
>IPS with 100% colors

This monitor seems too good to be true
is it, Sup Forums?

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post name fag

Nice! Fuck, thats a sweet one, get it, I just ordered a 1080p 144Hz FreeSync monitor the other day.

>inb4 1080p 2016
Framerate and detail/quality > resolution, personal preference, can't afford two 980 Ti's to play Witcher 3 at 1440p at ultra at high framerate.

I have one. It's great. 144 Hz is silky smooth and the viewing angles and colours are way better than those of my old TN.

Isn't this the one that can only do Freesync up to 95hz or something? Not a big deal, though.

Not to be mistaken for the 278q which is a shitty TN panel

Backlight bleed

The TN version (pg278q) apparently has better colors than the IPS (pg279q) version, and is 1ms response time.

The only thing this IPS panel has going for it is viewing angles.

How much is it?

>Better colors than IPS

But freesync is pretty useless with an Nvidia card.

>horrible qc
>freesync only on 35-90hz, can be lowered via hack but this is panel dependable
yeah no

>not 4K

it's either 1080p or 4K

anything in between is waste of processing power

>only 72% sRGB
Are there any Gaymer monitors that also have good colors?

I've been debating getting this but the whole Asus quality control issue has me spooked.
Apparently it's a lottery to get one with minimal bleed or other problems.

You can tweak all the FreeSync drivers to go to almost 9Hz, depends on the chip tho, but the cheap monitor all support a wide range.

>IPS with 100% colors
what a bait!
IPS does not automatically mean it will be good
and afaik all 144Hz IPS actually is "IPS type"
it's not the real IPS

>with 100% colors
What does it mean
100% of AdobeRGB or Profoto?
30bit color depth?


What a shame

You will always have to find a compromise between quantity and quality. It's just not possible for a monitor to have great colors *and* go up to 144hz *and* be over 1080p. If something like that were available for a price like $600 then there would barely be competition since it would outcompete everything, especially with a company that advertises itself to the community so well like Asus.

100% sRGB
Should be enough if you're not working with photography

I have one, it's pretty great. I got it on sale for like $400, so it was worth it.

more longer crystals stays polarized more chances to get dead pixels

Are you one of those normies who think moar megapixuls = better camera?

I might get one of these then. Does it scale well down to 1080p?

But it will take a while, you will have a new monitor by that time.

Pure trash.

got one last month, shit is hella dope and i dont even have an amd card for freesync yet

i was a bit worried about all the qc reviews but i guess i got lucky because the panel is perfect

PG279Q is superior. The freesync is limited to 90 Hz.


Because "IPS" is basically LG's own brand name for their panels and the technology. Samsung uses PLS, AU Optronics uses AHVA etc, both of which are very similar in principle so these monitors are just generally referred to as "IPS type".

$600 on amazon

no thanks

$750 is insanity for a monitor. I can't justify paying that much for only 27"

Looking for a good, relatively cheap 27'' 144hz gsync monitor.

What does Sup Forums think about Acer Predator XB271Hb ? This is the cheapest I've found with gsync, 144hz, 27'' and 1ms response.

Any other, better alternatives ?

>IPS with 100% colors

>Be ASUS marketing department
>Advertise a standard sRGB gamut panel as "100% sRGB"
>Faggots like OP jizz all over their pants because 100%!

Fucking brilliant.

Is it just me or has everyone forgotten freesync is amd exclusive

FreeSync is an open standard
G-Sync is proprietary

Yea had to pay 900e for it. There's no other monitor on the market with specs like that tho so the price is kinda acceptable with no competition but it is pricey.

Free sync is VESA standard, nvidia is just pushing its own proprietary standard.

>The TN version (pg278q) apparently has better colors than the IPS
Is this nigga serious?

It has amazing out of the box colors but all of that skews if you view it from an angle like with all TN panels.

>The only thing this IPS panel has going for it is viewing angles.
And lower total display latency time in the case of the PG279Q. It's the better monitor in practically every respect aside from the individual pixel response times which are extremely good even on the IPS version and you'd be hard pressed to notice any kind of ghosting on it, especially with ULMB turned on.

The ASUS free-sync 144hz IPS display is shit because it only works up to 90hz

You want the model from Acer, that runs from 30hz-144hz

Enjoy your poor response time

>>IPS with 100% colors
sRGB or AdobeRGB

Hint, only AdobeRGB matters.

>This monitor seems too good to be true
Horrible quality control. RMA hell is real.

hope you like playing AUO's insane panel lottery

i played and won my first try
git gud

>1440p, 144 Hz
>AMD FreeSync
You do know you're not going to be gaming in 1440p@144 Hz on any AMD card, right?

FUCK off kid. IPS is objectively better than TN, period. Literally not a single person other than a couple CSGO lottery kids can tell the difference in response time.
Waiting for 4k IPS HDR 144hz panel from Dell as they make the best monitors and best no dead pixel policy.

Neither are you with a Nvidia card
>b-but 980ti gets 5 fps more in gameworks games!

Crossfire Vega can do 144hz 4k easy, screenshot this post you heard it here first.

Isn't it higher than regular monitors though?
I know my "100% srgb" monitor was a huge upgrade from my old TN in terms of colors

Isn't there something about "no overdrive witch Freesync on" so there's motion blur or ghosting or something?

First person to reply decides my fate.
I'm at microcenter

Y/N pg279q


only up to 90hz

Everyone with a functioning brain knows HBM2 will destroy GDDR5X at anything over 1080p.
You took some weak bait.

would it be more risky to buy a new one or a used one that claims to have no problems?

I've got a regular 1440p monitor but I'm wondering if it's worth it to drop to a 1080p 144hz freesync. I don't want to drop a fat chunk of change for the 1440p ones especially if the TN gaming monitors only have issues with viewing angles

I'll post the receipt when I'm done

I kind if want to suck your cock, in a non gay feminine way desu senpai.

As promised and thanks.

I hope I win the pane lottery today. 15 days to decide if I should keep it.

>This monitor seems too good to be true
is it, Sup Forums?

Yes, it's an ASUS.


>tfw no 4K 144hz

maybe in 5 years when a card comes out that can actually break 30 fps in 4k

my 2 titan X can

Some lucky shit got a perfect Acer one supposedly for 500

How. I went through 5 of them for 800...

I've had my trusty Pb238q for awhile
I don't get why people shit on Asus

>giant bezels with buttons on the side
No thanks. I'll stick with my Ultrasharps.

>freesync is amd exclusive
>implying it's not that Nvidia refuses to adopt it
Even Intel will support freesync, it's only a matter of time until Nvidia caves.


Isn't FreeSync only needed for screen tearing
I doubt you'll get any if you're actually running a game at 120hz

>$2 have been added to your AMD Account

100% colors huh?

I would hate to spend money on a freesync monitor for a card without working drivers

G-Sync monitors and Nvidia GPUs are worth the extra cost considering I will never have driver problems

What happened to the Korean IPS Monitor meme? I remember people pushing 1440p at 120hz on those couple years ago.

let me get this straight... 100% colors?

which one?

he means the shitty aoc one

>detail/quality > resolution



It died when people realized how shitty they were. >10 dead pixels, backlight issues, terrible longevity, etc.

what is wrong with your brain

too expensive

I've still got one and still love it, zero dead pixels, colors are great, had it running at 110hz since I bought it almost exactly 2 years ago with no issues or complaints. $300 then and I wanna say I've seen em for ~$200 more recently

>not gsync or ultrawide

shoo Nvidia shill

Have fun being able to play on 5 games on it

20 ruppees have been deposited in your Nvidia account

Gsync is objectively better and game syou can play in ultrawide is worth it

The XF270HU is the same, but it 1. Costs less 2. Has a full 144hz range unlike the Asus one.

>Gsync is objectively better
Name one way Gsync is better aside from "dude its nvidia its just better"

It may be cheaper but damn am I going to have to replace that fuck ugly stand.

Pretty sure there have been cheap IPS with low color gamut for years now

no, but really, anything nvidia is better

>not 4k

>ITT: faggots too poor to afford an Eizo Foris FS2735.
You shitfucks disgust me!!!!!!!!

>Eizo Foris FS2735
Not even 34 inch or 4k

> freesync
This monitor sucks buddy.

>34 inch
What's the matter user, your porn just isn't immersive enough form you anymore?

No not really, have a 4k 70 inch TV now just need a good one for gaming.

You're a special kind of stupid

Gsync actually communicates back and forward with the gpu, whereas freesync listens to it