What do you think about Hackerrank? Have you tried it?

What do you think about Hackerrank? Have you tried it?

Personally, I think its a bunch of bullshit, but I have no idea about programming.

>Personally, I think its a bunch of bullshit, but I have no idea about programming.
could be Sup Forums's tagline


This is gonna be one of those posts that gets like 50 million replies

well done user-kun :^)

Fuck me

Toasting in epic bread!

True. That's why I need to get out of here. I don't belong.

Nobody here would ever admit they don't know anything

It's a meme like pretty much every other "social coding" thing since GitHub.

I fucking hate how everything has to be "social" now.

I'm the OP and I recognised I don't know a shit about coding anyway.

Every time I worry that I'll be turned down for a job because my GitHub contribution chart isn't made entirely of green blobs, I remember that it's a great way to identify meme companies to avoid them.

Same with things like "We practise pair programming"

>Personally, I think its a bunch of bullshit, but I have no idea about programming.




OP here. Still no opinion about HR? Is my great quote going to eclipse my initial question?


top kek

It is what it is. Good for practicing algorithm questions for job interviews or for CS students wanting to apply stuff they learned in class without making an entire program.
have another (You), user. (You) deserve it.

first post best post

>include me in the screencap

Go Fuck yourself you cancerous faggout

Most accurate description of Sup Forums I’ve ever read. You earned my respect, sir.

Eh, meant to tag

Toasting in a epic thread


>tfw 1% of Sup Forums has read SICP

It's good for learning programming in a more abstract sense. Their sections on trees, graph theory and dynamic programming helped me to understand these topics a lot better.

Doing those types of data structures/algorithms practice problems isn't a meme, and every time you find a problem you don't quite know how to do is a wake up call for you to get gud and learn something new

First post best post.

pls include me in screencap

I actually like hackerrank and I don't see why it would be bad.
It comes with challenges in several different topics. And plus you can get a job (or so they say).
Granted, at first the excercises are too easy but you often come across some interesting ones.

I want to play too

Give this guy gold :D.


this is the funny truth about Sup Forums


not enough replies

Best post today.