Best DE

What is the best DE and why is it Unity?

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MATE but that's probably because I'm old.

Get off my lawn, faggit.


XFCE/ lxde

Unity is actually ok. I use it as my daily driver with Ubuntu 16.04. I don't really have any complaints but it would be utter dog shit without the Unity Tweak Tool. Themes and icon packs are also a must because by default it looks like ass.

It's mate because it doesn't get in the way, is light as shit, and is full of useful programs.


Cinnamon + Debian

Xfce or GTFO.

Your not slick, user.

This is a thinly-veiled desktop thread, and everyone knows it.

same here, used unity for daily driver with minor tweaks and a icon pack till I got a new GPU and linux shat itself.

I don't understand what you mean. I am asking my fellow anons what DE they think its best. Its a fair question I believe.


I also use i3 Exclusively. I just don't understand the use of a desktop anymore. Even on Windows my desktop is empty and I have no background


>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer

Actually, it's Aqua/Quartz.

xfce because it doesn't suck ass

KDE master race.

True, I'm actually thinking of wiping my Arch install and just embrace Ubuntu + Unity.
I definitely needs a more modern GTK theme and icon pack and you're golden.

Because it just works


i use a window manager

Nice b8 m8

Don't do it. I use both Arch and Ubuntu and while Ubuntu is pretty good,Arch is just a little bit better.Besides,Unity is nothing but a crippled version of Gnome.

Aqua pt. II: instead of following someone else's shortcuts, you're the one who makes them

what language is that, user?

it's written in cyrillic

it's pretty good in looks, consistency and user-friendliness, but it's bloated and laggy. GNOME is better

>implying Krita is better than Gimp

Gnome 3 on Wayland.

That really is nice. Sucks for me they changed the aesthetic in 10.10, and my laptop's firmware won't let me install anything lower than it.


>summer Sup Forums

I'm old too an use gnome shell yhe best DE

install 10.9 as a hackintosh?