I'd really appreciate some input on a strange thing that just happened on my work pc.
It didn't turn on like it always has when I pressed the power button, I went to check the cables on the back and everything seemed fine. Then I just flipped the on/off switch on the PSU itself back and forth, which resulted in a normal boot up.
Everything seems to be running smoothly now, but I'm still stressing out. I simply can't afford downtime right now.
Was this is one time only rare event? Some strange static electricity or whatever, of is my PSU maybe dieing?
I haven't changed anything or did anything in to my rig before this happened. Out of the blue really.
PSU is 3 years old by Corsair (AX750 gold). Never had problems before..
Any input? Thanks so much guys.
Joseph Thompson
>Corsair Found the problem
Grayson Clark
Are they no good anymore? They used to be generally thought of as the best on the market for build/warranty.
What is god tier these days?
Also OP, I had a Pentium 1 machine which wouldn't start up unless the psu was switched on and off 4 times so I think you need to replace the psu mate.
Nolan Wood
I'm keeping my pc running for at least today so i can get work done, so I'm curious to what will happen tomorrow.
Mainly looking for a peace of mind now, im stressing out.
Leo Anderson
Google it, took me 12 seconds to find a solution. You can do it OP! Believe in yourself!
Andrew Moore
I did man, you could have shared your solution in 30sec extra and made the world an even better place!
Logan Carter
only worry if it's a continuing problem.
also, open your case and put your nose to your psu. turn it on and take a big whiff. usually if a cap is about to blow, you can know just by the smell.
Daniel Gonzalez
Did your alarm clock mysteriously reset itself?
Could've just been a power surge or something, dunno if they have internal breakers, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Cooper Sanders
thanks man, I'll give it a whiff next time it turn it on.
Not sure, no alarm clock in the studio where i work, everything nominal.
Juan Nguyen
do it now.
Leo Sanders
let me fucking post
Ayden Davis
Go find yourself a nifty porn video and do a good wank, sooner or later you'll forgot it
Carter Thomas
You had to prime the flux capacitors. Working as intended.
Evan Perry
Blake Peterson
I think you need to upgrade youe cpu fan, get the 140mm or bigger
Josiah Clark
what's happening in that image?
Jackson Evans
Its so bad you cant stop looking at it
Gavin Martinez
Remove cmos battery for 10 mins Put back in You should be gucci
Jeremiah Morales
You could try recalibrating the solenoids by leaving it turned on and switching the voltage switch between 230V and 110V really quickly
Thomas Perez
>They used to be generally thought of as the best on the market for build/warranty. Hasn't that always been Seasonic?
As far as I can remember, the only good Corsair PSUs were the ones that used Seasonic internals. Corsair also made more than enough garbage using cheap chink electronics
Kevin Garcia
dont do this unless you wanna lose all your bios settings OP
Andrew Barnes
don't do this
Aaron Morgan
>Remove cmos battery for 10 mins . . .
Won't that make crystals all over the motherboard?
Nathan Nguyen
i know this is only anecdotal evidence, but my gold rated seasonic psu died in 6 months where my bronze corsair has lasted 2+ years
Lincoln Rodriguez
>>They used to be generally thought of as the best on the market for build/warranty. >Hasn't that always been Seasonic?
essentially yes, seasonic psus are god tier.
There are plenty of seasonic rebrands on the market, but they can be hard to tell apart from other oem PSUs from the externals, particularly when the seller likes to plaster their branding and aesthetic all over them.
dat NUC in the background with her legs in the air. would bang.
Lincoln Harris
I have a Corsair PSU and it works just fine, and I've never heard of anyone having problems with one. Your opinion = discarded