
Why is it quite Literally impossible to pick the right smartphone in 2016? Money isn't even the problem, it's the vast variety of available phones on the market right now.
The last time i bought a phone was in 2010. You had two choices back then, iphone 4 or samsung s3. I bought an iphone 4 and it lasted me until yesterday.
Please help.

Wrong board.

Money is always the problem at Sup Forums

Apparently you're a stupid fucking person so here's your sign.

Aside from that, the basic gist is:

You sit down and do yourself a Pros/Cons list with Pros being the things you need/require/want in a smartphone and the Cons being the things you don't need/don't require/don't want.

When your list is mostly complete, you then go doing research to find a smartphone that matches the most Pros while matching the least Cons - it's not a 1:1 perfect ratio, son, and it takes effort on your part to find the device that works best for you.

Now get the fuck out.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

Get a Nexus. It always had the latest android hardware and software support, because Google makes them.

But google is the most jewish thing on the planet right now.

It seems you cant handle multiple choices and dont even know what you want.

>I bought an iphone 4 and it lasted me until yesterday
I'm still using a jailbroken iPhone 4 with iOS 6.

i would use it still, too. But i dropped it pretty hard, besides the shattered screen, the camera and rumble are also broken. And i simply think it's time for a new one. 6 years are more than enough of service, Desu.

>no SD card slot(because the cloud meme)
>no FM radio API(Muricans don't hear FM so the rest of the world shouldn't)
>below than average battery life
>no IR blaster(so devs can't make IR apps without buying another phone)
>prone to overheat.

>IR blaster
>FM radio


Wtf the s3 was released in 2012. Anyway i know what you mean, it's so hard to choose a good replacement

The S5 and G3 have it but I won't buy them because >LG and >Samsung
And what is the purpose of making APIs for certain hardware(IR) but not putting the hardware to use it on your own flagship phone?

IR and FM are last century tech, no one gives a fuck about them other then poor 3rd worlders.

>but muh remote control
smart TVs have bluetooth and there are apps for them
>but muh FM radio
are you too poor for unlimited 4G?

dubs never lie

Imo, waiting till October for the new nexuses is the best bet. Dont have to deal with the shitty 810's battery life.

>the right smartphone
Its always been possible, user, all you need is a iPhone

This. Got tired of dealing with shitty sales people at the store.

Yes, they do.

>You had two choices back then, iphone 4 or samsung s3
Nah,you had more. Those are just the 2 who spent most for marketing.

I always get the best available phone on the market when my old phone breaks. That's why I got the Galaxy S7 Edge.

Just get the S7 or Iphone 6s then you pleb. Easy choice and they are both very good.

but what about the HTC 10?

Pick phones based on looks and brand.

>You had two choices back then, iphone 4 or samsung s3.

iPhone 4 release date - June 2010 (so you're right on that one, more or less)

Samsung Galaxy 3 release date - May 2012 (so you're like, way fucking off on that one, precisely)

>shitty 810's battery life.

Citation needed and pic related. It's my nexus 6p. As long as you don't install shitty botnet apps like Facebook, it should last you the whole day easily.

buy an iphone 5 with ios6 or get an iphone 4s and downgrade it yourself

Just pick the HTC 10

Snapdragon 810 user here with a Flex 2, installed a custom thermal profile (not that I have issues with overheating, I don't play games so that shit isn't an issue) and also some power tweaks and I get 7+ hours of SOT (it's got a P-OLED panel which is more efficient than LCD of course) and typically 2 days between charges using T-Mobile LTE.

Paid $25 for it, what the fuck do I care, it just works.

>all the 810 haters
>ignorance writ large
>damned fine processor
>Antutu scores in the 85K range
>ain't got no problems with it at all

You know sometimes I wish the government would just give me a phone removing all the pressures of choice on my part.

If you get a top model you're retarded. You don't need to spend more than $375 to get a smartphone with virtually every feature you'll ever need plus a very decent camera.

The vast variety is a good thing. I'd recommend the Xperia Z Compact series.

G5 is diamond tier atm.

g5 ugly as shit and overpriced

>le lg is bad meme

It is a little overpriced, but looks are relative and irrelevant.



I just gave the max. You're right.

Just proving my point. This year's 820 phones already double that and the Exnos S7 near quadruples that. ~6hour SoT is fucking insane


Ok guys, i got it down to Htc one M9 and the S6.
Wish me luck.

The m9 has shit camera and display. The s6 has shit battery life.
Just get a damn 6p, it has everything except a MicroSD card slot.

It's a nice option too, but if you want a great camera, HTC 10 it's not an option

galaxy s6 multi window mode.
Well, this feature just sold me the phone.


6p is like 350 dollars more.

> (You)
>Just proving my point. This year's 820 phones already double that and the Exnos S7 near quadruples that. ~6hour SoT is fucking insane

Are you retarded? The battery is at 50% in the screenshot.


>Blaming capitalism and a constantly developing market because you have horrible decision-making skills

I bet you're voting for Bernie Sanders as well, Mr. Millennial?

>Muricans don't hear FM
what are you talking about?

Is this 2010 again?

I get that on my Nexus 5. SOT at one percent is more indicative.

Buy an HTC 10 or Samsung Galaxy S7 and be done with it.

>>are you too poor for unlimited 4G?
It's not fucking offered everywhere.

Also FM uses much less battery and maybe I just want to listen to something local without looking shit up first.

The Apple iPhone 6S Plus is objectively the best mobile device on any available metric.


Get an iPhone. Fabulous screen-on-time considering capacity, and, unlike Android phones, it has standby time.

This is now a battery thread

>S5 with debloated touchjiz
>-3ish hours SoT over almost 3 days no charging. Constant browsing I get like 4.5-5 hours SoT.

Just get a note 3. Still basically the perfect phone in every way.

>Stock Android
Not even once

I have a Nexus 5X and I constantly miss actual features added by skins, and also fuck the Google play apps, they're worse than cancer.

All the cameras on flagships are good, as good as the iPhone. Samsung is a head above the rest, however.

HTC did everything right this year on hardware and they've always got the best software. I wholeheartedly recommend the htc10 this year unlocked from htc for the free warranty too.

Or get a sub $400 xperia z5 phone.

Used blackberry

>Why is it quite Literally impossible to pick the right smartphone in 2016? Money isn't even the problem, it's the vast variety of available phones on the market right now.
>The last time i bought a phone was in 2010. You had two choices back then, iphone 4 or samsung s3. I bought an iphone 4 and it lasted me until yesterday.
>Please help.
HTC 10