>HD5870 still going strong
HD5870 still going strong
I got a 7970 for dirt cheap
DOOM 4 runs smooth on medium
not complaining
GTX 560
gigabyte windforce PCB, with the sick VRM meme
>As of like 10 minutes ago, my 6950 isn't working
Somebody hold me
>Mfw my 5870 shat on fermi and keeps shitting on it
>tfw my 7850 shit the bed today
the fucking timing
But why?
Y tho
>my HD5770 with stock cooler still going strong
>GTA-V at 28-45FPS
>[email protected] dual core
>because fuck upgrading and I'm poor from buying car parts
Still rolling GTX 580. Only desire I have for an upgrade is to get something quieter.
hd5850 2gb here
everything still very good
waiting for Vega/Navi
Get a second 5770 for crossfire.
I got 2 in crossfire for $50 off eBay a couple of months ago. 50-65 fps high bf4, 65-75fps low gta v.
Playing BF4 on 6770 at 1200p, still beats console fps.
I'm feeling it.
>i7 920
Muh brutha
I7 870 here, you got an oc? I'm on 4.17GHz.
3.6, I live in Israel, it's hot as fuck here.
I think i have this card Running in my computer too.
After 4 or 5 Years it is dying and makes an awful lot of noise
You guys really love hot places.
I fucking hate it here.
My sister lived there for a couple of years. Tel aviv, haifa, and akko.
She loved it.
Yo bro, I still have that one too, mines still working. You can have mine, I'm going to build a brand new pc in a few weeks anyway with a 1070 or something.
Pic related, my beauty
I'm from Akko actually, it's chill.
I just don't like the "common culture" here, the most vocal group is moroccan Jews, and they're very very vocal, they're also retarded.
Yeah. Sounds like she'd fit right in, she's pretty retarded too.
I had one for 1 day, good card.
not him, but i have the Ti, it is/was a great card, especially since it was below 200€, but it could need another 512MB of VRAM. Will probably upgrade to 480 this year tho
>mfw having 9 280x, 4 R7970, 1 290x lying right next to me but can't use any of them because i'm playing vidya and they're too loud for my setup
I'd be bottlenecked at the CPU. As is, GPU sees 85-90% usage in GTAV, while CPU is sitting at 90-98%.
>RAM@97-99% usage because 4gb
6870 fan finally died recently after 5 years, just swapped to a spare 6990 I had, all gooood.
My 5770 died a bit back. Proper sad.
Let me get this straight... you had a 6990, but you used a 6870? Why?
I was going to get a 480 when they release in a few weeks, but wow thank you for the offer user.
Also it just started working again, though it's acting a bit weird.
Add 2 or 4gb ram and oc your cpu to hell.
A 2gb stick is around A$20 iirc.
>2x HD5870 in crossfire
>sold my 7950 before 480 release
>clean up old 5850 and pop it in
>fire up some STALKER on max, works perfect
Not bad!
>tfw that was me until a month ago
Upgraded to a 4gb gtx 680 and I'm pretty happy though. It's a shame no more drivers for that old card.
>legacy drivers
kill yourself
You can get a w3570 xeon for 50$ brother. Get an easy oc to at least 3.6ghz . depending on your mobo you should be able to get 4ghz since it's a 3.2 base.
Crossfire them
Liquid cool them. Or just get some headphones.
>660 ti with 2 missing capacitors
>still working just fine after 2 years
>2012 7870, phenom x6
where are the times when I had to buy GPU simply because new games would not work even on lowest.
Pretty sure a HD7870 should still be good for a while if thats all you need.
Gone, now days it's all about shader effects and you can mostly turn them off in options menu.
I got a friend who has a phenom x6 running a 290x without a cpu bottleneck. Coincidentally, he also figured out how to rollback the windows 7 cpu management to that of Vistas. So his cpu isn't choked by w7 trying to tell the cpu how it should load it's processes.
I would still be using my 4870 today if it still got driver support
Doesn't the legacy Crimson go that far back? Is the legacy Crimson even worth a fuck? I might swap my 7950 out for my 6970 just to try it out.
5850 here, still enjoying opengl upgrades on linux.
I abused the shit out of my HD7950 by mining various scamcoins in 2013-2014, and it has already run out of warranty, but still works. even if it shits itself, I have a GTX570 laying around, which I'm gonna use.
I might use my 5870 for Linux when I upgrade. How's open source drivers?
>HD 6950
Still can't play Skyrim.
>HD 7790
>Overwatch on high 60 fps
>bf4 high 60fps
What card should i get to better match my cpu? GPU is next on my upgrade list.
7870 2GB reporting in. Still doing what I want it to after 30 months.
>HD 7770 PCS+ 1gb.
>Swaped on launch was using a 5750 before.
>Swap was about 10 usd.
Still stronk enough for me, was playing in 1366x768 until recently im playing FHD now and i will buy a 144hz 1440p monitor when i buy my 480.
Still hopping AMD announces a full polaris 10 490 @ 300usd.
only way to go with nvidia right now would be if they drop the 1070 below 330usd.
>AMD fags are so poor they cant even upgrade when they need to
>I run Witcher 3 at 10fps with my 5770, still going strong!!!
maximum kek
How can i receive it bro?
>tfw my 7970 is 4 years old
I don't even remember the last time I upgraded my computer
Four years ago?
I bought a cooler after that, don't remember when though
Probably like 6 months after the card
how does this happens?
my graphic cards last forever, been gaming almost everyday on my 7850 since 2012
>how does this happens?
failing caps most likely
>Msi gtx 560 ti (fans died) here.
>I5 2500k (cpu fan died) here.
Why do my fans die? lmao now I use a small fan to blow air to my open case.
HD 7870 here, thing still works great after almost 3 years, plays MGSV pretty smooth, im happy.
Wil upgrade to RX 480 though when its out
>my old 5770 reaches 65 C idle
Should I just let it go ?
>i7-930 @ 4GHz still going strong
How? It works on my Intel HD 4000.
Replace the thermal paste.
Should i buy gtx 950 if i like to play old games and emulate ps one with 1440 monitor? Can it run rome, medieval 2 andshogun 2 on that resolution? pls respond, i really don't need new games
>8800GT still going strong
This card is amazing, the only time it felt short was on Dark Souls III and that was because it was optimized like shit, all other games are run on max settings except v-sync, I get 50-60 fps in Witcher 3.
My only problem is that it's an 1GB version so now kinda sucks, probably going to get rekt soon for me.
Have you ever heard what an HD6990 sounds like?
There's a reason the next dual GPU AMD card had three fans. And the two after that were watercooled
I'm STILL using my 4870
I feel your pain right now. Good thing I mostly play strategy games.
Ye, have one for HPX
Gtx 770 still going strong.
Still maxes almost all games provided they aren't vram heavy or optimized like shit.
>tfw 2600XT
>tfw not going strong
>tfw there's a 50% chance windows bluescreens upon login due to antique vista/7 drivers
What would be the cheapest possible card that will be on par or faster than this?
All it needs to do is play video and render web pages.
Geforce 210
Also a legacy card.
Had a 560ti for awhile. Shit the bed on me last year. RIP
Geforce 710
>tfw 2 GB VRAM shitty Best Buy card I had to buy after my 570 died
I can't wait to upgrade.
My 930 has been running g at 4.2ghz for like 5 years
My EAH6850 HD burnt down due to 4 years of use without cleaning, nearly every day. Bought an exact copy for $60.
But i can't play Witcher 3 on it.
Should have gotten a 7970 for $100
Funny is that I have a HD5850 which is still doing great.
Alri Sup Forums, I have a used spare 5770 how much can I sell it for?
Fuck thats ancient
At this point am AMD APU would outperform that easily
Just get an r7 360
while we are talking about sad GPU stories, my trusty 660 ti just died, what a hell of a card...
i7 870 here too. No OC though. I think only the 870k model can be overclocked.
No, 870 can be oc. Intel didn't start doing that shit until Sandy bridge.
Put it in the oven and wait for polaris.
Muh nigger.
Just shoved it into a tiny prebuilt rig because it has a significantly better CPU than my old one. Sure does get loud.
maybe it's my mobo. it's a dell prebuilt from 2010. I've upgraded everything in it except for the cpu and mobo. Just don't have the money right now to justify such a purchase.
>I bought a 2500k
Prebuilts usually have this option removed unfortunately.
No wonder
Might as well play it on xbutt 1frame
>tfw geforce fx 5800