You buy i5-2500k+gtx570 or i7-2600k+gtx580 in 2011

>you buy i5-2500k+gtx570 or i7-2600k+gtx580 in 2011
>you face today

>my mfw when bought i5 3570k and GTX 770 back in 2013

>bought i7 2600k and two 580s
>keep i7, upgrade to 970 last christmas

I miss my 580's and this 970 is a little underwhelming. If AMD ever gets their shit together I'd consider it.

>mfw i bought a i5 4600 a week before OCing non-k cpus became a thing

>mfw I bought a 6700K a month ago and will buy an RX 480 a month from now

Enjoy your deprecated hardware.

6400 i mean

Still using a GTX580.

I was surprised this thing still works fine.

mfw still have an i5-750 from 6 years ago

>mfw bought a cheap quad-core AMD LLANO laptop in 2011

Is the i5 2500M the 2500k's little brother?

by little brother you mean starved and dehydrated since birth, sure

Oh fuck off, what did you expect from a mobile CPU.

>mfw i bought an fx-8350 and a 7870 in 2012
>mfw only recently upgraded to an r9 380x but left the pc the samebecause of more texture ram

silky smooth 60fps in everything

>tfw you can still play triple a games with your hd 5800

Bought a 2360QM in 2011, added an SSD, came

My nigga.
You upgrading to Skylake-E and Vega after that?

>HD 6950
CPU is fine but the card needs replacing tbhfam

>yfw your sandy bridge system spontaneously died earlier this year

mfw I have the same face

had a 3770k and gtx 580, though i replaced the 580 for a 980 ti in december. The processor however is the gift that keeps on giving.

>mfw I mistakenly received a 2700k instead of 2500k
>No need to bump voltage at 4.6GHz on air

Feels mighty comfy even now.

>i7-920 + HD6950
>mobo dies
>fuck it, go 4790k, year later a 390
Lovin it

>tfw you will never know the greatness of owning a Sandy Bridge CPU and watching as years past and literally nothing changes
>tfw you will never see tons of people trying to convince you to upgrade for only a few motherboard features
>tfw you could just spend $20 for USB 3.0
>tfw you were stuck with a shitty Core 2 Duo iMac until 2014 when you finally said fuck it and gave it away to your parents.

Mah nigga. Recently upgraded from i7-2600k because of catastrophic system failure and the benchmarks are hardly the improvement you'd expect for a 5 year old CPU. It's really amazing how good those old parts are.

> mfw
> no actual face posted


>still running on an overclocked i5-750 at 4.0GHz and 5850
>bought them all the way back in 2009
>still run everything fine

Might still wait another generation to upgrade. This build will go on forever.

Mah nigga, I also used that set up to last summer, then I updated to a new GPU because 5850 really didn't cut it for 1440p. But that processor is still great, it's funny how 2014 GPU is still the bottleneck and not that 2009 processor.

>my tfw when i5-4670K @ 4GHz ain't even sweating
>GTX 770 runs everything i need @ 1440p
>comfy af
waiting for 2017 for AMD to release their shit so i can hand this gentle beast down to my little bro who runs a Phenom II + 2xHD5850. i hope Summit Ridge doesn't disappoint.

Bought a 3570K in 2012. Sittin' comfy

>tfw I bought a q6600 in 2007 and a 460GTX in 2010
Still rocking.

still lagging.

how do you guys manage to be so poor? have some shame.

What's wrong with building a computer that last me nearly a decade? Should I buy another one because your feelings are hurt?


>hardware works fine, even though it is old
>you are not needlessly buying new hardware? have some shame
2500K, 560 Ti here.

Said the socially crippled autist who doesn't have any other purpose for money in his life besides PC hardware and anime dolls.

>mfw I bought a 6600k recently and I'm currently waiting for a 1080
>mfw I'm almost set to cruise in comfy no reason to upgrade mode for the next few years

You mean you're a homeless guy in a blanket because your house burned off?

>mfw I bought an FX 6100 when it came out and a GTX 580

I wish I had gotten Phenom II X4 955 + HD 6950.
Would still be a top tier PC today.

>that guy who's still running a 5+ year old card who complains that graphics haven't improved or that current games aren't "optimized"

>still using my 3930k
>Bought a fury x last year for my 2711

I am ok

>implying the CPU has any effect on the graphics

>new build next month
>i5 6600k
>GTX 1080

No updates until I'm pushing 5 years, I hope.

Are you me?

>not knowing classic memes such as mfw I have no face


>2500K, 560 Ti here

>2500k + 6950 flashed to 6970

>2500k + 970

Am i doing gud?


"upgraded" to a 970 tho

>you buy i5-2500k+gtx560 Ti in 2011
>you give it to you sister in exchange for her shitty hp compaq laptop with pentium 2020m and intel hd igpu in 2014 because you rarely play gaems and want mobility
>kinda regret it

>absolutely no reason to replace it with a newer model
Intel needs to invest in some software developers if they want to remain relevant.

You should have stayed with your old GPU.

>mfw i5 [email protected] and HD7850 2GB
What's the point where it becomes worth it to upgrade?

When you get a 1440p or 4K screen.

Oh yeah, I should get me one of those. Some extra space when programming would be nice.

>tfw E5-2667 V3 ES and R9 290
I hope this build will last quite a while
>no 1600p

You cannot buy 1600p any more. Not new models.

>tfw Yamakasi Sparta 301
Why the fuck is 16:10 so rare these days?

During the time when 16:10 was common enough to be a viable item to buy, 16:9 screens were cheaper. Over time, more 16:9 screen got produced to meet the higher demand, and mass production meant that 16:9 got even cheaper than before. This continued until 16:10 got phased out, even though it is the superior resolution.

Still running core 2 quad 2.3ghz with ati5770. 4gig Ddr2 ram and wd raptor drive for os.

So I guess all hopes and dreams of buying a 3840x2400 monitor are gone other than a fuckhuge, heavy as shit, overheating and tiny screened IBM T221 which runs at a low framerate?

because it's a meme resolution

fuck off back to R eddit you filthy tripfag

4K (yes, UHD 4K, not DCI) is such a huge resolution, that 16:9 vs 16:10 is not that much of an issue any more.

>le higher resolution means you don't need a larger aspect ratio xXDDDDDDDDD
fuck off

> tfw bought i7 2600 (not k version)

samefag, kys


I7 870 +gtx680 4gb here.
Very comfy.

>TFW half your new build is sitting next to you
>Still waiting for your CPU cooler and GPU to arrive