Bravo Crapple

>pandering to normies so much you glorify a racist, shit for brains, islamic, black supremacist on your website for some pretentious inspiration quote


Wow...witty OP

No one has EVER made fun of apple before...

islam is anything but black supremacist

kek, I'm pretty sure arabs pioneered black slave trading

Wasn't Muhammed Ali retarded?
Do they mean that Apple is for retards?

He was mentally dead for years. I don't get why anyone gives a shit that he died.

Shouldn't you Sup Forums kiddies be happy for fellow racist?

who dat

That's the irony, several layers of irony actually. Blacks have converted to islam because they think it's part of their heritage, when most of them probably never came from islamic heritage when they were sold by their fellow countrymen to whites.

It's basically a spiteful "fuck you" to whites who are the reason they exist to begin with, as opposed to the arab slave trade where all the black male slaves were castrated

you have to consider their userbase
who is more likely to desire, and own an iphone?

shinaquaen or alan?

I give up. Alan? Or is it likely that shinaquaen stole her phone?

He was also friends with Donald Trump so I'd give Ali a pass.

Apple is still a shit though.

I'm actually surprised how few people know about this and even fewer dare to mention it. It's like that retarded article on the NYT that pretty much declared that blacks can't be racists and they're entitled little shits who can hate my fellow Latinos, Asians and whites and everyone should be ok with it. He was probably the best boxer of all times. But don't try to feed me that bullshit about him being a visionaire and a great person.

OP you're looking for your hugbox/echo chamber, let me direct you there.


Not really so old that I know anything about him other than his brain was Jello from taking so many hits.

There seems to be a tendency for the media and random everyday pople to worship a person whose name they know upon death. Oftentimes such things aren't justified.

>it's okay to be racist if your black
You sjws are such spineless cucks

So are you saying it's not okay to be racist?

It's not, merit trumps all
Although I think it's okay with protectionism and preserve your nation's jobs for its own citizens and not foreign pajeets to come and take over


The day Sup Forums turns into Sup Forums I'm done here.

I have some bad news for you...

That's not to say I don't like to make racist jokes. It's just humor though. Slavoj Zizek thinks we should crack jokes about each other

If a white guy is racist it's fine, but when a black guy is all you Sup Forumstards get your jimmies rustled when your shit is thrown back at you.

Even if you think that he was a saint, this is pretty desperate marketing.
What did he have to do with apple at all?

>metaphors are pretentious
breddy daudologigal OP

No he wasn't. This is what makes the disease so scary. He was perfectly lucid underneath his dying body.

Like a permanent state of sleep paralysis.

the nation of islam is.

>it's rayciss to be against race mixing
You brainwashed fucktards get dumber every day

Tbqh all he did was boxing. How is that so impressive, even if he is the greatest boxer of all time?

>What did he have to do with apple at all?
I don't rly care but it just makes no sense

>any year
>listening to a slav nigger

What disease did he have?