>tfw trucker
>tfw will be automated and unemployed in a few years
Is 30 too late to become a programmer? If my IQ is sub-120 will I have to become a web developer instead?
>tfw trucker
>tfw will be automated and unemployed in a few years
Is 30 too late to become a programmer? If my IQ is sub-120 will I have to become a web developer instead?
>tfw programmer
>tfw will be automated and unemployed in a few years
Is 30 too late to become an engineer? If my IQ is sub-140 will I have to become an IT monkey instead?
>tfw engineer
>tfw will be automated and unemployed in a few years
Is 30 too late to become a mathematician? If my IQ is sub-160 will I have to become an accountant instead?
>tfw Sup Forums shitposter
>tfw will be automated and unemployed in a few years
>Is 30 too late to become a shill? If my IQ is sub-180 will I have to become a ad bot instead?
>tfw mathematician
>tfw will be automated and unemployed in a few years
Is 30 too late to become a theoretical physicist? If my IQ is sub-180 will I have to become a physics teacher instead?
No, trucking and delivery will not be automated, probably not in our lifetime.
>who will keep people from stealing shipments?
>who will unload deliveries to custom locations?
>roads in all states are god awful, a truck will drive them perfectly by themselves?
>liability is one of the biggest issues freight faces, avg of weight of load is 80,000 to 300,000 lbs flying down the road unmannded, no liability.
>because of above totally uninsurable
>hundreds of other reasons
lmao no way trucking will be automated, not in our lifetime like this guy said. even if it somehow becomes, there will be drivers needed in frozen canada or some dangerous shitholes.
Any profitable job requiring creative application of knowledge will last for at least a few more decades. don't skip your final exams, guys...
By the time that happens you'll be retired bud. It may never really happen in all likelyhood, DOT will probably always require a motor operator even once automation is prefected. CDL is one of the few safe occupations that has steady growth.
OP, in california over $1 million in goods get stolen every year from shipping yards via big rigs, automation will probably make that number jump to $100million, i don't think you have to worry about loosing your just just yet
>CDL is one of the few safe occupations that has steady growth.
Somehow I doubt this one.
>is in an industry that's going to be replaced by machines in a few years
>wants to get into an industry that's going to be replaced by Indians and Chinese in a few years
>who will keep people from stealing shipments?
long distance: locked containers
last mile: fedex and UPS drivers leave packages at doors already for most things
>who will unload deliveries to custom locations?
>roads in all states are god awful, a truck will drive them perfectly by themselves?
better than human drivers half the time just by virtue of robots never being drowsy drivers.
>liability is one of the biggest issues freight faces, avg of weight of load is 80,000 to 300,000 lbs flying down the road unmannded, no liability.
not a technical issue, solely a legal one. Some insurance company will probably sell coverage for it for the maker and operator of the self-driving trucks.
>because of above totally uninsurable
only until some big carrier says to some state "clarify the liability thing or we'll build our distribution center somewhere else that will"
All it'll take is one truck driver falling asleep at the wheel and killing a telegenic family for states and trucking companies to all get behind self-driving for safety reasons.
Haul logs like I do. They cant automate that anytime soon.
>tfw NEET with several years of software development experience but disabling social issues
>tfw Normie "dudebro" coworkers
Why are Normies allowed to become software devs? I never had an issue with robot coworkers
And the only industry that has a 90%+ turnover rate. It's a shit job.
It's never too late to learn how to program
Get a girlfriend and stop spending too much time at your computer you faggot.
Med school is your only option if you don't want to be automated in 10 years. Even then you'll have to be careful about what specialty you choose because half of them will be automated soon (radiology, pathology, infectious disease, anaesthesiology, oncology, etc).
>implying fucking AI won't substitute those
There are automated semis on the road as we speak. This isn't a "in 20 years" or even "in 5 year" thing. It's happening right now.
it *can* be automated right now. It's just more expensive to build the machine to do it than it is to pay you to do it. Automation only ever gets cheaper though, and workers only get more expensive.
>Machines learn self-computation
>Programmers, the last survivors of mankind are now rounded up for extermination
>at least we lived longer than those suckers right!
Fortunately getting a girlfriend has not turned me into a frat bro douchebag brogrammer.
The worst part is they're often mediocre at their job.
Open up the classifieds, faggot. National driver shortage currently ongoing, and will only get worse with all the old timers retiring.
>tfw police officer
>tfw will be cucked by SJWs and unemployed in a few years
Is 13 too late to become a laywer? If my IQ is sub 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 will I have to become a detective instead?
>will be automated
Isn't there autocruise for like 20 years now?
You meme but Cuckifornia almost accidentally disarmed every police officer in the state in a fit of gun grabbing idiocy.
NO fucking way a truck can go in the woods and get loaded through automation.
what anime are you quoting?
if you are willing to put time into it it's never too late
hell, there is 90 something woman in japan that got a college degree recently
ten years ago they said there was no way a computer would ever be able to drive a car on city streets on its own. Ten years ago they said that computers might beat grandmasters at chess, but never ever at go. Ten years ago saying something to a computer and having it interpret it correctly and reply to you was something that only happened on Star Trek, now your phone does it.
You really gonna bet your livelihood on the proposition that picking up long, somewhat irregularly-shaped objects, dropping them into a truck, and driving along a dirt road is a problem that computers won't ever be able to do, at least not for 30 years or so?
>tfw web developer with IT related course but not CS and constantly hearing insults like these for us
>tfw I'm wasting my IQ points on CRUD apps
Is 22 too late to become something better than this?
Milky Holmes.
The girl in the picture has a recurring joke where she claims her IQ is ridiculously and increasingly high, until she says something like she has a "10000000000000000000000000000000" IQ.
where we are going, we won't need programmers
Because they can communicate.
>Is 22 too late to become something better than this?
Fuck you