Can some explain to me the strong and irrational emotional responses generated by simple consumer products, be it AMD...

Can some explain to me the strong and irrational emotional responses generated by simple consumer products, be it AMD, Apple, Intel, Linux, Microsoft, Nvidia that people on this board seem to produce? Such behavior seem more likely to be made by little kids who can’t think rationally, or by otherwise low self-stem people who attach themselves to a strong figure (in this case a big company), I don’t have much studies in psychology but I really think we should have this discussion on /g.

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Honestly user, I see more people projecting "$some_brand BTFO! $brand's fans buttblasted!" more than I see any kind of actual dogmatism or shilling.

I really don't understand. Do we even have fanboys here in Sup Forums? All I see is trolls shittily trolling each other, and the occasional shill.

People on Sup Forums are shitty ideologues. They will shill based on principle but they will still use and consume what they claim to hate. You may see this as irrational behavior but Sup Forums knows they can't escape the botnet (Windows, Google, NSA, etc) so they will still use Windows and buy Intel. They would like not to but they're trapped and they know it.

shitposting is fun

It's like cheering for your favorite sports team, pro wrestler, or mma fighter.


I read this as:

"I had a weak bond with my parents, so instead, I bonded to my video card."

I associate myself with AMD because I'm contrarian. We're the outsiders; the scrappy underdogs. We're Delta House, the Dirty Dozen, the Rebel Alliance, the Commitments. We're the Bad News Bears, and our Lupus is a clumsy Indian that shits in the street.


It's what makes niggers shoot each other over Jordans, bitches suck and fuck jap suits for Gucci bags, and sperglords buy overpriced hardware their never gonna fully utilize anyway

The stupider 50% of them do it because it is genuinely their idea of having fun. The less-stupid ones do it unironically out of boredom.

I understand your question
Linux is not a consumer product
People integrate products and brands into their identity, it's pretty common


desu I own products from various different "camps" in tech, and I only pretend to be a fanboy/shill to get (You)s.

It's a form of releasing my internal anger and frustration.
I shitpost on Sup Forums with a tripcode purely for the purpose of triggering people, then i laugh my ass off, then i realize how pathetic i am.

Then the cycle repeats...

Hey user, what's your favorite band?

Oh yeah? That band is shit. I can't believe you like them. My band is so much better.

That's just how people work, only replace band with religion, food, clothing, or software.

You do that shit too, don't even pretend you don't.

>I associate myself with AMD because I'm contrarian. We're the outsiders; the scrappy underdogs. We're Delta House, the Dirty Dozen, the Rebel Alliance, the Commitments. We're the Bad News Bears, and our Lupus is a clumsy Indian that shits in the street.

Underrated post

I am King Kek. You are not

Linux is a special case.

It's something that used to be good but was corrupted by unchecked corporate meddling that is slowing turning into a Microsoft-style abortion.

When I make fun of Linux, I do it with a certain heaviness in my heart.

I'd count the "%s BTFO! %sfags on suicide watch" shitposting as part of the team-cheering/shilling.

As for how much of it is trolling, Poe's Law applies heavily to all aspects of Sup Forums, with the caveat that if you can't meaningfully distinguish a troll from the real thing, for all intents and purposes it may as well be the real thing, because the real thing will interpret it as support. (See also: Sup Forums.)

Always struck me as a bit stupid, even since the Commodore/Atari "wars", and to my mind it is content less: if I were modding here I'd probably prune the threads, but I'm not, so meh, ignore them.

It fills the role of sports teams.

Literal autism.

Kek, pissphone.


Why do I shill for AMD?

I do it for Ruby.

macfags will defend this.