Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously on: Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

Your friendly neighborhood search engine (, ixquick, whatever) (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)

Other urls found in this thread:

is this general kill?

it is usually quite slow around this time of the day.

So I had only good experience with Linux so far. Software incompatibilities are a problem of the market, not Linux.
Saying "I don't use Linux because it doesn't have photoshop" is like saying "I don't vote for that party because they don't have a chance of winning". If everyone thinks like that, of course it will come true. I deduct : Not using Linux is undemocratic and a danger to the world at large.

trips confirm,
if anyone wants a colorscheme for cmus, here is one:
[cmus]# Directory colors
set color_win_dir=253

# Normal text
set color_win_fg=253

# Window background color.
set color_win_bg=235

# Command line color.
set color_cmdline_bg=235
set color_cmdline_fg=253

# Color of error messages displayed on the command line.
set color_error=1

# Color of informational messages displayed on the command line.
set color_info=6

# Color of currently playing track.
set color_win_cur=red

# Color of the separator line between windows in view (1).
set color_separator=green

# Color of window titles (topmost line of the screen).
set color_win_title_bg=235
set color_win_title_fg=green

# Status line color.
set color_statusline_bg=235
set color_statusline_fg=green

# Color of the line displaying currently playing track.
set color_titleline_bg=234
set color_titleline_fg=red

# Color of the selected row which is also the currently playing track in active window.
set color_win_cur_sel_bg=233
set color_win_cur_sel_fg=red

# Color of the selected row which is also the currently playing track in inactive window.
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_bg=234
set color_win_inactive_cur_sel_fg=red

# Color of selected row in inactive window.
set color_win_inactive_sel_bg=236
set color_win_inactive_sel_fg=254

# Color of selected row in active window.
set color_win_sel_bg=234
set color_win_sel_fg=green

# Command line color.
set color_cmdline_bg=235
set color_cmdline_fg=253

Vast majority of the world's population will always prefer convenience over philosophy they don't understand and they don't want to understand.

Noone gives a shit user, you shouldn't too, for your own mental health and peace of mind.

The more normies who start using linux, the more gnome and unity try to be like OSX and other defunct GUIs.

If everyone started using linux, some neckbeard would just make their own OS for power users, or at the very least make a distant branch that keeps the unix philosophy.
Meanwhile every other distro will sell out to the big audiences and dumb everything down to the point it looks even shinier than something apple would produce.

Linux is good exactly because normies don't use it, stop fucking complaining.

i should sleep

Is there a normie guide for tweaking and ricing Openbox?

man openbox and

your .png is now optimized

meant for

I want to learn to be a power user.

4chandl () {
while true; do
wget -e robots=off --no-use-server-timestamps -nc -nd -c -ERs.jpg,html -P=~/Pictures/$2 $1
sleep 10

Make this fish friendly anyone?

So do it then.

I know the term is a meme, but in what universe does anyone imagine that developers and average joe end users will be using the same operating systems?

We don't help macfags here

you know what's so nice about the Unix-philosophy? the portability, we are in essence using the same system, but for most parts of it we can just use different programs. we can even replace the whole DE or just use a WM and can fork it thanks to the power of freedom if we want it to fit our needs. this is also exactly what happens, you can run KDE or dwm and still be a GNU/Linux user.

>fish - the friendly interactive shell
>implying you can't use that on linux

are you retarded by any chance?

who in their right mind would use anything other than bash or zsh on GNU/Linux?

Is there a WM where I can set programs to specific hotkeys, and to open with specific hotkeys?

any, the program you need is xbindkeys.

How do I get started with zsh

man zsh i guess, why do you feel the need to switch to zsh in the first place if you don't even know how to get information on it?

I guess for the same reason people choose Arch for their first distro.


>>I guess for the same reason people choose Arch for their first distro.
because they saw some weebs desktop in a desktop thread?

You already have the divide between those for or against systemd.

Of course all branches will still be gahnoo/leenucks, but the point is even if everybody migrates to it, normies will still be using their basic as fuck GUIs that nobody tech literate has the first clue how to navigate.

It's like trying to make the entire population go up 10 IQ points, you're just raising the average, the distribution is the same, but the center-point has changed.

I don't care much whether people move over to linux or not, but I do strongly disagree with the idea that having a whole bunch of users who have no idea what the fuck they are doing is in any way useful.

I miss #! a bit. The comfiest way to have a nice out-of-the-box Debian. How's bunsenlabs and #!++? Anyone got experiences?

Debian is out-of-the-box enough imo.

I'm sorry I don't understand how to use Linux.

Why are people using different shells when they aren't able to read manpages?

Are the AMDgpu drivers from the ubuntu software centre the right ones?

bunsenlabs looks pretty cool. Vanilla debian repos and additional bunsenlabs packages (some rice and scripts). Should get more attention, this thingy.

Because synaptic lets them

How do I switch dns server in Arch? Configuring resolv.conf doesnt work because resolvconf overwrites it, and configuring resolvconf.conf doesnt work because it adds the one I added but doesnt remove the other ones.

Looks like the user edition of KDE Neon is ready to be released.

Funny thing is that they seem to mistakenly announced the release and removed the page.

It seems like it's ready to be released on Thursday.

The announcement is on google cache:

How can I navigate to a different harddrive in the terminal?

Get it straight guys.

There's only one UNIX and it's MAC OS X, and even OS X is doing it wrong: A true UNIX system doesn't have any graphical user interface or other combinations which are unfriendly to simplicity.

Gnu's Not Unix anyway

That's why BSD, GNU, etc is referring to it as 'unix-like'.

But why? Is UNIX some sort of god's gift that makes people refering to their system as "god-like"? No, it isn't.

because unix was the first unix-like system

you use cd to get to the place where you mounted them.
UNIX is a brand name, Unix was a OS that had a philosophy that was so useful that it is still used to some extent today.

What's the advantage of using something like KDE Neon? Especially if you are already using a distro like Arch?

Get it straight.

OS X is a gnu/linux-like system.

Just the fact of not being Arch is good enough.

Not only that, but it's developed directly by the KDE team.



> gentoo
I asked for a normie guide

I see, there's some hardcore philosophy going on.

The gento wiki is informative. Just click it, it woun't hack you.

I mean what's the point of using this rather than just updating with the normal package manager of any bleeding edge distro? And according to their FAQ they specifically say it's "not a distro", yet it seems to "replace" a lot of your distro if you use it. I like KDE but it seems like this would only be useful if you literally only use KDE and the KDE default software.

your .png is now optimized


Arch wiki is more informative.


What's your magic?

this has nothing to do with philosophy, mac os 10 is just not very similar to GNU/Linux or even BSD nowadays. they just paid for a brand name.
gentoo wiki>arch wiki=debian wiki

>gentoo wiki>arch wiki=debian wiki
lern2math nigga

arch wiki has similar quality as the debian wiki and the gentoo wiki is superior to both.

Is there any way to make key combination including mouse buttons in Gnome? For example Win+LMB.
Also, how can I change input language by Win key in the same Gnome and console? Using arch.


gentoofags: you're aware that your god drobbins is a google chrome running windows luser?

I'm completely new to linux, i'm considering installing either elementary or kubuntu, which one do you guys consider "better" than the other?

not elementary at least.

I've been going between Windows, Mint, and Ubuntu on separate computers for about a month now, and now I want to make my main computer Xubuntu. I've seen plenty of resources of how to get everything set up with two hard drives (I have an SSD and HDD), but am not sure about where to install certain programs and such.
For example on Mint, every time I install something I do "sudo apt-get 'whatever'", and everything is pretty much automatic. If I have two hard drives, how would I specify which drive to install to? Also, should I be worried about which hard drive (OS vs. extra volume) I install programs to?

there is no good or bad distribution. We can tell you what you want, in the end it's our point of view, and you might have the same or not. Try them on a VM and make your own idea, or look at what they look like and pick the one you prefer.

Can I move/close/resize windows by it?


just put /on the SSD and /home on the HDD

>there is no good or bad distribution
Linux Mint?


Actually, for moving and closing windows you need additionally xdotool.
If you want a comfy gui editor for xbindkeys, there is the package xbindkeys-config.
Have fun.

How do i remove this left thing? Ubuntu btw.

turn off gnome notifications

I should avoid Ubuntu 16.04 if I have an AMD GPU right?

why? most amd GPUs work great on the FOSS drivers.

I have a severe problem with my resolution settings, I can never make FOSS drivers use 2560x1080 resolution.

you don't need the proprietary drivers, you need firmware-amd-graphics

Never heard of this before, care to explain?

I had to work all day on Windows machine on my new job... I somehow managed not to format the drive or kill myself and I just came here to say I love you guys. You're the part of Sup Forums that matters.

no need to, aptitude explains it and there are should be a few things about it on the internet.

I'm doing the amd64 gentoo install by the handbook and I got to the "configuring the bootloader" page but when I typed "grub2-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot", it told me that /boot doesn't look like a an efi partition.
I then reset the computer using "shutdown -r now" but now it says that the grub2-install command is not found, so how do I get back to the step I was on in the install?

Is it normal for torrents to take so long to pause in Deluge? It takes like a minute usually for them to "slow down" gradually before they eventually pause. Or is that really how downloading works? or

is that a windows screenshot? your fonts look weird.
ydo you have the same problems with transmission/rtorrent/qbittorrent?

Did you know that you can change font rendering in GNU/Linux?
If not get out

i did, this is why i am so confused why his looks so similar to the one of windows.
your attitude doesn't fit this thread.

I didn't change anything, it's just Noto Sans. It may just look weird because I scaled it in gimp with no interpolation.

Also no, it seems to pause immediately in Transmission. But when I close the program it takes a few seconds to do "closing connections"

For those of you that are privacy concerned and focused, what are some essential things I need to do in order to protect myself as much as possible?

remove the botnet from your life, that's a first step. Second step would be your own self-hosted server with a domain that you pay for ([email protected] or something) so you can at least have some of the comfort of using google/microsoft/apple services. Change your search engine (I recommend
Use strong passwords and learn how to secure your system. Encrypt your hard drives. Don't carry around your phone or anything that can be used to track you all the time.

as for removing the botnet, you should at the very least deactivate any kind of voice search on your devices, any kind of location history, limit feedback and telemetry from your programs (even Firefox sends telemetry if you configure it to).

Better slow than having the same person constantly "troll" by posting Stallman/GNU/Linux related, inane debates all the time.

So far I'm currently running firefox with ublock origin, noscript, https everywhere, self destructing cookies, and decentraleyes along with always running in incognito and not saving any history or anything and all the telemetry turned off.

Also using a VPN and using Keepass with full disc encryption on my linux distro.

For my phone I'm running a 6p with location services disabled and most of the google botnet going unused. I'm guessing ideally I should flash a custom rom with no gapps? I'm not real keen on the android side of privacy things. I've heard about some xposed modules for privacy and advanced permissions too.

Thinking about switching from gmail to protonmail too. The only snag I'm running in to is using startpage or any of the other alternative search engines. They just suck honestly. Is there a way I can use google as safely as possible?

>use obconf which comes with it
>change options via the GUI
>download a theme you like

If you need a guide to "rice", then you're an idiot.

Literally every window manager worth its dime has an option to run things on keybinds.

Because they think they can only get that fancy PS1 prompt on zsh. They think that zsh is just a prompt. Those people aren't even utilizing 5% of Bash, yet they somehow are apparently in need for an alternative shell.

all Sup Forums should be a slow board actually. It would be a much nicer place

"Thanks Stallman"
>Literally every window manager worth its dime has an option to run things on keybinds.
using something WM independent like xbindkeys is the better way and closer to the unix-philosophy.

Did you format thae EFI partition with fat32?

Everything in the first two paragraphs looks great, that's almost what I'm doing as well.
The problem with Android is mostly Play Services, so going without the Play Store and gapps would be the ultimate goal.
I use protonmail, it works well, but using the protonmail apps on an android phone with Play Services installed is a risk, they might be logging your passwords as far as I understand.
I agree that startpage or other alternative search engines suck. My solution is to change my habits - when I search for one word ("Opensuse") or something common ("chicken breast recipe") I don't use Google, but when I need something specific I use incognito mode and Google. The point about avoiding Google is mostly avoiding tracking, so it should be possible to not use incognito when you don't save Google's cookies.