/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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How do I make Windows 10 look like this?

i want to learn electronics repair. i figure i need a rework station and multimeter at minimum, anything else i need? whats the cheapest good bits of kit i can get? i dont want to sink several hundred on hobby equipment atm

I just got a new hard drive that I plan on using externally. What's the best method I can use to protect my data? Maybe a password system for a few folders?

cryptsetup or veracrypt FDE + containers for anything specially sensetive

Ran ccleaner yesterday (yeah pretty fucking stupid apparently) and it ended up killing chrome, locking me out of firefox, and it even fucked up minor things like not letting me save pictures to the "my pictures" folder anymore. All around assfest, basically.

I want to do a system restore and I have to restore points available from the the second of this month, however when I try either of them it spits this at me
"System Restore failed to extract the file (C:\) from the restore point. An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. (0x8000ffff)"

I googled this and tried a few fixes but they didn't work, llike allocating more space for the restore point, or doing system restore while in safe mode.

I'm completely fucking lost and I'm too stupid for my own good, anything, even insults are appreciated.


forgot pic, these are the ones that spit the error

Extremely stupid question incoming, but bare with me. I deal with movie editing and my superiors have spoiled me - they've got me a Thinkstation P310 with a Xeon E3 1245V5. Now, no gaming GPUs can fit in there, but is there a Quadro card that can do 1440p gaming with newest games? Or is there anything else, than a Quadro that can fit in there and can do 1440p gaming?

if you can boot windows, try using the windows upgrade tool from your windows disk/flash drive
if not, fresh install

i cant recommend a book but i can recommend louis rossmanns channel on youtube

Yeah I'm fully on windows and everything, some things are just busted like chrome (permafucked apparently, have tried installing/reset to default/deleting user profile etc).

I'll try to use the windows upgrade tool, will that act in the same way as a system restore before everything was fucking busted? I'm not sure if it would fix my chrome problems, though.

Newbie here, where can I learn PHP/mySQL?

I'll check, thank you

any difference between mATX and ATX except for size and pci slots?

I always used ATX so far so I'm not sure if I'll miss out on anything by switching to mATX.

ATX boards are less likely to include video connectors, so you can't fall back on intel graphics if your GPU fails. If you plan to use only one video card at a time, there's probably no downsides to a micro board.

Systemd keeps hanging after I unlock my luks partition and lvm get mounted.



It says it comes with 4 x 3 SATA Cables, I'm running an HDD and SSD and the SDD is on the cable management side of the case. Does this has enough cables to run Sata data and sata power to both?

how do I tell me nan that itt tech is a waste of dosh

I'm looking for statistics about java.
Like the % of use of java in embedded devices, internet of things, on cars etc.

Does anyone have those ?

My download speeds are fucked, on multiple test sites my speeds seem to be fine, generally 4+mb/s, but in practice my speeds fluctuate between a 3-5mb all the way down to a few hundred kb or even nothing like in the picture. im pretty sure its nothing i can fix my self, as my ISP sucks and has tons of issues, but is there any way i can find out what/where the issue is? Had the exact same issues a month ago right before i upgraded my service. After upgrade issues were mysteriously fixed

those are cables for a modular power supply, there is no sata data cable included. those are only sata power.

I want to install wine, how do I do that.

I'm using windows 8.

Got a question about DNS resolution because what my teacher wrote in her study material contradicts what I found through 9000 hours in Google.
So my teacher wrote that when requesting an address, your computer asks the closest (preferred) DNS server, which in turn (if it can't resolve the URL itself) forwards the request to its closest hierarchical parent which forwards again and so on.
What the internet says, is that the request isn't just forwarded until it's resolved but bounces between your preferred DNS and incrementally higher DNS servers.
So which is it?

wine is a windows emulator for unix based operating systems so that they can run windows programs.

your first step is installing virtualbox and then gentoo
after that you install wine

That's what I thought, so I'd have to buy 2 data braided cables then to keep the look.

The problem is the SSD is soooo far away.

taken a few mins after that picture. speeds have gradually gotten better, and now seem to be stabilizing, at least on steam. my torrents still arent even hitting 1mb/s. both have a decent bit of seeders, and no one else has had any issues with horrible speeds on these torrents

Also got another one which just seems retarded but gotta make sure.
About UDP communication in C, it says right there that the client doesn't need to be ACTIVELY receiving to get datagrams, which makes 0 sense because if that was the case then what the fuck is recvfrom() supposed to do?

Just wondering, when I do the "upgrade" choice instead of the fresh install, what exactly goes into that? Wouldn't keeping all the stuff the upgrade says it keeps just keep the problem?

My main problems are:
Chrome not saving passwords or keeping me logged into sites even though I've done everything possible (if you bring it up, I've done it believe me) to fix that
System restores not working
Can't save files in stupid places that I always could, like saving pictures in "my pictures"

No, I need wine under windows, not under a VM.

New to desktops, only used notebooks so far.

A video card consumes too much power apparently, but if a card can consume 300W is only on heavy gaming, right? If I am shitposting then my consumption is lower and it is always consuming a lot?

If yes, is there a way to turn the video card off without opening the case and taking the cables out and use the integrated graphics until I really need it turned on again?

Is dual boot as great as it sounds?
What are the benefits?

Apparently there is flinux, which lets you run linux binaries on windows, so maybe that would work.

dont know senpai, depends on where the issue is

Can wine run under cygwin?

not the person you replied to but:
not 100% sure as i havent looked into the specifics of it, but i think upgrade just affects your windows files/folders. if ccleaner somehow managed to fuck some of that up (seems like it could of considering your restores wont work, cant save files in certain locations, etc.) then it will hopefully be fixed with the upgrade option. if you do that and the issue persists, you might have to reinstall every affected program (im guessing youve tried that though), and maybe even do a fresh install of windows. using DBAN or something similar on the HD before reinstalling might fix the issue too

you run 2 or more oses instead of 1
instead of 1 os
you run 2 oses
or more
t-that's the benefit.
that you run more than 1 os

Download something like hiren boot cd and run it under an emulator like vbox or vmware, and, well everything is a liveCD, but you will see that you can choose between many operative systems.

idk, is she going there? Why not a community college?

i disagree

Can I tell if my motherboard will survive an average power surge caused by a thunderstorm blackout?

no u

Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and do the upgrade.

Last question to anyone who can answer for now, would using the "upgrade" throw in allll the updates I've locked out (I've got all my windows update stuff turned to never update because of windows 10) and stick me with all those updates containing the windows 10 ad stuff, or even INSTALL windows 10?

i installed windows 10 and file explorer wasent working



Hello /sqt/ if you buy a song or album off of iTunes, can you download it as a mp3 and keep it forever?

download vmware
install windows 98
edit the windows

just use rutracker

install wine on windows

>A video card consumes too much power
get a better psu? really powerful card + shitty psu that cant even supply half the power the card needs = tons of issues
if you built the machine yourself, you probably shouldnt of
if you bought a "pre built" one from a store or something, you definitely shouldnt of

>if a card can consume 300W is only on heavy gaming, right?
dont think so. not entirely sure, but i think it pulls all that power no matter what, or at least somewhat close to that (like 250 when not under a heavy load/idling). Unless the card is set up to idle at low consumption and disable certain parts/features that require more power.

> is there a way to turn the video card off without opening the case
theres a way to choose what card to use, or set a preferred/default one, but i dont remember what it is. why not just unplug the power cable going to the card? it shouldnt be too hard, and if you post a picture of the inside of the pc people can help you find what cord to unplug
You should probably look this up, im pretty much pulling stuff out of my ass here because im too lazy to check it, so im probably completely wrong

screenshot it

Trying to go for an all black build in my FT02. The only problem is the Phanteks fan cases are white. Anyone know of any good black fans that with clips with fit a Phanteks.

No, as in, thunderstorm blackout surges are too powerful for any surge protection measures the motherboard can handle, and you shouldn't be on the computer during a thunderstorm? No as in, no you can't tell how good the surge protection is? No as in, it's not an issue, stop whining?

So I've got an Ubuntu install that I installed from the minimal CD. I only installed the basic system utilities and I've got i3 and my normal programs set up. I'm try to get network-manager set up and running so I can use my VPN but it's being a huge pain in the ass. When I open the applet and create a new wired connection, I have internet access but in the network manager it shows that it's never been used. Whenever I use the CLI for network manager it shows that the ethernet interface is unmanaged and I can't activate a new connection. I'm guessing something else is managing connections but I'm not sure where to go from here.

No problem exists, ticket closed.

its a haphazard

How the fuck do I know if a stick of RAM I found will work with a computer

been a while since i used the upgrade tool, but it is for upgrading to win 10.
id assume it would at least install all the "upgrade now" adware BS

Get a bf who knows how to learn how.

With a certain computer*

No like how do I know if my motherboard will take it no problem, or if I used it on an older computer

in order of easiest to hardest:
plug it in and see if your pc reads it

go to pcpartpicker.com, put your computer's specs in there, add the ram, see if it says theres issues

google "how to find out if ram is compatible with my computer", click one of first few links, read, ???, profit

I was sent this text message. Does anyone know what it means? It is associated with [email protected]

Is there any way to find information associated with the number? I already searched using google and a basic, free reverse number search, but couldn't find anything....

Any better alternative to FBReader for Android? I mostly read epubs.

Software like cpuid can tell you about your hardware. You need to know type of RAM (DD3 or DD4), speed, and timings. I think that's it. Sometimes two different brands with the same specs will cause BSOD when they should work. It happened when a Windows admin arbitrarily decided the COO's all-in-one needed more that day when it already had already had twice peak.

Broken spambot. Get a call/SMS filter. The best ones require root access.

I downloaded os x for vmware, but said binary translation was fucked, wat do

Thanks! I'll pursue that then, as it was quite unpleasant to be woken up....

The new downstairs neighbor watches tv all day and night and it's loud enough to make out words. Studying is difficult. Should I mail a letter asking to turn it down?

unzip them and read them in your browser

Is this way any better than the functionality of FBReader?

What is the best way to de-bloat windows 10?

As in, disable as much telemetry and "botnet"-esque features

I know about the WARHAWK github thing but it seems like it doesn't disable every option related to letting microsoft datamine me

Or is it just inescapable? I'd seriously put up with linux over having microshill have a complete profile of what I do on my pc

pic related
cut random cables outside their place until the tv stops being loud
ask them to turn it down
tell landlord
make multiple noise complaints

depends on your browser.

Honestly I wish there could be browser addons for mobile devices.

You can go back to w7.


journalctl -b

Honestly it's inescapable. If you're really so worried about "muh privacy" then delete all your online accounts, use a dumbphone, and run a tails live CD. Oh thats too inconvenient? Then stop giving a shit.


I've seen the answer here but I can't find it, I found this from google

Your 'preferred' DNS usually just works like a cache for commonly requested NS lookups. If your request isn't in the cache, your 'preferred' server will look it up in its authoritive server. Else, it would be able to dynamically choose and update the best entries to cache.

either accept that microsoft can see all the furry porn you watch, or dont use 10. it was designed to benefit microsoft first ("anti piracy" features, spying on you, pushing the stupid tablet pc combo fad that idiots buy into, etc.), and the customer second

Is there a vocabulary term to describe things that you do without really thinking about them? I.e. you don't actually think of walking as you walk (unless you're tired etc.)

Are you using steam as your benchmark?
If so, go into the settings and make sure you're routing through a server closest to you.

Run an mtr to various popular sites, and the homepage of your isp, for an hour
Post results



is it like when you cum but you can't help it

Do I need to re-install my windows OS after upgrading my CPU?

Please don't be an ass...I'm short on time.

Get an UPS, they have line sensing and can kill the ac power before it hits, and sends it to backup power.


No. As far as I'm aware, the license is tied to the motherboard. This is why any competent IT vendor keeps spare boards for all their servers.


think my issue fixed itself, i just had to wait around 5 or 10 mins after the downloads for them to stabilize at good speeds.
Is there anything i can do about that long wait for them to stabilize though? happened with 2 separate games on steam, and 2 separate torrents (didnt test them all at once obviously)

subconscious thoughts/actions. IMO unconsciously applies more to stuff you consciously do but jsut dont think notice, like if youre watching a movie and go to scratch your arm. subconscious stuff is what your brain controls for you, like breathing

I ask because I've installed the new 880k processor as an upgrade from my A6 processor, and now my computer keeps crashing frequently.

in what situation is a saved imagefile named tmp_(insert numbers and letters)? Pic related.

And do the numbers and letters mean anything? If so, could you name all of the meanings?

That is odd. Maybe a reinstall would fix it. If you have a spare drive, you could test that without having to follow through if it doesn't stop crashing.

I have a weird, stupid, convoluted question to ask
I have a windows computer and I plan to use a linux live usb with persistent storage

I have two monitors but only one computer
is it possible for me to run the linux live usb on one monitor and windows on another monitor
while on the same computer? Or will I just have to restart every time I want to switch?
