This is fucking awesome trump spoke *against* TPP! Remember all the anti-TPP threads we had?
he's also reported to be using gentoo to prepare his speeches
This is fucking awesome trump spoke *against* TPP! Remember all the anti-TPP threads we had?
he's also reported to be using gentoo to prepare his speeches
The fuck are all these tramps doing there?
I don't know but now that Hillary is beat Bernie we need to all get behind the Trumpster so we don't end up with a crazy woman president.
supporting him? and they're not tramps
>now that Hillary is beat Bernie
I'm pretty sure you aren't American.
I'm pretty sure you are brain damaged
They are, and they're not supporting him, they have no clue what's going on.
They get paid to stand there you know.
why are you whining about the randoms he has behind him lmao? the lady is his daughter too. they know what's going on
watch the video f@m it'll blow your mind
>supporting trump
Don't worry, eventually you'll grow up edgy teenager
>disaster for our country
the US is the only country profiting from fucking TPP, but okay then, don't approve it. thanks.
god you guys are stupid. you deserve this moron. problem is, everyone else will get fucked as well. fuck.
It blows my mind how much shit he's spouting.
If you knew anything about his history and failures you'd know you're doomed once he becomes president.
bruh chill for a sec he is AGAINST TPP. Nobody else is going to stop the TPP.
I doubt that. Can you point out some specific things he said you disagree with?
How fucking stupid are you honestly?
Like legitimately, when you get on an elevator can you read all the numbers?
Wrong. When Trump is elected the illegals are going to be chucked over the great wall and all of their jobs will be returned to the American people.
"ur stupid xD"
not an argument
Ahaha. The classic "I can't think of anything to respond with so i'm going to call you an idiot instead! That will show him."
how did hilary get beat
please gib link
Now if only he wasn't a NSA shill who's against encryption.
is he against encryption? fuck! ...
maybe we can tell him it's like guns
She hasn't officially won yet.
Bernie is SOL though because the party is rigged.
You mean. Nothing will really happen for 4 years until someone else is elected because this is America and not some ancient kingdom where the head of state rules everything.
Literally the only reason you would need full encryption is if you're a pedo.
You know that faggot in Britain who got 22 life sentences last week for fucking loads of kids? He wouldn't have gotten away with that without encryption. The police could have caught him years ago.
Fucking pedo scum like you deserve to be hanged from a tree.
>oh no he asked for a reasonable response that requires logic!
>i'll just call him stupid
> he posts this every single time his script sees the word 'encryption'
here's your (you)
Yeah. He's been pretty adamant in his "we need to relinquish all our civil rights to fight the terrorists who will take away all our civil rights" stance.
> Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.
>Equating the right to fuck kids with the right to free speech.
Encryption pedos are the worst
Remember, Hillary is paying shills to lie and deceive on the internet, including Sup Forums. Do not listen to anti-trump SJW lies. Trump is going to build the wall, end TPP, and make America great again.
>not minding children got raped
You're not doing you side any favors, m8
>A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought. And that’s a problem because privacy matters; privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be.
Okay let's get rid of all encryption so I can steal your personal information and fuck your life up completely.
Obvious troll is obvious, now fuck off.
I hear you. We should get rid of the internet. cameras and children because all of them cause child porn.
>the only form of privacy is to be able to hide my CP where the authorities can't find it
You're a moron and I hope you get lynched, you fucking pedo
OMG you do realize that words on a screen are transmitted back and forth by terrorists! Typing right now literally supports the beheadings of innocents! Wow, like really wow, thanks for confirming you're a terror loving scumbag
See Literally nothing will happen.
If Hillary is elected nothing, if Trump is elected nothing.
>Personal encryption is fine provided the authorities can decrypt it, provided they have the appropriate legally obtained warrent
This is the only acceptable answer. The only reason anyone would disagree with that statement is if they're a child molester.
>Typing and having encryption to hide you CP are the same thing
How do you people even breath?
>Trump voters. Literally
That's defeats the entire point of encryption if a third party can easily get around. You will never live in some magical world where it'll be impossible for criminals to figure out how the feds decrypt if it was made possible.
>he's also reported to be using gentoo to prepare his speeches
Many keks.
Everybody knows the real terrorist is the USA.
pedo with ruffled feathers
This is your future, you fucking nonce
>If you knew anything about his history and failures you'd know you're doomed once he becomes president.
>get 1 million dollars
>turn it into billions
lmao what a fuckin failure I would have turned it into trillions by now lmoa
Those aren't tramps, they're Trumps. Literally Trump's bangin' hot daughter and wife.
Encryption just makes it so police have to actually do detective work, instead of calling up the NSA and doing a google search
>no encryption for CP is okay as long as we have terrorism
How did you make it this far in life?
Then you hold the suspects indefinetly until the decrypt their data, like
Forgot the key? Oh well tough luck shouldn't have been a fucking pedo then.
>>turn it into billions
[citation needed]
This, everyone knows a suspect is obviously guilty. Just skip the trial and hang him anyways. If he wasn't a pedo, he wouldn't have gotten accused.
Well. Suck it. We ain't commies yet.
It really isn't. Because it can, and will be used maliciously. You can't give the government an inch because they will take a mile.
Just look at people like Snowden. Would he been able to show us how badly the government are fucking us if he couldn't properly encrypt stuff? What's stopping anyone else from accessing the same backdoor?
Just because you've read too many clickbait articles for soccer moms about how evil encryption is doesn't mean it's not one of the only ways left for citizens to secure their private information.
Sent from my iPhone 6s Plus
>only reason you would need full encryption
some people uses their equipment to work, laptops / PC has documents, digital keys, passwords, private conversations
I know this is bait, but probably he believes it, is not his fault being stupid, be kind guys
nice ad hominem :^)
He could easily prove he wasn't a nonce by decrypting the drive, if he won't then he's guilty.
Fuck him, let him rot. This should happen to anyone who doesn't provide their encryption keys to the police.
People supporting Clinton literally just want a womyn president and 4 more years of the same shit.
At least with trump we'll have some entertainment for once.
found TrigglyPuff
>Poll is back....
Maybe he hates his job and family and likes relaxing all day every day with free food.
You didn't read my post.
There's no problem with private citizens encrypting they're data PROVIDED they hand over the encryption key to the police provided they have the appropriate warrent. A warrent signed by a judge who has due cause.
If they can't do that, lock them in jail until they can.
anyone else voting trump because they want to watch America bern to the ground?
/Csg/ here, fuck Trump, he wants to ban our cheap chink shit. We'll be voting for Hillary!
Forbes, actually.
No fuck that. Encryption should banned entirely and anyone with it fucking shot.
Not just encryption, free software needs to be banned also.
This. Provide the keys or get assfucked by Tyrone for the rest of your life.
>being this 12
Rate my shirt
I can't read it with that silly font
>There's no problem with private citizens encrypting they're data PROVIDED they hand over the encryption key to the police provided they have the appropriate warrent
>No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
>nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself
Best option is to allow encryption but make it a legal requirement to provide keys if requested by police
Second best option is making encryption illegal
All much better options than allowing unregulated encryption, which is basically just used by pedos
You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums, kid.
was ment for
u was saying???
It's not written in fucking dingbats you autist.
>these people can vote
No wonder progressives have it so easy. Nobody cares about freedom and protecting themselves against the government anymore.
Keys and passwords can be lost and forgotten, and you are acting like the government is here to protect us. Half the reason we need encryption is to protect ourselves from the government. They have shown time and time again to hold little regard for the freedom of it's citizens. What happens when our freedom of speech is inevitably disbanded?
Encryption and open source software are tools for pedos and terrorists. Your privacy is less important than national security.
If providing an encryption key is providing witness against yourself then you're already guilty.
It's more a case that it can exonerate you if you're innocent, if not then fuck it, don't give your key and spend the rest of your life in jail. You shouldn't have been a nonce in the first place.
>over the great wall
like instant wall, just add water!
>jobs will be returned to the American people
those jobs are there for gringos, they just don't want the spics salary, so out of nowhere an employer will have more money to spen on americans just cause there are no more mexicans?
this is just pure populism, it worked in venezuela, not for the people tho, the money went somewhere
>municipal waste
But it make no sense
It's a good thing I am then!
Put some sunscreen on dear you don't want to get burned leaving the house! We packed an extra PB&J for lunch for you!
>Cat hair.
Guaranteed toxoplasmosis.
get out of my country.
You know encryption does more than just hide stuff for pedos right?
Without encryption everyone can easily get access to private information like passwords to websites.
>Without encryption everyone can easily get access to private information like passwords to websites.
Well computers wouldn't work period and Math would be illegal.
The accused are guilty till proven innocent you stupid terrorist enabler. If he can't prove his innocence, he's guilty and deserves to die.
lol kid the citation is listed. don't worry you'll get the hang of this when you get to college
"Donald Trump". Forbes. 2016. Archived from the original on 2016-05-28.
Trump cucks detected
You belong in Iran. The free world has no place for authoritarian progressives like you.
Technically, the jobs are for the negro. The black community is being displaced in low skilled labor jobs by illegals.
And it's up to the accuser to find evidence of the guilty. Not declare someone guilty in order to gain the information that might prove them guilty.
That has been the whole basis of law for millennia.
actually he clearly says he doesn't use encryption, he probably one of few people watching this thread in http, just wiredshark the IP
Why'd you let some faggots derail a pro-Trump/anti-TPP thread?
>detain citizen indefinitely without any proof he is guilty, sheerly for the purpose of invading his privacy
Yeah, seems fair.
Mad bernout
I'm sorry you're candidate lost, you're more than welcome to join us
hes a well documented diet coke drinker and mac laptop user
hes also cuckservative as fuck with no real political ideas to speak of