/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general

literally fits in your coat pocket edition

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Oh nice, a new thread.
>Budget: $100
I'm new to this stuff, I want a keyboard that's really comfortable to type on fast.
What switch-type/keyboard should I get?

Pok3r master race

I have a topre realforce88 in a plastic bag

Its better than any kb you will ever own

Fuck you

Are you a heavy or light typer?


Whatever you like. Typing fast is possible on every switch, comfort is a matter of your personal preference.

Look at the different types of switches and see what appeals to you, then come back to make sure you didn't choose the wrong type of switch that we don't approve of.

Still not a Topre.

Why do you keep it in plastic bag? Is it too precious?

i want this setup. what am i looking at?

wasd keycaps are not though

are you pretending to be retarded?

I've been using the scissor switch on my laptop for ages so long I honestly don't know but it definitely feels lighter to type on than the average Dell membrane, maybe ~50g is nice?
I know I hate blues, way too loud and squeaky; like I'm squishing a rat with each key press.
Browns seem pretty disliked here I wouldn't want a keyboard that feels "like it's been stuffed with dirt"
Blacks I hear aren't very good for typing because they're too heavy (never tried them though)
Anything else is $120+, help


This link no longer works

Maxkeyboard but nice try. I'm trying to get my hands on ORIGINATIVE or Enjoy PBT beige / gray blanks but everywhere I search they are sold out.

I would check if there's a store nearby where you can check switches. The keyboard doesn't really matter since most of the typing experience comes from the switches (and some from which keycaps you're using). This is so different for everyone there isn't a 'best' switch

Xiaomi Redmi 3
HHKB Pro 2
Some cheap ass mouse

Your perception of browns is correct. The rest is pretty much a matter of preference, blacks are perfectly fine for typing, but most switches are perfectly fine for typing.

I'm gonna get a Logitech G810 this fall. Personally I like the switches on it. Any better mechanical gaming keyboards with RGB LEDs out there?

Ducky Shine 5.

>gaming keyboards with RGB LEDs
Get out.

Shut up faggot everyone has their preferences.

raging so hard at the fucking austrian customs department. they've been holding my keycaps for a whole week already and been super rude on the phone too.

how do you prevent key chatter?

Why the hell are they holding your keycaps?

"Herbert, der Mann hat n' Haufen kleine Plastikteile bestellt, schau mal ob er n' Terrorist oder so was is"

You don't, all you can do is either replace the switch or fix it with software.

A debounce time is already programmed in the firmware for the regular debouncing of the switches, but obviously switches still can go awry, in which case all you can do is what I mentioned above.

I called the post office service hotline and the guy (very friendly btw) told me a lot of people have been complaining recently about customs holding their shit for 2weeks+. they seem to be behind quite a bit and just don't care.

Are Noppoo shit? The Noppoo mini is on sale amazon UK right now for 55£
I'm kinda weary of them being chinese, and having Gatreon switches instead of cherry ones

>Are Noppoo shit?
Not at all. The white ones come with PBT caps and gateron linears are far smoother than the cherry equivalents. Not to mention that they're cheaper. Go right ahead.

they are really good but you wont be able to replace the spacebar

its pbt though so you wont really need to

oi oiiiiii


or was it november

No idea, but I've got some new keycaps being shipped in September.



Spot on John! You got a set coming?

fc660m in nature whites WHEN?

Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.
Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves.

Who's in for the Zealio GB R3? Getting me some 65 gram fealios

Nope, I'm just reminding you of the fact that it's not September yet in order to distract myself from the fact that there's nothing exciting for me to wait for right now.

I like your keyboard/keycaps/cable combo btw, reminds me that I should get some parts for my soldering station so that I can make my own usb cables.
And it's nice to see someone other than me and the local tripfag post their shit. I always wish more people would post their keyboards here.

Whenever the exclusivity contract with Ducky runs out.
Maybe. You'll still have to wait for Leopold to implement them in their keyboards.

I don't change mine often enought to post regularly, I also don't like posting the same set up over and over again!

Is making your cable easy? I love pexonpcs work but I would quite a few and they sure aren't cheap.

Cherry MX Blues w/ 40A-r O-rings, yay or nay?

Not very difficult at all from what I've seen.


All you need is some cable, paracord (or whatever you prefer to wrap your cables in) and some usb connectors and some heatshrink tubing.
All of the materials needed are available for dirt cheap on ebay, typically with free chinese shipping.

And of course you need a soldering iron, though it seems that a really basic one will already be enough.

Hey /mkg/, I'm in the market for a mechanical.

Looking for the following features:
- ISO German layout
- full size (TKL would be okay too I guess)
- detachable cable is a must (routing a plus)
- The cheaper the better
- Backlighting is an absolute no go

Thought maybe you'd have a recommendation?

when does the ducky shine 6 come out?


You're not really considering it are you?

is that the dope ass bluetooth 65%?

What's wrong with it?

i just want to see what it looks like. i'm in need of an upgrade

More important question: When will Vortex release that split keyboard and the 40% ones?

Cherry MX Board 3.0 or a Cooler master XT.

What kind of features will it have? I've seen the video from computex, but all I could see was they added that piece of gimmick for routing your mouse cable.

Nope, it's another RGB fullsize.

>Nope, it's another RGB fullsize.

>i just want to see what it looks like

i mean what's wrong with it? looks fine

Where to get cables like that

FAQ is dead!

I feel like everything there could be summed up with "Look it up on deskthority/geekhack and ask in the thread if you have any further, more specific questions. Don't buy Corsair or Razer."


Clueboard arrived. Only took two months due to an utter debacle with the shipping.

Matias QC are fantastic.



What's in the box, Sup Forums?

Which keycaps?

A unicomp

>not memory foam

What's so good with mechanical keyboards Sup Forums?
Honestly the ones I have tried doesn't feel that much different from "regular" keyboards, just that some of them are clicky.

Pic related my current keyboard

new sheets hopefully

Wow, it's kind of impressive how fucked this is. I ordered an acrylic mounting plate that would fit inside a stock FC660 case, but the main post hole isn't aligned properly and the plate is too wide. This is what I get for trying to put together something outside the standard parameters.


How do I get this?

GB on GH.

It looks very nice, but you might be sad later when your keycap stems crack.

What's a good PBT set for a quickfire rapid

There's another huge problem with mechs that you people don't talk about. They can't do backlighting properly due to the position of the lights.

Look at the number pad in pic related. The primary letterings are way too bright, but the secondary lettering? They're almost invisible.

Don't fall for the mech meme, people.


guys i gotta ask what the appeal of those obnoxious planck keyboards are. like why that as opposed to just a 100 or 65%. how small could your desk possibly be to require something that tiny

You need to be aware of the autism level that floats around this thread and all "enthusiast" discussion places. When you read something like

>it's been stuffed with dirt

you must remember that the person typing it is most likely an autistic retard.

Browns are lovely switches.

idk, but i'm going to find out
ordered it from massdrop, so i'll be lucky if i get it this year

i'm expecting it to be agonizing to use

my first board was browns, and i used to think they're not so bad

then i get switch tester and a few other boards and realized just how fucking garbage they are.

gateron browns are pretty fantastic though

First of all, that's only a problem with backlit mechanical keyboatds.

It also varies a lot depending on which keycaps you use and how the backlighting is implemented. Newer switches have translucent casings that allow for better light diffusion.

Is that a nighthawk or whatever it's called from maxkeyboards? Whatever it is, it already would be far less of an issue has you not bought a piece of shit.

Sorry to hear that user, I've also been thinking of picking up a clueboard.

Can you fix it with cutting/drilling?

>Falling for the backlighting meme

You'll get older later

Maybe? The mounting holes are so very close to the edges of the plate that, if I sanded it, the leftmost and rightmost switches would end up with one side open. The post is another matter, as I don't think I have tools delicate enough to open a new hole that aligns properly without destroying the rather delicate plate. I could shave the post itself a fair bit, but that could fuck with the case's integrity.

I've reached out to Zach to see what he suggests. He's normally pretty good with communication.


How loud are blue switches compared to black switches?

I used to own a blue keyboard but it was so long ago I literally forgot what they sound like.

Backlights > lamp. Lamps alert the whole neighborhood what you're up to. They let criminals keep more accurate records of what your daily routine is.

When they have wrong records, you have the element of surprise and a better chance to save yourself from their attack.

are you literally 12?

Sooo yeah I got this old Hitachi Mechanical Keyboard and i was wondering how to get it to work with modern hardware

you're going to need to post pictures or something

yeah i already tried Soldering a PS/2 cable to its in hopes that that would work

i don't think you understand
there's nothing anyone can do to help you without pictures or a model number

I think you're talking to a literal retard.

yea yea thats what the yeah was about in that photo getting it now hold your horses

Here's the keyboard


I doubt this is your photo. I think we're getting le trolled boys.

look on the back for a label

we'll give him one more chance here

Well my boy you'd be wrong
also its just a bar-code with some barely legible numbers tried to find the Mfg date Code circle thing but it wasn't on either pieces of plastic

So are you just going to ignore me now?

ok what does the connection look like?

the original was an RJ11 connector

you're going to need to know the pin out for it to connect it to PS/2

ok so i guess thats not mine mine only has 4 wires so see where there is a space for where there there could be 6 wires yeah mine doesnt have that also let me get out my soldering iron

as far as i can tell there's two types
4 and 6 pin

aye that's the one

Now what