Friendly reminder that all linux distros come with an ssh daemon enabled by default and it's set up on port 22...

Friendly reminder that all linux distros come with an ssh daemon enabled by default and it's set up on port 22, and root access is enabled.

Anyone on the same network as you have an unlimited attack vector to bruteforce your password and gain root access to your machine over the network.

If you don't believe me, just try logging into your own box with ssh localhost

No one cares. Fuck off you cancerous piece of shit.

Yeah whatever you say.

>He actually tried it

Hello summer

I had to enable sshd myself and the first thing I did was disable root and change the port.

Thanks for the reminder, you security mastermind.

>Change the port

How important is this? Does it just lower the amount of attacks, as less people look at random ports?

Have you never run sshd on a public IPv4 address?
It's constant bruteforcing until you change the port.

Oh, nope, only just starting to learn about this stuff.

Good to know.

Yeah, but I configured my ssh.
Failure to configure your services is your own fault.

>enabled by default
I know that several installer have SSH enabled, but not the installation itself.

>not just forwarding a different port to 22 on your server
There's no real reason to change the sshd port on your machine, it's only the Internet side port that you need to change and you can set that port to forward to any port you want internally.

>all linux distros come with an ssh daemon enabled by default and it's set up on port 22, and root access is enabled.

He actually thinks for himself, faggot.

I'm using Debian with root disabled. I got nothing to worry about.

>dumb makiposter

That's not maki you flaming fucking faggot

ssh is not enabled by default unless you're using a server distro you mongoloid

Not who you replied to but wew lad you fell for that bait hard.

Of course this could just be meta bait, and we could circle around forever pretending not to be baited, so I'll just assert you're a summerfag and I'll win this argument.

>he actually fell for it
i win

They all look the same.

>i win
>giving me a (You)

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