Incoming blog post

Incoming blog post

>installing Ubuntu 16.04 after using Antergos/Arch for a few months
>vanilla Ubuntu with Unity 7 because it actually works and looks pretty nice
>boot into USB thumbdrive, installs within a few minutes
>LightDM greeter also looks pretty sweet
>login, fix a minor issue I have with IPV6 by setting the ipv6.disable=1 kernel parameter and updating grub
>add some PPA's, install lots of software via gnome software, synaptic or via the terminal, e.g. the ubuntu restricted extras and the latest nvidia drivers, might install infinality and new fonts later on
>install themes, unity tweak tool and icons
>literally installed and set up my new notebook OS within an hour, everything just works now

Most bad things people on this board tell about Linux, especially vanilla Ubuntu, are complete nonsense. It's comfy. For most users Unity 7 will look slick, especially using themes like Royal (Unity 8 will look even better), it pretty much works out of the box (some pitfalls exist, but can be overcome), most important software is there (especially if you realize that you don't need your pirated copy of the Adobe CS to edit your /gif/ OC or dank memes) and there's even some great AAA games that support Linux now. And it's just getting better all the time.

Linux based operating systems are great and no one should be held back from trying and running one of the major distributions (by the Sup Forums hivemind that repeatedly yells and screams about how this distro sucks and how this and that can't be done under Linux). That's something I just realized again.

Try Linux, try lots of distros, don't listen to the autists on this board, it's actually far better than most people say - also, visit the /fglt/ if you need any help with getting started. Even if you don't like it in the end, you didn't lose anything. I'm in love with my new Ubuntu install, maybe you'd be too. Thanks.

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I can understand why arch users dislike ubuntu, but debianfags? They have literally no reason to prefer debian over it

Im using ubuntu 16.04 and is awesome

>not using opensuse or slack

Meh whatever floats your boat. Personally if you are going to run Ubuntu xbuntu and kubuntu are better than vanilla

Interesting. I had Ubango 15.04 (w/ Unity) on my new machine for about 4 months and then went to Antergos with cinnamon and haven't thought once about distrohopping in the last year. Pretty nice when you find your comfy setup

You're right, but no one cares. It wouldn't make the discussion interesting.


debian versus ubuntu is like w7 before the telemetry updates versus w8.1

Trying mint 18 beta cinnamon now. Unity is garbage compared. Nautilus is garbage compared to nemo. Gnome software center is garbage compared to mint software center. Ubuntu main distro is garbage compared to a BETA of a flavor.

>2016 still using Screenfetch, not Neofetch
>Still on 4.4 Kernel, not 4.6.2 or atleast 4.5.7
>Packages 2119

Other than that, nice opinion.

I actually have a reason to prefer Debian over Ubuntu, CIV 5 doesn't run with the latest NVidia drivers for me but Debian Sid uses a couple releases before so everything works out of the box.
Also I don't have to disable all the spyware features like Amazon search and such.

You don't need infinality with Ubuntu. Ubuntu offers font rendering comparable to fontconfig-ultimate (which, yes, contains the infinality patches).

What you might want to do is patch Cairo and Poppler.

The mint developers are incompetent, that's why I refuse to use it.

Packages that are actually maintained and not full of security issues for one.

>muh hip new thing™

I'd it ain't broke, don't fork it.

>kernel version elitism

You do realize the differences between 4.4 and 4.6.2 aren't that great on a desktop, right?

>package count autism

You do realize what matters is actual RAM and disk usage, not some bullshit "minimalist" number?

>be me
>install ubuntu 16.04
>everything just works
>live happy from that day on

When you cannot defeat a product with arguments because it's better, you attack the person behind it with FUD.

but debian has switched over to systemd (telemetry of linux world)

systemd is great, you stoopid neckbeard. gtfo

How many cents does RedHat pay you per post? Don't tell me you do it for free.

I prefer using devuan or gentoo, as I can escape the systemd botnet and configure it by hand myself.
The hate on ubuntu is more on a moral level than purely technical.

Once canonical stop with the lts bullshit I may consider it.
We need a rolling release version, not necessarily bleeding edge but rolling
RHEL, centOS are what I expect from a lts OS. They don't break shit and keep the system clean.

mir is useless and they have to stop this retarded trend to make everything tablet-friendly.

Ubuntu is bloated out of the box, even windows is cleaner.
I don't understand why almost every distros don't come in a minimalist package.
We only need a post-install script/program to install what we need, I have my own but it's not user friendly nor simple.

You are misinformed my friend. Ubuntu does come in a minimal package.

I know but it's useless unless you do it by hand like you do on gentoo or archlinux.
Select the unity desktop and enjoy the piece of bloat you'll have.
In the end if you want a minimal desktop you'll have to to do it by hand.
There is no tool to do that yet. Bunsenlabs has a post-install script, we need something like that but with much more features