>Sup Forums absolutely despises Indians for taking the white man's jobs
>except when they make shitty graphics cards with a very vague, misleading announcement presentation that 99% hype 1% information about the card
Sup Forums absolutely despises Indians for taking the white man's jobs
>making a shitpost thread based entirely on false premises
Working extra hard I see, Nvidia shill.
Are you implying anyone on Sup Forums has the skillset Raja has? Kek
Using a loo isn't that hard...
You seem to have us confused with actual racists.
You see, when Pajeet actually delivers, it's great.
But the problem with pajeet is that he just shills windows 10 and produces shitty code that you have to clean up or rewrite anyway
You're confusing Sup Forums with Sup Forums
But Raja is LITERALLY shilling Windows 10. FFS they had a Microsoft guy give a presentation for Windows 10 at the Polaris launch, and the performance improvements in the rx 480 are heavily tied to dx12, which is Windows 10 only.
Wrong board, pal.
>Sup Forums is one person
We hate worthless mass produced programmers. They happen to be shitskins.
There's nothing wrong with Indian people.
We hate worthless thieving bastards too. They happen to be niggers.
There's nothing wrong with black people. Except for the smell but that's a whole different thing.
The whole presentation made me honestly curious about his job. I don't think he does anything.
You still only need win 10 if you want to play Ashes. Any other game and you're good with 7.
That's because every other game is dx11, and AMD is touring this as a dx12 card because it performs better in dx12. There's almost no point to getting a 480 if you don't plan on using Windows 10.
>There's almost no point to getting a 480.
>Its okay when Nvidia does it
>I'm only bringing attention to this because I drank from the indian-hate koolaid at the local Sup Forums meeting hall
How about Arabs?
Remove mudslime.
They only reason they're a problem to us is because we go in there and stir up the nest.
Arab Christians exist and tend to not like the Muslim ones.
t. Met some
>AMD shills hard for Windows 10
>literally releases hardware that will only run well with Windows 10
>Nvidia doesn't give a shit about Botnet 10
>Nvidia releases hardware that will run fine without Botnet 10,and even supports OPENGL better than Advanced Micro Botnet
>but Nvidia are the bad guys
Do Indians intentionally fuck up proverbs just to piss people off?
And sunnis don't like shiias and they both hate kurds
Muslims spend all their time hating other people so when a chance to hate a new group of people arrived (white people thanks to our need for their oil), they lapped that shit up
They've been stirring shit up for centuries even before we cared bout them.