My graphics card died. WTF do I do?

My graphics card died. WTF do I do?

buy a new one you consumerist whore you love it

Buy a case with filters

>consumerist whore
My PC is five years old. Almost every component is a dinosaur.

Then buy a new whole new computer instead you dirty [spoiler]hoe....[/spoiler]

download another graphics card

Buy a dragon dildo.

Piece of shit AMD card, no wonder it died within 5 years.

That was Nvidia. Top kek

Buy another one?
Do I have to think of everything myself?

sup bitch, here's a neat trick for you.

holy shit

My pc is from '06

My PC is from '87, rocking a 8088 at 4.77MHz, took me 2 days to load this page.

I can smell this computer in my head


have you checked if you plugged the ear mic in properly?

Thanks Pajeet, it works now. :^)

You have to reflow the solder. Microwave it for exactly 20 seconds no more no less. This works like the Xbox towel trick.

Bahaha, I kek'd, nice one.

Pagoru pls

Go live in the woods and avoid all tech until the day you die.

shit post on Sup Forums about it

Replace your computer, get a case with filters and learn how to take care of your shit.

Give it a proper burial.

Keep the dust out of the next one.

Start slowly buying parts on sale everytime you see a good sale buy. I did this and now I have an awesome PC that cost me 900 bucks over the course of 4 months.


i will deposit 50 rupees into your wife's son's account

Fuck off back to Sup Forums

That's some nice bait ya got there, OP. Almost made me reply.