Sup Forums confessions

Here's mine

Other urls found in this thread:

>cool guy
Pick one, faggot


I genuinely think they Windows 10 has a nice GUI, and that Powershell is a better scripting language than Bash & co.

go be autistic somewhere else. maybe Sup Forums.

Lmao i do the same exact thing OP dont feel bad

windows 10's gui interfrace is top tier

You're the only one acting like an autist, desu senpai



Personally, I'd say that Powershell is one of those things that are/can be surprisingly useful in certain contexts, but with how Micro$oft treats you like a five-year-old in windows, it essentially just lost half of its usefulness. On the other hand, bash is slightly too reverse-compatibility intensive, hence why zsh is slightly more useful at times when you aren't doing things that involve too much reverse compatibility.

Here's mine. I've been using windows since 95 and I legitimately think anyone who willingly uses windows 10 is a complete moron. I'm staying on windows 7 and moving to linux for everything except gaming.

Please refrain from shitty image macros, user.

But there's nothing wrong with using Windows. Do whatever the fuck that works for you and are happy with. And this is coming from someone who ran Gentoo for *years*.

When you discover this, you will be happier, user.

But wouldn't you say that win10 sometimes feels like it just can't make up its mind? look at how it has two configuration interfaces that do slightly different things, and how nobody can agree on how menus and whatnot should look like.

I troll Sup Forums by saying I use windows so they think I am edgy.
And I always inflate the windows numbers in polls

Surely they have different divisions working on things

yea I was being sarcastic. win 10 is complete shit, especially the UI

win 7 for reference

IMO, bash & co. are the better environments but PS is the far better language. It's a shame that Windows doesn't support CLI programs, terminals, and interfaces as well as *nix does. It doesn't even have to be that way, it's just a matter of user culture. Powershell and the terminal are used exclusively as administrative tools instead of in daily use. There's far fewer guides and communities to get started with PS than there are in *nix.

back to >>>/imgur/

Gee, I wonder which OS inspired Windows 10's design. And even with all those paid developers they couldn't make the UI design consistent.

Has it even been out for a year yet? Meh. It's more consistent than some gnome themes, or any gnome app running in an alternative interface like qt.

Sometimes I really wish Linux had something like PowerShell.

The object-oriented pipeline is so nice, and it's nice having the power of .NET and its libraries at your fingertips despite being in a scripting environment.

Honestly, if Windows came around and released their own *nix-distro with the appropriate modifications to run Powershell for money I would actually pay for that. I don't think that'll ever happen though. And the requirements and integration Powershell has of and with the operating system means it'll never be on *nix until someone throws serious manpower and money at it.

For what it's worth, PowerShell DSC exists:

Don't bother with it though. It's obscure and weird, and is only for DSC, not scripting.

At least it's something, though.

Yeah, and since they're bringing .net to Linux maybe there's a chance.

I genuinely don't understand about 80% of Sup Forums. I barely even know what Gentoo is.

I have convinced everyone I know to install Windows 10 because I genuinely think it's a good OS and because I love seeing W7&Loonix mouthbreathers get mad as fuck.

Except Win 8.1 is objectively better than 7 in everyway, so you should stay on that

Gnome's come a long way and it's getting better. Gtk 3.22 looks promising.

I don't like windows for pushing data mining stuff.
I don't like google for pushing data mining stuff.
I don't like linux for being disorganized and for its lack of documentation.
I don't like BSD for not having any drivers to make it relevant for desktops.

I don't like myself for not being able to start a desktop oriented OS.

I have all the same complaints. Data mining becomes less of a problem one you realize you can use block it with a router firewall.

I guess everyone needs a hobby.

That doesn't seem like a very unconventional opinion around here. At least if you exclude the obvious shills and people who fell for the shilling.

thishitisshrs gits this these nutz thi s pizza tw this


i use ubuntu unity as my main os, but its shit at everything but vsync. I mean how am i supposed to work with inkscape/libreoffice/gimp without menu icons?
>i would install kde but:
-only DE that i can break by randomly entering/closing menus without changing anything
-no wacom tablet support for whole 5.X release
-ugly vsync/bad performance on fullscreen repaint
Linux is in a really bad shape lately aside from not breaking like the old times (except KDE ofc). All gnome based DEs are shit, LXDE is old as fuck and doesnt have snapping/vsync, xfce is also dead, mate has some weird input lag for mouse. I want to scream but i have no menu icons to find the option quickly.

>I'm so technologically retarded, I can't even disable it

I can't program, read the python and JS tutorials on codecademy but I still rely solely on copying code from SO
I can't write bash scripts
I can't into regex
I've never used IRC
I don't know the difference between different SQLs
I shilled a distro based on what I heard about it without using it... then I used it and it sucked

I talk shit about Arch a lot, but I've never actually used Linux.

>I want to scream but i have no menu icons to find the option quickly.
Legitimately the funniest comment about Linux I've ever read.

I too talk alot Of shit about arch, but I use it on my laptop ahahahahahaha

I don't give half a fuck about cable management.

I barely notice the increase in audio quality past 200kb/s


I'm still using Arch even through it is shit.


I shill for Apple and enjoy buttpained Winbabbies
I do not own any Apple devices and use GNU+Linux exclusively




>Enlarging the thumbnail you saved by mistake to try and not look retarded.

Didn't work.

I also legitimately like Windows 10 for my desktop but use arch on my laptop

I only download flac and only listen to music on my laptop speakers and phone.

wasn't there a guy who did his desktops in photoshop?

Gentoo is a linux

Yes, a while back. Very funny stuff.

>still thumbnail
>inb4 "I was only pretending to be retarded"

Oh god there is literally no difference between Reddit and here

I use linux and windows 10 at the same time every day.

I like to play video games but prefer a unix environment.
DESU senpai, it's a good setup.

I don't even know why I browse Sup Forums anymore. It's 90% shitposts and stuff I don't care about

>open Sup Forums
>see shit threads
>"fuck this shit" Ctrl + W
>repeat after 10 minutes

Maybe you are in the wrong place, buttmad wincuck

I just browse Sup Forums because I like gpu wars.

flash has been broken in firefox on my computer for probably 2 months and I haven't fixed it cause youtube still works

How fucking tech illiterate are you? HTML5 video on YouTube has been around for years

sure is summer in here

nobody gets paid to organize linux for you, it's why nobody needs your data

tech literate enough to assume people know I understand why youtube still works..