shit
No it doesn't.
>The Performance and battery life went better with every update on my nexus.
Opposite of my friend who swears by those shits. He upgrades every couple of years because updates fuck his shit up.
>and i can support myself with updates

I'm still waiting.

You gon die waiting.

> things that never happen

Mac's can't right click, and Safari is expensive. Chrome feeds my kids, and protects my wife's honour whilst I'm away. Google would never hurt me, Google loves me. Finder burnt down my shed once, fucking Apple.

The worst. It's the new IE. Holding back all the progress.

Literally the only browser with no interest in service workers, houdini and web components, which are the most important new technologies we have.

Also damn bugged. Especially the IOS version is fucked up.

For the sake of argument, ES6 compatibility was completed in Webkit before any other major browser.

> most important new technologies
Not even fully spec'd

Custom Elements & Shadow Dom V1 are done.

>No support for WebP
into the trash it goes


Post evidence of Apple working on the future of the web and the army of naysayers goes silent.

That's a strange way to spell worst.