Busy installing the latest insider preview build of Windows 10
See you fa/g/g/ots on the other side
Busy installing the latest insider preview build of Windows 10
See you fa/g/g/ots on the other side
I heard it has integrated maps which automatically mark designated shitting streets in your area
Latest features:
LastPass extension for Microsoft Edge
Hyper-V Container: You can now use Docker natively on Windows 10 with Hyper-V Containers, to build, ship and run containers
New icons
also Dona Sarkar pic related is now the head of the Insider Program
>"Turn left after 200m to arrive at the clean street"
>"Would you like to poo on this street?"
Nice blog post faggot.
Currently at 91%
OP here, got bluescreen of death upon reboot. Will my personal files get lost if I reinstall windows from USB??
Nice Indian feature.
You wish faggot
did they fix font rendering in this version? can you upload png of desktop with explorer open?
No, there's nothing to worry about.
Just do it.
>fix font rendering
There's no problems with font rendering. It's the biggest bullshit meme on Sup Forums
What I like is that Edge is now fully able to replace Firefox and Chrome for me
Damn... SJWfox btfo...
Yes there is. Install MacType and see how much better it can be.
>install something last updated in 2012
I don't like installing old shit either, but it does work with no issues at all on Windows 10. Sure there are some rare programs which bug out with it, but it's pretty easy to black/whitelist stuff and change the way you want MacType to actually run.
The only thing I remember having issues with it was the GTA V launcher when the game was released, and I believe that was patched already. Never had any other problems.
And OP was never again seen in this thread.
Font rendering is fucking shit on Windows.
Cleartype is fucking shit. Rendering without it is fucking shit. The font rendering in Settings in particular is atrocious, just look at OPs pic for example.
Fuck, even changing the system font on Windows 10 requires registry edit, they've removed the dialog you used to be able to chance the fonts in.
How they can keep making Windows worse is fucking beyond me. You think they would just sit down and go "right, let's make a list of all the simple shit that is awful and fix them" but instead they do these big feature removals and additions that no one asked for and implement them half broken.
Fucking all of the "Learn More" type links in Settings just open your browser window to a "how to get help in windows 10" bing search. That's how fucking badly the development of this OS is managed.
>no https everywhere
Still here.
The fact that Linux has surpassed Windows in font rendering is fucking hilarious.
It's default. No need for an extension.
>Reddit Enhancement Suite
Whats the best way to disable the forced upgrade and popups for Win10? Never10?
Looking forward to installing my insider preview on her :^)
This is the best way so far. Uninstall/hide KB3035583 for extra measure. Run Disk Cleanup to remove the +3GB of install files it downloads in the background.
>addons are literaly exe files
>have to login in store to download them
>still only like 20 addons in total
Spotted the redditard
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>wanting to be banned
>not having NoScript
No 4chanX