Tell me Sup Forums.. how is it so perfect?
Tell me Sup Forums.. how is it so perfect?
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It's not. As someone who owns an iPhone, but came from a Windows Phone - it has the single worst homescreen layout of any mobile OS of the last decade.
It goes beyond lowest common denominator as far as how fucking stupid it is. There's a good reason why every single other OS in existence or in the past had some form or another of an app drawer.
Disagree. iOS is all about apps. Its the simplest an most efficient layout.
App drawer is stupid compared to this. Why the extra step? Most drawers are not even organized by the most used apps, they are alphabetical which is stupid.
And on top of that it looks good because iOS icons are all the same size and shape.
That's because you're a faggot ass retard.
>It's not
Im legitimately offend by that. Reported.
>submitting false reports
>announcing reports
Enjoy your ban, fagboy
fits right in anus no lube
>what is rule 3
Enjoy your ban friend.
Dont push your luck or I will report you again.
Come at me dipshit
>Can't play WebP images
Into the trash it goes.
Why would you want a device that tells you how to use it, instead of a device that you can configure to use how you please?
oh look yet another obscure retarded useless format being shilled by some random neckbeard.
because it just works
After you install iTunes.
And then it refuses to work when you plug it into any other pc.
Do you guys know what a good price for a used iPhone 6 plus with minor scratches would be on ebay.
Also what is a good Android phone to upgrade to? I was thinking about the Galaxy S7 but a lot of people say it has bloat. I'm fucking sick of iOS being a laggy piece of shit.
>plugin your phone to your pc
You are doing it wrong m8.
>supported by ~80% of browsers including Chrome and Opera
is that your argument? its supported by some browsers? lel
I'd agree with you, if Sup Forums supported them.
But Sup Forums does support WebM and iOS can't into that.
I forgot, iPhones don't have a filesystem, with such limited functionality you wouldn't even want to plug it into a computer :')
It's not, see pic related. I sold my iPhone 6S recently and switched to android. I couldn't be any happier.
>limited functionality
right. Because a file browser is so useful on a phone
Are you physically and mentally retarded?
>iPhones don't have a filesystem
They use HFS+ you dumbass
It is.
literally nothing in this picture is right. Why do you keep it saved in your computer? Are you so insecure that you need to post in every apple thread?
That's even worse
>poorfag owns an lg volt
>never once owned an iPhone
>is a ricer and a gamer
>hates apple because he is jelly
>Sup Forums listens to him
this place is doomed.
Would you mind showing me a single iPhone that comes with a microSD card slot and a stock file manager
Alphabetical makes the most sense because then apps are always in the same place. You never have to look for them. You know where most used apps go? On your fucking home screen.
All of that is true, are you retarded? I literally used to own an iPhone so I know from experience.
Was there a microsd slot or torrent app that did not require a jailbreak I was not aware of?
Why did it make you so insecure you felt the need to reply?
Nice ad hominem you got there.
Find me one reason to have those in my iPhone first
>I literally used to own an iPhone so I know from experience
You keep saying this like it makes your arguments valid. It doesnt
I just fell bad because its so stupid. I guess he just doesn't know better.
>Find me one reason to have those in my iPhone first
Irrelevant. I never claimed they were important, but you claimed they were there. They're not. You're the wrong one. But if you insist
>microSD card slot
Add storage
>file manager
Managing files.
Why iphones are the superior phone choice:
>faster than any android phone
>best looking UI
>applications consistent with the system UI
>more practical UI (one layered home-screen/dedicated widget tab/swipe to return/3d touch)
>does everything you need
>just works
>doesnt lag
>pretty much the best build quality on market
>great camera/screen/SoC/storage
>great design
>software updates for years and years
>almost no depreciation
>encypted by default/apple prioritezes security
>apple isnt interested in selling my data for ad money
>best 1st & 3rd party support
>imessage/Higher social status
protip: don't buy an iPhone
I made this mistake after getting hyped for the iPhone 5s. I deeply regret owning that piece of shit, it was the worst experience in my life. Battery life was fucking shit and it constantly lagged somehow.
>apple says I don't need it so I do
1 ticket to kekistan please
If your iphone is lagging is a defective unity. There is no such thing as laggy iphone. Take it to the store and get a new one.
Hey can you guys tell me how I can become a paid apple shill? I'm good with writing and motivational stuff. Is the pay good?
You know something's wrong when even samshit is on par.
Too obvious
Ugliest UI ever
Why dont you make one with this video now?
6s is the fastest phone right now, undeniably.
The Netflix iOS app is so shit. Always takes forever to open.
Nice wallpaper.
Last ios device I owned was the iPod touch 4g.
Never again.
I keep hearing about that pissphone meme. Can someone explain it?
IPhones are pissproof according to some tripfag who tried shitting up csg.
>place thumb on home screen
>move thumb down or right
>type first few letters of app you want
Completely replaced app drawers for me coming from Android. I always used the app drawer to search for what I wanted.
>>type first few letters of app you want
>this is what iToddlers actually call usability
>can't simply open any app on the phone with 1 or 2 presses like any other phone
I knew that pain all too well. Glad I switched to android.
what happened with cathy?
Beawesome tried shiling iPhones by claiming they were better value than xiaomi because he dropped his 4s in a toilet full of piss and it didn't break.
Since then he's either left g or dropped his trip.
>I've dropped my iPhone probably 4 times everyday for years and years.
There hasn't been a really good android phone since the G2/Desire Z. The way android hardware was back then was a true alternative to the iphone. I used android phones until the note4 and now have the 6s. It's a great phone, I never used widgets, and I'd always just have one homescreen page because who the fuck cares about that. There isn't anything I miss from android after using it for so long, I always just wanted the OS to work fine and nothing ever force close or the hardware itself work reliably (the fingerprint unlock on the note4 was trash). I guess I was more suited for iOS because I'm a fag, but it took a really long time to get over that it was apple.
Only regret I have is that I did it too late, the iphone 7 isn't going to have a headphone jack apparently? What the fuck man, and just when I found a perfect phone for me, what a shame, if they would just keep the exact size and style of the 6s but just improve it every year I'd be okay but I guess they have other shitty plans.
>tfw no desire z 2.0
I could also do that, it's what I normally do. They just specifically referenced app drawers bud.
Holy shit that's crazy. I know Sup Forums harbors some autists but this is something else. kek
>no expandable storage slots except cloud storage services
But can your android phone survive being in a bowl of piss and not breaking thereafter? :^)
There's a lot of waterproof android phones actually.
My FUCKING nigger
My G2 was the best phone I've ever used and still is
>too poor for the 128gb version
>no NMVe storage
oh I am laffin
Multiple Xperia models have been left weeks underwater and they still work fine after being recovered and left to dry
Samshit's UFS storage is faster in metrics that matters :^)
Android went downhill because every single manufacturer is trying to copy apple some way or another
But can you blame them? Its the recipe for success.
Not really.
Yeah man, you could overclock the CPU to like 2ghz and the stock speed was 800mhz. Also that fucking metal battery door with a latch, no peeling it off like every phone. Dedicated camera button too. I still have it because it's was so good. Usually I sell my phones after I'm done with them.
>Dedicated camera button too
Not only that, it was fucking pressure sensitive so you could focus manually without touching the screen
>iOS is all about apps. Its the simplest an most efficient layout.
I don't have an iDevice personally, but is there an option to alphabetize app the apps?
I love the app drawer. If official ones had the function to hide the drawer but make it accessible using a motion I would do that. I don't want to have apps where I spend money on the home screens if I can help it
>Needs iTunes to do something as simple as put music and files into it
I would have been an apple faggot a decade ago if this weren't the case. I'm surprised people still put up with that shit
Back then smartphones were still seen as portable computers. Now they are app machines.
Why don't you post the Exynos version? 2 seconds slower with a 2k screen.
>I would have been an apple faggot a decade ago if this weren't the case. I'm surprised people still put up with that shit
but why are you even connecting your phone to your PC? Internet is literally just as fast and 10x more practical.
until the iPhone 7 comes out.
Also half the framerate :^)
>1136x640 screen
Tell that to my normie friends complaining about lags on their 5s and 6s.
>I need more than 326ppi on my phone
Enjoy your software updates buddy
Poo in the fucking loo Rajeesh.
uh huh
Enjoy your designated shitting street Pajeet.
So you're telling me that I can get my music (any format) on my PC to my phone using just the internet and will listen to it offline without any fuss?
That is because some companies operate at a loss
>Ignores the fact that the 6+ and the 6s+ exist
At the very least, use a standard resolution to help cut down on the math.
Just use Apple Music you stupid goy.
forgot pic
Not to be one of those hipster faggots, but it doesn't have all the music listen to (I'm Dominican and there Spanish language library is severely lacking). If that weren't a problem I'd have been using Spotify by itself.